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Steam, AMD 5600, experience

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 17:34


To make a long story short, I cannot get Windows based games to work using X, my AMD card and any version of the kernel/mesa. Linux games (Transport Fever 2) work very well. If I use Wayland, everything works well. In all cases, I'm using the provided graphics drivers in the kernel and Proton 9.1.

I have seen other posts with the symptoms I'm getting but I didn't see anyone mentioning which cards. So, if anyone else is struggling and you have an AMD card, try Wayland.

So I've landed on Pop!OS, Wayland and all is well.

submitted by /u/Pop06095
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When will Linux not be so buggy?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 17:15

Regardless of whether I am using stable repos/drivers, Wayland, Xorg, etc., xwayland crashes randomly, things randomly become unresponsive, or exhibit artifacting when dragging or maximizing windows. Hotkeys will randomly stop working, games will randomly tab out during play, and games will randomly crash (native or Proton), games might take a few attempts to start, Steam downloads slower unless fix is implemented, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I am not going anywhere, and part of me enjoys troubleshooting and making stuff work, but another part of me gets annoyed when I just want to play a game with my friends.

submitted by /u/PacketAuditor
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Ubuntu Graphics PPA

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 16:57

Hi everyone!

Anyone know when the 555 nvidia driver is coming to the Ubuntu Graphics PPA?

It's been almost a week and still nothing.

submitted by /u/Hobbe81
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Switched to Wayland now my steam games are at 30fps or lower.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 16:43

Kubuntu 24

X11 works as intended

Rtx 3080 550 drivers (535 same issue)

Games run like garbage but the desktop is working as intended. Dual 144hz monitors.

I've switched back to x11 for now but would like to use Wayland for individual scaling and vrr.

I saw posts that are from 2022 talking about this but it seems to have been/should have been fixed?

submitted by /u/zzonkers
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Linux boots to black screen after installing updating League with Vanguard on Windows installation.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 16:18

I'm curious if anybody has debugged this before. I updated league to play with some friends last night and had to install Vanguard (I know). Now, when I boot linux (NixOS), which is on a separate drive, after logging in at the SDDM screen I boot to a black desktop. Cursor is visible.

The display still works partially: I have discord set to run on startup and the updating popup shows as usual. I can also get to my terminal using my shortcut, and then run firefox where I am typing this now. But anything to do with the display manager (Plasma 6.0) like my background, the taskbar, or the start menu when pressing Windows is black/does not display. I can also tell my refresh rate is a lot lower.

The only changes I made were updating League/installing Vanguard and changing a thermal setting in BIOS (back to a default that NixOS booted just fine with previously.

My plan is to uninstall league from Windows, but I am not sure that will unbork this situation.


submitted by /u/onlymagik
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VRR on Linux Mint

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 15:29

Hello people, i recently switched to Linux Mint and i have problems setting up vrr. I have a 100Hz monitor connected through HDMI to an AMD RX 7600. Im on the latest kernel version. Im sorry if i missed something. Im very new to Linux so a detailed guide would be helpful. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Cream35
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First time with Bazzite.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 14:45

A family member recently upgraded and I bought his old system cheap and I'm looking to install Bazzite on it and find my way around it with a view to it replacing Win 11 on my main gaming PC.

The PC I'm going to install on is an i5 8400, 1070 gpu, and 16GB ram, my main PC is a Ryzen 9 5900x, 3080ti, and 32Gb ram.

I was wondering how much of issue an Nvidia GPU is, and any other pitfalls I might encounter, I wont be dual booting though in the future I might depending if there's some game that I play that wont run on Linux that I must have, though afaik my library looks good for Linux.

Also is ublue worth looking at, it came up when I searched for Bazzite OS to download and it has an Nvidia OS? Or is it still a bit raw for a newbie?

submitted by /u/panic1967
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Darktide LOD Texture Streaming

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 14:25

The last time I tried Darktide on linux the game had a serious texture streaming problem, to the point were the texture won't load. I know the problem exist in windows as well but it's not has bad as it is on linux.

Does anyone know if it's fixed or if there's a way to minimize the problem?


submitted by /u/TuskiDuskiT
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Inspired by immersive RPGs from the 90s Sonar Shock looks great

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 14:23
Sonar Shock looks a bit System Shock-like and that's a great thing, as it was inspired by various immersive RPGs from the 90s.

Warcraft - Orcs & Humans won’t install on Debian 12.5.0

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 14:10

Hello. I installed Debian 12.5.0 on my netbook yesterday and then updated the system, installed snapd, steam and openra and then I was going to install Warcraft - Orcs & Humans and it failed. Some mumbojumbo about timeout or whatever.

I followed these instructions for everything I mentioned.

Why is that? Can someone help me?

submitted by /u/RaccoonSpecific9285
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Did you guys manage to run decently XDefiant on Linux?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:42

I’m currently on Nobara OS with the latest nvidia drivers, using wine-ge 8.26 with wayland and besides flickering, i cant run with stable fps, although my setup is quite old (i5 2500 + 8gb DDR3 + gtx 1050ti) it should be able to handle f* 30fps at least, right?

