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Trying to use ea launcher keeps crashing or games not booting

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 01:07

Hey I’m trying to get need for speed unbound installed it let me install the game but now refuses to even try and boot the game or the ea launcher will crash out when opening giving me the error ex-10701 Pc specs Xeon E5-2667v4 Gtx 1080 24gb ddr4 2133

submitted by /u/MagoNegro405
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Secondary Steam HDD File System

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 00:11

I want to use my internal 3.5" 4TB 7200 HDD backup drive for both Windows and Linux (No OS is installed on this drive), something I can install games on that don't benefit from a fast NVME/SSD along with other files that can be shared between Windows and Linux and I can connect GOG and Steam to on both OS.

It's currently NTFS, which I found works for native Linux games but doesn't work for anything that require Proton/Wine, and I am not going to play around with FSTAB like the Valve Proton Github says, as I borked my system twice when I last tried, I am too green for FSTAB.

So I thought of 3 options.

  1. Split the drive into 2 partitions, one BTRFS the other NTFS
  2. Make the drive BTRFS and install WinBTRFS which most posts I read say can corrupt data. I can also install WinBTRFS for option 1 also.
  3. I can make the drive EXFAT. I feel this is the best option.

But I have found no information online if EXFAT is a viable option for a internal 7200rpm drive. I read the read/write is slower than other FS but it's used for External Drives which I find to be reasonably fast. So will it slow down this drive? It gets around 150MB/S average and peaks around 180MB/S. As for security, it's just going to be a place to store Games, ROMs, MODs and other fun things, so I am not too worried about that?

What do you all think of this option? Is it going to bottleneck my HDD too much? Is it a good option at all?

submitted by /u/Dr_Cthulhu_X86
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Steam Big Picture is really slow

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 00:01

Steam in desktop mode runs just fine. However, when I enter big picture mode the UI is very laggy and seems to maybe run at like 10 fps. I don't know what happened but I do remember steam big picture running smoothly in the past.

System Specs:

  • Pop OS 22.04
  • Kernel Version 6.8.0
  • Mesa Version 24.0.8 (kisak PPA)
  • AMD 7900 XTX GPU
  • AMD 5950x CPU
  • using Wayland (but X11 is also really laggy)
  • Steam is installed locally (not using a flatpak)

These steam settings are enabled in the Interface section:

  • Enable smooth scrolling in web views
  • Enable GPU accelerated rendering in web views
  • Enable hardware video decoding, if supported

I've tried running Steam stable branch as well as Steam Beta Update and both versions behave similarly.

Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

submitted by /u/curse4444
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MangoHUD 0.7.2

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 23:53

  • time now has a label (you can remove this label with time_no_label)
  • Wayland keybinds have been added
  • rewritten exec function to have a persistent shell. Should reduce frametime spikes when using exec
  • exec is now right aligned to conform with every other item
  • meson options with_x11 and with_wayland actually have a purpose now
  • added Pop!_OS and SteamOS to build script
  • added a mutex for config to prevent some crashes when accessing config at the same time as reloading
  • winesync and refresh_rate have been changed to small font
  • added more stats to log summary
  • stop using intel_gpu_top, as it was causing too many issues. We can still get GPU load but the rest we'll have to wait for to be exposed in sysfs
  • frametime color wasn't being correctly inherited, the user was not able to change it's color
  • fixed a crash when pressing Shift_R + F9
  • config options now correctly override preset options
  • fixed RPM and % being incorrectly assigned for GPU fan speeds
  • graphs had incorrect padding at start of graphs
  • fixed a crash when reloading the config while logging
  • check that cpu input gives a non-zero value
  • fixed minecraft-launcher crashing
  • graphs had incorrect padding leading to a smaller graph
  • fixed a build issue where some meson options would exclude opengl files incorrectly
  • fixed presets not working with MANGOHUD_CONFIG env
  • time_no_label removes the label before time
  • network shows the throughput in kb/s for all interfaces or a specified list of interfaces e.g network=eth0,wlo1
submitted by /u/xtremeLinux
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i cant get proton to work with gta v

