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games recommendation

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 11:57

hi guys,
i have to leave home for like 5 months or so and i only have this laptop can you give me some good games i can to play in it besides (stardew valley, terraria)...

submitted by /u/HauntingEducation955
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No leaving a Steam account in a will after you die according to Valve

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 11:15
Doing the rounds right now is a post from Valve's Steam support, when a user asked about what would happen to their Steam account when they died and it's not great news for anyone hoping to pass on your Steam account.

How is 7900xtx doing on linux gaming?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 10:26

As much as I want to like AMD card as a hard core linux user, I honestly have had much better gaming experience with NVIDIA than AMD cards in the past decades of gaming on linux. My last 6750XT had encountered a bug left unfixed for months (that crashes the whole system under heavy load if not manually setting a power limit) before I upgraded to the current 4080 super, which has been running solid.

However I'm looking to replace the 4080 super with a 7900xtx card, primarily because its 24GB of VRAM is really sweet for local large language models I have been playing with lately, but I'm dreading the subpar gaming performance I may face again. I wonder if AMD has pushed new drivers for their newer cards.

Games I play include CS2, AOE4, and some other random 3A titles.

submitted by /u/counting6
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TSX support on Ubuntu - RPCS3

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 10:17

Hey guys, I've been running Arch for awhile and games run amazing on it, but I've wanted to move on from Arch recently. With Arch, I had TSX support and better performance, but on every other distro(Debian 12, Fedora 40, Ubuntu 24, etc) I've had noticeably worse performance and no TSX support. The only notable difference that I can tell is the lack of TSX support, so I'm assuming that's why there is a performance difference between Arch and other distros.

Is there anyway to implement TSX support on Ubuntu or get Ubuntu performing as well as Arch?

submitted by /u/press-f-for-respect
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Wanting to setup surface pro 3 as a Linux gaming tablet

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 09:06

Hi All,

Been gifted a surface pro 3 which works nicely as is but I'd like to set it up as a basic gaming tablet with steam and possible other gaming apps for nostalgia. I will probably play some games connected to my 65" TV.

What are peoples opinions on the most suitable OS here between Chimera, Garuda, Bazzite and Nobara?

Also what are peoples opinions on decent controllers?

submitted by /u/wraithy2k
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Ghost of Tsushima : Haptics and HDR

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 08:54

Hi everyone,

I encounter some issues with GoT.

Did anyone manage to have DualSense haptic feedback working ? Only the adaptative triggers seems to work for me.

I also have an issue with HDR. Colors are all wrong, for example the text is literally yellow :D

I tried Wine-GE, Proton-GE and Proton Experimental

submitted by /u/Pierrinator33
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installing chrome browser on my linux fedora distro / beginner

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 08:38

So I got chromium on my distro it's working well but I would like to get chrome instead to play cloud gaming (xbox cloud and luna gaming amazon) As I got both account.

So I downloaded a fedora version of chrome online. I know i got the chrome version in my distro in the app library (flatpak??).

I downloaded the files and extracted them in my personal folder but I have no clue where is the exe.

If I dont say shi# i know appimage file are the equivalence of exe on linux. ( i am not sure).

I did not found any appimage file in the folder. can sombody help me out on this. thanks

submitted by /u/Money-Ad-9003
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Will bazzite serve as a gaming + work system?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 07:23

Hi guys,

Pondering a switch or dual boot set up to bazzite or chimera for both gaming and work but have a few q's:

1 - For my work I need Zoom and Slack - i can see native linux apps so assuming this will be fine?

2 - I need firefox or chrome to access gmail and google calendar, assuming this is good to go

3 - I need Google drive to access company folders and docs - understand web browser can do this but it will reduce productivity when you need to just rename files, copy, paste jump between folders etc. Can google drive work just like in windows using something like insync?

4 - Microsoft office - again web browser 365 sub can get this done, but desktop version imo saves time and boosts productivity. any user friendly/easy way to run office in linux or bazzite? I am thinking that if google drive can work natively via insync or something i can accept the compromise of using office via web browser

My last question is if i experiment via dual boot right now, how easy is it to remove the windows partition/delete and have linux take over the whole ssd?

Thanks for any help, total noob here tired of microsoft and just keen to see if this will work for me

submitted by /u/stoyo889
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Dual Senses works fine with other games but have problems with games with dual senses full support?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 06:34

In other games that its xinput he works normally and rumble. But when i played death stranding in Steam he dosent work the haptic feedback just triggers. I played a lot Death Stranding on windows so i missing a lot of features, i losing some dependencie to install to make he fully work?

submitted by /u/PsychologicalHunt917
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NVidia drivers - which should I use?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 06:25

Recently bought a 2TB M.2 to load up and play around in Linux as I'm not happy with recent additions to Windows, and it's direction in general. Love the way my Steam Deck looks and feels so I picked Kubuntu to start out with, and booted up a couple games.

I have an Nvidia GPU (3080Ti if at all relevant), and I'm having a hard time getting Guild Wars 2 (~60FPS down from around 120) and Baldur's Gate 3 (~40FPS down from 80) to run close to what I'd expect in Windows. I always heard bad things about NVidia drivers in Linux, so I'm wondering if that is the issue. I also notice annoying slowdowns when using the Steam client and launching a game in general, and it all doesn't seem normal. I've been using the proprietary driver v535. Is there an alternative that is much better? Looking to enjoy Linux but I don't want to sacrifice much performance here.

submitted by /u/Ornil_Lendarin
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Mod Organizer 2 (Steam Tinker Launch) using wrong audio device when I play from MO 2

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 06:10

I installed Steam Tinker Launch and Mod Organizer 2 for Fallout NV. All works well, until I try to launch the game from within Mod Organizer 2 when the audio decides to play through my speakers instead of headphones (default device).

