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WineGUI is good ?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 02:19

Guys, I'm thinking about migrating my entire Bottles library to winegui, I only use wine for games, but I'm having a lot of problems with bspwm because when opening a game the screen blinks, blinks, I turn the window to tiled and return it to fullscreen However, it often doesn't work. I've thought about creating a virtual desktop but it freezes when opening. I did a test on Warcraft 3 in wineGUI and it was like a glove, I clicked and it opened and I didn't have to touch the windows like in Bottles. My question is, is this migration worth doing?

submitted by /u/ark-import00289
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I just realized that Linux gaming will always be held back until anti-cheat gets ported to Linux.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 01:27

So right now, some developers have made it so that their anti-cheat no longer flags Linux users as cheaters. However, the anti-cheat itself isn't actually doing anything and would need significant changes to actually work on Linux due to the differences in how things are displayed and the like. Right now, that's okay because the amount of people using Linux is insignificant, but if it ever gains a significant portion of market share, then it won't be good enough.

Then EA Antacheat, Vanguard, and maybe even Fortnite's Antacheat will actually get ported to Linux.

I know, I know, a lot of you don't care for that kind of stuff, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that the games people want to play actually work, regardless of how abusive you believe them to be.

submitted by /u/Indolent_Bard
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Simply Getting PinballFX to Work

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 01:00

OK, please help me out here, because it's driving me crazy. - I've been spending dozens of hours simply trying to get PinballFX (and even 3) to work stably, if at all, on a dedicated pinball-PC I've built. - I'll explain some of the details of the hardware/software and things I've tried:

First of all, the reason I thought it would work out is because my main PC pretty much runs anything, which is a B450-chipset with a Ryzen 5600 and Radeon-GPU, and as a wise man once said "It just works!".

I had some parts lying around, such as the Ryzen 2600, which used to be in my main computer, and a Vega 56, for which I got another B450, some decent memory and a drive, and that made a nice (let's call it) pinball-PC.

However, while on my main PC I can just blast through the tables in PinballFX, load them sporadically and play them endlessly, on the pinball-PC, it was like a 1 out of 3 chance it would even load a table (so more likely to crash as soon as attempting to load one), let alone keeping one running, which sometimes it would and other times it would struggle to keep running. - This was also on a few specific versions of Proton that only worked somewhat. And again, all the while there was and is no issue on my main PC.

OK, so the only thing I could figure was that perhaps the Vega 56 is just a quirky GPU, a bit on the old side, and it wasn't playing nice with Linux or the game (or Unreal Engine). - So I decided to get a newer card that was similar (but slightly better in most aspects) and that would be the Arc 580. - I simply swapped out the cards, but unfortunately the Linux-distro would not recognize it automatically, as it turns out that Zorin is still on Ubuntu 22, and as I understand it the Arc-drivers are only built in from 23 and onward. So I had to do it manually following the instructions on Intel's website, but that didn't take on Zorin nor Mint.

Alright, so I decided to wipe the drive and go with Ubuntu Budgie, which is already on Ubuntu 24, so that would have Arc-drivers included. And sure enough, it worked immediately. - Surely it would just run PinballFX now, right? - No... Silly me. How dare I follow logic. - It does even less now, with only Proton Experimental launching it (the others giving the "fatal error" from Unreal), but not one table loading even one time.

For context, that main PC runs Pop!_OS, which is currently still at Ubuntu 22. So the newer underlying Ubuntu-version in Budgie doesn't help, a newer GPU (it's from October '23 and had loads of driver updates) doesn't help, I've tried updating the BIOS to one of this year which didn't help. I've also tried Lutris for extra options, but it won't do much either (not even launch the game). - So the only thing that's mostly different then is the distro, but even if trying Pop!_OS would work, what would be different about that distro that makes everything just work (at least on my main PC)?

The only thing I know to do is, as said, try Pop!_OS as on my main computer, or try something more cutting-edge like Manjaro or something. But beyond that, I'm at a loss and extremely frustrated with this huge discrepancy between two fairly similar systems. - So if anyone has any idea as to what it takes to make this game (or Unreal Engine?) run, and stably at that, OR how I could troubleshoot this further, I'd like to hear it. - Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/MicHaeL_MonStaR
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Multiversus poor performance on low-end laptop

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 00:53

I tried to run Multiversus on Proton today and it opened, but the performance was definitly subpar. The game is in general playable but for some reason the characters in game just do not render except in the menu where they do render for some reason.

I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on an Intel i7-7500U (Intel HD 620 graphics) and on a Radeon R7 445M

submitted by /u/PudimNinja21
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Should my games run this bad?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 00:42

These are my specs:

System Details Report Report details
  • Date generated: 2024-05-28 23:41:39
Hardware Information:
  • Hardware Model: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd MS-7C02
  • Memory: 32.0 GiB
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 5 3400G with Radeon™ Vega Graphics × 8
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon™ RX 6800 XT
  • Disk Capacity: 6.6 TB
Software Information:
  • Firmware Version: 3.50
  • OS Name: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
  • OS Build: (null)
  • OS Type: 64-bit
  • GNOME Version: 46
  • Windowing System: Wayland
  • Kernel Version: Linux 6.8.0-31-generic

I'm trying to play games like Red Dead 2 and ARMA and I get almost nothing about 40-50fps no matter what I do.