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 23:47

every time i try to open the game it just says to reinstall the game which i did 3 times

submitted by /u/Agitated-Moose-404
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Any idea for this? The game just crashes!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 22:47

i try wayland now

  • OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
  • Host: A15 1.0
  • Kernel: 6.6.30-2-MANJARO
  • DE: Plasma 6.0.4
  • WM: kwin
  • Theme: GnuChanOS_Theme [GTK2/3]
  • Icons: GnuChanOS-icons [GTK2/3]
  • CPU: Intel i3-2350M (4) @ 2.300GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M
  • GPU: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family

i try this in steam

LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib32/" primusrun bash -c 'export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib32/"; unset LD_PRELOAD; /home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=9480 -- /home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper -- /home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Saints Row 2/./saintsrow2'

error log

  • *** BREAKPAD CRASH ***
  • ERROR: object '/home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
  • ERROR: object '/home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
  • pid 30901 != 30840, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)
  • ERROR: object '/home/archkubi/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
  • Handling crash report for AppID: com.volition.saintsrow2
  • Loaded libcurl:
  • libcurl version: libcurl/8.7.1 OpenSSL/3.3.0 zlib/1.3.1 brotli/1.1.0 zstd/1.5.5 libidn2/2.3.7 libpsl/0.21.5 libssh2/1.11.0 nghttp2/1.61.0 nghttp3/1.2.0
  • Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
submitted by /u/archkubiyt
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Dual Boot Tiny11 and Garuda

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 22:24

Hey everyone, I am considering adding a super small partition of Tiny11 to just play roblox on it with my family. Since I have an Nvidia GPU waydroid does not run well for me so I considered running a small install of tiny11 maybe like a 20 gig at most partition on my root drive just for this. Will this give me any type of problems? and how should I go about it.

Thanks for any help and your time.

submitted by /u/Eternal-Raider
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How to install steam on Debian?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 22:18

I'm way too underexperienced to set up debian after the person who helped me had to leave but I'm trying anyway.

This time I'm struggling with installing steam. I tried following several tutorials but they all end at this error message in the image. When I run steam, it complains that it doesn't have the permissions but it's not happy with my user permissions and I cannot execute steam as root. What do?

submitted by /u/N1chl
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pdh.dll fails to install with Winetricks

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 22:15


I've been trying to set up XDefiant, but it keeps on crashing when entering a lobby. After a quick search, I found that I needed to install pdh.dll, however it first gives me this message when I try to install:

Checksum for /home/person/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe did not match, retrying download

After I click "OK", it gives me this message:

SHA256 mismatch!


Downloaded: b15b13ff1d4c2eb07723c208a4546cf24911ea80a9799e6969ea727b2866e2e3

Expected: e5449839955a22fc4dd596291aff1433b998f9797e1c784232226aba1f8abd97

This is often the result of an updated package such as vcrun2019.

If you are willing to accept the risk, you can bypass this check.

Alternatively, you may use the --force option to ignore this check entirely.

Continue anyway?

When I click "yes", it finally gives me this message:

Note: command cabextract -q -d /home/person/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp -L -F x86_microsoft-windows-p..rastructureconsumer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_b5e3f88a8eb425e8/pdh.dll /home/person/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe returned status 1. Aborting.

Any help would be appreciated! I am using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.

submitted by /u/Accurate-Strike-6771
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what should i know before using an out of date nvidia gpu that has no more drivers

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 21:20

i recently got an old pc and the gpu is old old and i dont think i will be able to install drivers to play games. it works on windows but i am not too sure about linux.

submitted by /u/RelativeOpinion1247
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XDefiant Crashing After About 5 Minutes

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:45

I followed this guide to get XDefiant up and running: Guide to make XDefiant work without issues (no crashes, unlimited FPS). I am using Lutris to run the game. I am using wineGE-8-26-x86_64 to run the game as well.

The game runs great for about 5 minutes then crashes out of nowhere. I have not actually joined a match for testing. Instead I've just been running around in the practice zone. I'll notice like a huge stutter then after about 15 or 20 seconds it just crashes out of nowhere.

I copied my Battleye Runtimes from Steam to Lutris, got the pdh.dll using winetricks, and did the DXVK_CONFIG environmental variable.

