Sammlung von Newsfeeds

TUXEDO Stellaris Slim 15 revealed for high performance in a small package

Gaming on Linux - 27. Mai 2024 - 16:58
Another new laptop is on the way with the TUXEDO Stellaris Slim 15, the second revealed in the 6th generation of new Stellaris laptops from TUXEDO.

Free & open source RPG 'Veloren' update compilation - weeks 229 to 232

Gaming on Linux - 27. Mai 2024 - 16:45
This is a compilation series from the last updates provided at the Veloren blog, the free and open source voxel action-adventure RPG.

Windows 10/Nobara dual boot setup. Can I access steam games and windows applications from a 3rd drive?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 16:40

I'm a total linux noob and I a plan to learn with nobara, hence the dual boot setup. my question is can I run my steam games from both windows and linux from a single install or do I need to isntall them twice?

The same thing for windows apps such as Discord. Do I need to install them twice for each operation system?

Do you even recommend this setup for me or should I try something else?

submitted by /u/vNawar
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Good distro if I have recent AMD CPU + GPU?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 16:37

Like many quite recently, I want to finally move away from Windows. I have no interest in the AI stuff they're pushing, and new features like recall seem like a terrible idea. I have been a software engineer for almost 5 years now, but that's been on work-provided MacBooks. At home I've always used Windows. Between MacOS and WIndows, I much prefer how Windows looks / works.

Ideally it would "just work" out of the box. I'm comfortable using the terminal but would prefer if most things were fine straight away. I have also set up a USB drive with Ventoy, but there are so many distro options it feels like there's too much choice! From what I've seen in reviews though, I don't really like how GNOME looks, as to me it seems to be aimed at touchscreens (with big icons in the middle of the screen), at least compared to KDE or Cinnamon.

My PC's specs: 7800x3D, 6950xt, 32GB DDR5

I currently am still using 2 old 1080p displays. I do plan on getting 1 ultrawide sometime soon though to replace these, so good support for that would be ideal. I don't mind having to wait a while for proper HDR and VRR support, as I currently don't know what I'd be missing!

Things I do / need on my PC:

  • Basic web browsing (including watching YouTube, Twitch, etc.). I currently use Firefox

  • Watch TV + Movies using Stremio

  • Play mostly singleplayer games on Steam (I do like to play modded Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas from time to time. I've heard modding can be a pain on Linux, but I may be wrong here)

  • VS code, or a similar IDE like Eclipse

  • A night mode (something like f.lux), as it helps with eye strain

  • I use 1Password, but I could move over to something like Bitwarden though if needed. Having my passwords be available and synced to my Android phone is a must though.

  • I also use FanControl, to turn off my mobo's m.2 fan, and set custom fan curves depending of different component temps.

submitted by /u/PuffinWilliams
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Which Linux Distro is the best for gaming?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 16:20

Im new to linux stuff and i dont know which one i just mostly play roblox nothing else. Sorry if i make something bad about this post im new :'l

submitted by /u/1mbor3dFr
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Is there some viable alternative to kernel level anti cheats?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 15:31

Yep, another post about anti cheats.

Recently I was pondering about the future of Linux gaming and about the possibility of this future to be a bit obscure. Particularly I don't care about competitive games like valorant or Fortnite but in recent times I've been seeing even PvE games using kernel level anti cheats and barring Linux players what concerns me about the possibility of in a near future all games with online features will be using this type of AC, even if it's not necessary.

And I was thinking, if this is the way things are walking, is there something better to counter point it?

I can only think in two alternatives: maybe an AI that can analyse patterns and see who is cheating, like, if a player always achieve perfect headshots there's no way they are a legit player. Or human moderation, real person analysing the gameplay of players who was reported to see if plays in a sus way.

But both of these alternatives are less cheap than simply putting a software on player's computer. So, if game company's will almost always on the more cheap solution, is there's something I'm not thinking? Is there some kind of anti cheat, or even a concept yet on paper, that can do a better work than kernel ACs but at the same price?

submitted by /u/Potyguara_jangadeiro
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EAC not even launching.

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 27. Mai 2024 - 15:15

Whenever I try to launch a Game with EAC (EldenRing, Multiversus) the Game doesn't even get to loading. In Steam it shows thats im playing for a second and then it stops. Doesn't even Show that EAC is loading or failing.

Specs: RTX 3070 with propriatäry Driver(550.48)

Arch bleeding Edge (27.05.2024)



submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Let193
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