What am I doing wrong? Is this right?

submitted by /u/DSMcGuire
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Sons of the Forest odd performance on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 00:18

I have been gaming on Linux for the past six months. I've had no issues playing new AAA titles like Baldur's Gate 3 etc. but Sons of the Forest is behaving very weird on both of my systems. Both system are running Endeavour OS. System number 1 is an NVIDIA setup with RTX 3070 and Intel i9 8 core CPU. System number 2 is an older AMD setup with an RX580 and Ryzen 5 3600. My experience is as follows:

  • On both systems, game runs quite badly. Changing graphic settings has minimal effect. (Changing from Ultra setting to Ultra low settings only warrants about 10 fps)
  • Changing resolution has no effect either. Be it 1080p or 480p, fps stays the same.
  • Changing Proton version, old, new, experimental, GE, no change
  • On AMD system I can force the game to run on DX12 but not on NVIDIA system, but changing DirectX versions does not improve nothing.
  • On AMD system I have dual boot, the game runs at 15fps on high settings (with gamemode run on) on EOS. The game runs at 50fps on same settings on Windows 10.

-While the NVIDIA/Intel system has more powerful hardware, the game runs at 85fps max no matter what settings I run it on.

The Sons of the Forest is an unity engine game. For the AMD system I can tell something is very wrong as this is the first game that runs this badly on it while on Linux. While on Windows 10 changing graphical settings affects FPS greatly, changing graphical settings on EOS has no effect at all.

Same on NVIDIA, while it runs with more FPS, changing graphical settings also doesn't effect FPS.

Does anyone know what could be the reason?

submitted by /u/Mr_Corner_79
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Ubuntu kernel upgrading is pretty good!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 29. Mai 2024 - 00:13

I've been upgrading the 24.04 kernel from 6.8 to 6.9, 6.9.1, and 6.9.2 over the past few days and I have to say, everything runs very well. I haven't had any issues doing normal tasks like gaming or surfing the web or using Libre Office.

It took me a while to lean how to sign the kernels using MOK, since I want to keep using Secure boot and UEFI.

submitted by /u/One_Honeydew_4913
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Nvidia GPU driver issue

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 23:15

Hey, I recently switched to linux and decided to go for Manjaro cinnamon by dual booting. I installed Minecraft but when i launched it, it was using my onboard gpu, not the dedicated one. I have a Intel+Nvidia(geforce 710m) laptop. I messed around a bit with gpu drivers and tested them with nvidia-smi to find out if they are working or not. video-nvidia-390xx driver was working so i rebooted and after that i was stuck with a black screen and a "_" in top left. then i uninstalled driver by using ctrl+alt+f2 menu and after a reboot Manjaro is working fine but i still don't have a driver. How can i fix the black screen with video-nvidia-390xx driver?

submitted by /u/ItsGlucose-
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Steam don't launch from external drive unless drive is remounted

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 22:04

I have an issue with my games not launching after rebooting, and found the issue is due to a weird thing with my external drive needing to be unmounted and remounted in order to launch the game. This seems silly, but would anyone know why this happen?

External drive: EXT4

OS: Arch

Steam: native arch build, but same behavior on flatpak

My fstab for this drive looks like:
/dev/sdc1 /games ext4 users 0 0

submitted by /u/EmptyBrook
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Can't seem to make side button work(G102)

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 21:21

I'm using KDE Plasma 6.x wayland on archlinux and playing Stardew Valley. Issue is I can't seem to bind the side buttons of my Logitech Lightsync G102 mouse in the game, it's as if the buttons don't exist to the game at all.

Piper detects the buttons fine and has forward and backward set for both, and it works in browser too.

How do i fix this?

submitted by /u/I_M_Atomic
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l4d2 wont launch

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 21:04

it say running for 2 minute then crash i have no mods reinstalled game no launch option

distro :Arch Linux x86_64

kernel: 6.9.1-zen1-2-zen

wm: dwl

submitted by /u/mr2meowsGaming
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bazzite vs nobara

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 20:17

im currently using nobara but i recently learned about bazzite, should i switch and if so how

submitted by /u/DealItchy8257
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Easier to run games through steam, or install via wine and just launch through steam?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 20:02

I’ve seen great use of proton and how it can handle launching games, but I have personally run into some issues in games. I’ve also read about some people installing the games via wine then using steam solely as a launcher. Is either a better compatibility use than the other?

submitted by /u/macnteej
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NEODUEL: Backpack Monsters blends an inventory PvP auto-battler with a monster-fusing twist

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 19:57
Inventory management games are becoming another popular thing at the moment. We've had all those survivor-like bullet-heaven games and now another genre is springing to life. NEODUEL: Backpack Monsters looks like a sweet spin on the idea.

Goverlay won't open on linux mint 21.3.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 19:50

I installed mangohud and goverlay through the terminal.

submitted by /u/KFCBUCKETS9000
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Zelda 64: Recompiled, the Majora's Mask PC port v1.1 brings various upgrades

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 19:38
Zelda 64: Recompiled was pretty interesting news recently, a PC port of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask using the new N64: Recompiled tool and now a fresh update is out to improve it further.

Developing a game on Linux with no budget and (mostly) FOSS tools.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 19:19

I've been developing Year Unknown for ~3 years at this point. While I originally started development on Windows with Unity, I've since switched entirely to Linux, and moved development to Godot. I'm a solo developer and have a budget of pretty much $0 (other than store fees), so I use FOSS tools almost exclusively (Godot, Blender, GIMP, Inkscape, etc.). The only exception is Reaper, which is my DAW of choice.

Trailer for Year Unknown

The game itself is a narrative-driven exploration game set in the very far future, where humanity has found a way to make the universe last forever. The game’s story covers a lot of existential issues that come from the premise, revealed through two characters you can talk to through terminals.

I know there’s other developers who have done the same, but I thought I’d share my experience. Feel free to ask any questions about my process or setup, I'd love to help anyone who's trying to do something similar! (And if the game is interesting to you, a wishlist would be very appreciated!)

submitted by /u/sockman_but_real
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