Distro is Fedora 40 Workstation (GNOME). Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/iloveboobs214
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Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:36

how can starbound (game) gog version cracked be played with steam legal version on linux with VLAN like haguichi or zerotier without crashing and freezing through via ip and when multiplayer via steam/discord is grey uncheck also steam guy cant even play it on steam because its crashing on ubuntu 2024 version (sorry for bad english writing this on late night)

submitted by /u/SussyBalls_420
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Empires (free, steampunk themed FPS/RTS incl. vehicles) v2.37.0 released

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:21

Release notes:

Link to a discord:

Empires is a Source mod that works fine with Linux and has been around for almost twenty years. Matches are usually held on Saturday and Sunday.

submitted by /u/CptJezal
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CS2 VAC problem

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:20

Hello guys, I'm new on linux, since a few days valve says that "VAC was unable to verify your game session". I have tried removing steam, deleting all files from home folder that are related to steam, uninstalling the game and reinstalling but nothing worked. It's really weird cause I have played until this error. What can I do?

Currently I'm on ubuntu 24.04 LTS and steam is installed with .deb from the official website, playing natively without proton, as I said I have played cs2 before but after one update it no longer worked.

Could it be gnome tweaks? is the only thing that I installed the day I updated the game, thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Radeontech
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Vr for Linux

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:16

Hey, I play a lot of dcs on opensuse tw and was wondering about vr The valve index has listed Linux support, but I live in a place where valve hasn't released it, so I would have to buy form people on eBay and that is way more expensive. Are there any other alternatives that work on Linux no meta products I don't like Facebook spying and dont want to buy a meta quest. Is it easier to get head tracking/track ir working?

submitted by /u/Privacy_hunter
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XDefiant freezes on load screen

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 20:11

I am having problems running this game. I have read posts of people running it through various tweaks and steps, but none of them seems to fix the problem that I am having. I have tried running the ubisoft launcher and so the game through bottles, lutris and heroic, trying all the tweaks adviced by posts of this subreddit like disabling Esync, installing pdh.dll and setting the DXVK_CONFIG env variable and also trying different versions of proton and wine but to no avail.
basically, the ubisoft launcher works just fine and launches the game that is able to get to the loading screen no problem, then when it hits 100% it just freezes, even though you can still hear the music play; I was told in a comment where I explained the problem that it was a bug and letting the game load while tabbed out should do the trick and it does, but it then just crashes a bit after i tab back in while matchmacking or when the match starts.
The only thing I found to make a difference is enabling gamescope, which solves this bug but then straight up crashes the game ~5 minutes after it launches; also when launching with gamescope I get this error in the image twice before the game launches

error with gamescope

by the way I am using an nvidia card with 550 drivers and I'm on wayland

submitted by /u/Qree_s
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I wish virtual machines weren't so difficult to make gaming work. Wish there was an out of the box distro or app that works as good as bare metal that wasn't difficult to configure.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 19:57

My specs are Nvidia GeForce 3060 i7 13th Gen i7 32GB ram 1 TB laptop

generally all i do is gaming and I haven't had any problems running anything except virtual machines, whether it's hyper v on windows or linux kvm it just works bad for me.

I don't do anything but game on my system, that and browsing.

I installed linux mint and for the past 2 days nonstop spent the entire 2 days without unnecessary breaks just to give up and uninstall them.

All I wanted was a virtual machine that runs properly but after struggling I gave up.

I did everything imaginable but I must be stupid because even after doing vfio it still ran like crap. This is what keeps me on windows cause it's easy and already preconfigured to use. But I wish there was something fast and preconfigured for linux too.

I can't entirely switch over to linux because r/nucleuscoop is on windows only and vm didn't work for me.

Maybe one day I'll just like raise enough money to build a pc that's too strong to get that working or maybe one day I'll figure out this magic solution that these youtubers claim to have where their virtual machines run perfectly because it doesn't even feel real at this point.. I've generally thought my specs were good because it runs every game fast performance natively but maybe they're not good enough for virtualization.

submitted by /u/Intelligent_Claim204
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Messed up Xorg

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 19:52

I tried to run CS2 in 4:3, full screen with default NVIDIA settings, and somehow I broke my Xorg server. Currently my main 144hz monitor does not work on X11. When looking at NVIDIA settings my main monitor pops up for a few seconds, then disappears. Here is most of the /var/log/Xorg.0.log. Wayland runs fine.

My system:
Arco Linux
NVIDIA Driver Version:550.78
RTX 3060ti
AMD Ryzen 7 2700x

submitted by /u/SodaKarate
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Steam's Open World Survival Crafting Fest is live now

Gaming on Linux - 27. Mai 2024 - 19:50
The Steam Open World Survival Crafting Fest is live now showing off demos, discounts, upcoming games and much more in another event that will swallow up your time.