Currently with gamescope disabled (for some reason if I enable it it won’t launch)

I have followed every reddit post possible, my current settings, in general is - Fsync disabled (the game crashes in the loading screen if enabled) - Esync disabled (for the same reason above) - Nvidia VAPI enabled - DXVK and VK3D enabled - pdh.dll installed - Already passing DXVK_CONFIG env variable

submitted by /u/scoutzzgod
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Launching Lutris Flatpak Games on Steam Flatpak not working

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:33

Hi all,

I installed Linux Mint on my laptop and was able to successfully add a game which is installed via Lutris (Flatpak) to Steam (Flatpak) with the help of the Lutris context menu (some permission were missing but I added them in Flatseal). When I try to launch the Lutris game in Steam Big Picture the game is not launching. When I start it directly in Lutris it is working. I already tried and added the /usr/bin and usr/bin/flatpak permission but still it will not start. Had anybody the same issue?

I installed remobed the Flatpak version of Steam and installed the native Steam Client as well to try it out and there it works fine. I assume must be a missing legacy library or a permission in the Flatpak version. Anybody an idea why it is not working?

Thanks in advance for your help.

submitted by /u/AceDkay
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MangoHud performance monitor v0.7.2 out now

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:33
MangoHud, the performance monitor you can put on top of games on Linux has a brand new release available with new features and fixes. This is the tech that powers the performance overlay on Steam Deck!

Intel Gen 10+ Steam games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:31

Do you have the same Problem when you have (Example: Intel i5-12600k) And the Game start and instantly stops?

The solution inside run options: - OpenSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000 %command%

Enjoy the game again!

submitted by /u/Avdonin_Naomi
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Switch from windows 10 to linux

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:30

I want to fully switch from windows 10 to linux probably mint or Fedora. I occasionally stream but noticed my older el gato hd60 s will not work with Linux. Also some editing software Photoshop, Adobe premiere. Can I just convert current machine to a virtual machine? Or dual boot using 2 different nvme drives? What would be better as I want to stream still and edit things. What is the better solution as I want to daily Linux but on occasions use Windows for streaming and editing. Also I'm able to use 3 monitors different refresh rates? Hardware specs: Intel i7-13700k 32gb ddr5 Nocutua dh cooler 3 x gen 4 nvme 1tb drives 30tb HDD mix lot 3060 12gb variant

submitted by /u/Dark_ant007
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GNOME, Wayland, fractional scaling and gaming: is there a better way to go about it? Gamescope?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:02

Hi! I've been using a Framework Laptop 16 as of recent. For the past few years I have been on GNOME - I find it to be a very nice experience, especially on laptops, and for productivity workloads. The whole dynamic desktop system is great. So I know that moving to KDE would solve this issue, but I want to leave that option for last since I'm perfectly happy working with GNOME. I also remember having a lot of trouble with Plasma, Wayland and my weird monitor layout, another reason why I am hesitant to try again. I also cannot change the "Wayland" variable - my combo of internal 2k monitor, 165 Hz, 175% scaled and external 4k, 60 Hz, 200% scaled, both VRR enabled, both through DisplayPort, makes X11 pretty much a no-go. I would also lose the sweet touchpad gestures.

That has worked well on my Dell Inspiron 5000, with a 15.6" 1080p screen. 100% scaling - large text would do the trick.

Due to this laptop's hidpi screen, I enabled fractional scaling with a scale of 175%. At 200%, UI elements are so big that they get out of the screen and actually bug out - like the "active" white dots in the dash overlap the icons. Everything works nicely as long as it's forced to run in Wayland mode, but XWayland clients run at the gloriously high resolution of 915p.

There are cases where it's desirable - like very heavy games: I am running on the Radeon 780M iGPU, not much of a gamer so it didn't make sense to me to shell out for the Graphics Module - but mostly, I would like to run my lightweight games at native 1600p without having to rever to 100% first. You know, Stardew Valley and Terraria, etc.

I have tried using Gamescope to get around this - it should work in theory, but I am struggling getting it to work. What started this experiment was reading about how Gamescope works - it's a Wayland compositor that can run nested and has its own XWayland instance. In theory, running games in Gamescope's native XWayland instance and then having Gamescope run as a nested Wayland compositor through the Wayland socket should - theoretically - allow me to run the game and XWayland both at native resolution, as it's not using Mutter's scaled XWayland. However, Gamescope still seems to run under XWayland for some reason, as games are still blurry and the max res is still 915p, not to speak of the games that just refuse to launch with it. I'm using everything through Flatpak, from Steam to Mesa to Gamescope. I'm not sure if this is the culprit and moving my gaming stuff outside of the sandbox would help? But it's like 200 GB of disk space that I would need to redownload, so I don't want to do that as a "empty" attempt.

Did anybody with GNOME and Wayland ever solve this issue?

submitted by /u/chic_luke
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Co-op tower defense beat 'em up ChronoDojo adds various Steam Deck improvements

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 13:00
ChronoDojo blends together two genres that I didn't think would work. Putting together tower defense and a beat 'em up sounds a bit odd, but I've seen a lot stranger.

Physics-based roguelite bullet-hell Cosmo Rider improves Steam Deck controls

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 12:47
Cosmo Rider is a bhysics based roguelite bullet-hell-and-heaven horde-survivor action game. Upgrade your spaceship and traverse procedurally generated galaxies in this space survivors game.

UI for sensors recommendations

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 28. Mai 2024 - 12:33

Are there any nice looking UI packages/projects to display cpu/gpu/etc.. data.

Use case: to put on internal monitor.

Lightweights are always a bonus.

thanks in advance

submitted by /u/yeaahnop
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Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine fheroes2 v1.1.0 released

Gaming on Linux - 28. Mai 2024 - 12:33
Dear fans of Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and fheroes2 project supporters! The team is excited to present to you the release of version 1.1.0 - the second major release of the fheroes2 engine! This release features a significant update that we are thrilled to share with you.
