Other News about gaming on Linux

WebView2 Installation error Protontricks

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 20. August 2024 - 01:17

I am trying to install MSWebView2 https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/?form=MA13LH#download but it is erroring when installing.

I googled info and its meant to be installing without issues on the latest Wine/Proton (from 9.2 upwards) however it's not working here despite using the latest Wine-Proton.

I need to install this to get a launcher to run properly.

Any help with this welcome.

submitted by /u/Xav_NZ
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Elden ring crashing on Mint

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 20. August 2024 - 01:11

Running Elden Ring on linux mint steam with Proton 9.0-2. Game takes a minute or two to load and then crashes. Farthest ive gotten before it crashing was the character creation. Any help is greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/SelectAd9116
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UE5 Looping Hangup

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 19. August 2024 - 23:02

I’m trying to use UE5 and I’ve encountered an issue. When I launch UE5 via terminal I get to 95% in about 40seconds and then the UE5 loading screen disappears and the terminal seems to loop. The message below repeats itself every hour or so. I waited about 7 hours yesterday but it never got past it.

[2024.08.19-13.49.17:873][ 58]LogDerivedDataCache: /home/----/.config/Epic/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:00.001 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB and 0 empty folders. Scanned 0 files in 1 folders with total size 0 MiB.

Ubuntu 22.04

Geforce GTX 1070

Nvidia 550.107.02

Quad Core Intel i7-6700K



Does anyone know what I should do to get past this loop? TIA

submitted by /u/LegoMyAlterEgo
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Best team death match game for cheap on Linux

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 19. August 2024 - 21:45

As the title says what's your guys opinion on the best games with team death match for relatively cheap on Linux. Any help or recommendations are appreciated thank you.

submitted by /u/tamale9000
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