When launching the game normally (not through MO2) then audio works as expected. I have tried to disable the other device, and it still occurs. Please help.

submitted by /u/signedchar
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PS5 controllers on Ubuntu 22.04 Unusable

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 05:11

Just an FYI that PS5 dualsense controllers on Ubuntu 22.04 aren’t usable in Steam with current hid-playstation and kernel under Bluetooth.

You can get yeah to pair, and the pad as mouse function as expected. But everything is too laggy to play and inputs are often missed.

I’m using a tplink nano 5.0 adapter and an open ps5 controller on vanilla 22.04. I have tried all of the steam PlayStation controller support settings.

submitted by /u/After-Jellyfish5094
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The --expose-wayland Gamescope flag is not working. Is it needed or can I use gamescope without it?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 05:08

I'm using wayland with nvidia beta drivers. When I use the --expose-wayland flag I get a blank screen. Games only run if I remove the flag. What exactly does the --expose-wayland flag do and is it even needed? Also since I'm already using wayland, should I even use gamescope? Do I get the same gamescope performance benefits in normal wayland?

One last thing, the --sdr-gamut-wideness flag seems to do nothing now. It used to change the colors, but now I notice no difference. Is this a bug? I should also mention I'm using the kwin-explicit-sync package rather than normal kwin. I don't know if that means anything.

submitted by /u/-kodoku-
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Is the GTX 10 series too old to support VRR with nvidia proprietary driver on linux?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 03:50

It works fine in windows 11 on this card but the option to enable VRR is missing in Kde display settings for my Gsync compatible monitor. Using the "kscreen-doctor --outputs" command says my display is " Vrr: incapable" which I know is false.

I'm using Fedora 40 and plasma 6 under wayland with the 550.78 proprietary drivers using diplay port so it should work unless the card is the issue.

submitted by /u/Shimazu_X
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Hey, the only thing currently stopping me from switching to linux full time is this refresh rate issue I have

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 03:49

All of my steam games run at a super low refresh rate while my desktop runs at what I set both of my 2 monitors to (144Hz) my PC specs are CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800x 16 Core GPU AMD ATI Radeon RX 6900 XT 32 GB DDR4 RAM

submitted by /u/ThatOneGuy9043
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My Experience with CachyOs so far

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 03:45

My specs are:

OS: CachyOS

KERNEL: 6.9.2-2-cachyos

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti


I installed CachyOs yesterday due to fact that it has the Nvidia 555 drivers preinstalled, and because I heard good things about it (it's really fast!)

I've played Battlefront 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Minecraft with Prism Launcher, Hades, and Elden ring. I can say this with ease, this is easily the best experience gaming on Linux that i've had.

However, I will say that I've have had issues with Ghost of Tsushima. Not in performance (it's obviously less then Windows, and I'm using Wayland), but in refresh rate, It says I'm getting over 100 fps, but it looks like the refresh rate is 60 hz (My monitor is 165 and my other monitor is 144hz), other then that, it's been fine.

I've went back and forth with installing distros in the past, only to go back to windows. Now, I can safely say i'm sticking with Linux!

submitted by /u/Independence4547
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Laptop Suggestions

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 03:23

I am looking for a laptop replacement for my existing system.

Razer Blade 16 - 14900HX - 96GB Ram - 4090

Issue I have is above laptop I cannot get Audio to work and also when I try to use proton with gaming on steam I get a flashing screen and weird artifacts. I am thinking it’s due to Razers proprietary implementation.

I wanted to go full AMD as I have seen AMD be more compatible. But I am open to anything really. I just wanted to have a peak performing system but also be thin and light similar to Razer Blade or maybe a Zephyrus G16.

I love the 16:10 screen ratio.

For gaming I mostly do GTA5, and some counter strike. My miniforum V3 has worked great on most Linux OS’s running these.

I looked at the Oryx and some others but wanted to see what everyone here recommended. I wish there was a AMD 8000 series with a 4090 or 7900 out there in the wild but nothing I could find.

Thank you community and the time to read this.

My normal work is running office programs and Linux applications that I have tested.

submitted by /u/emsbas
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Trying to Launch Final Fantasy XI. ProtonDB says it's GOLD/PLATNIUM

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 03:11

Hello All!

I'm currently trying to play Final Fantasy XI through steam. The ProtonDB link for the game: has the status of gold. However, when I run the game, it tells asks me which option I want to start out of:

  1. Play Final Fantasy XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition NA
  2. Launch PlayOnline Config Utility
  3. Launch Final Fantasy XI Config Utility

I pick the first one.

And it displays the CD Keys for my game. Understandable. When I hit close on the CD keys screen, 2 seconds pass and then the "X STOP" Icon in steam turns to "Play" which indicates the game stopped/crashed.

I attempted to follow the steam's troubleshooting guide

to get a log of ProtonDB by adding these launch arguments:

PROTON_LOG=1 %command%

And it said it would put a file prefixed with 'steam' in my home directory.

After doing the process again I didn't find a file like that in my home directory.

So unfortunately I'm not able to post any logs of the issue. Could someone direct me to other way to get diagnostic information?

Background Info.

I'm running ArchLinux x84_64 architexture with Gnome + Wayland if that's relevant.

Thanks for any help :D I'm wanting to get this game working on steam like the others. I imagine there's a simple fix I need to do since ProtonDB still has a gold/platinum score for it

submitted by /u/CloakingPotion
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