
Revhead: Update 42 "Full Steam Ahead" released

Revhead Header
Revhead Update 42 Header

The Update 42 "Full Steam Ahead" for the racing-simulation Revhead is now available for Linux on Steam.

Update #42 - Full Steam Ahead!

Version: 1.7.10115

Dear Revheads!

We are going ahead with full Steam!

The upcoming months will bring many new updates. As our community grows and Revhead arrives to new platforms, we find it important to reach out our users more than ever!

Revhead: Update 38 released

Revhead Header
Revhead Update 38 Header

The Update 38 for the racing-simulation Revhead has been released for Linux on Steam.

Date: 22-03-2023
Version: 1.5.9378

Dear Revheads!

We are starting this year with a new update to improve underground racing. The last update introduced a new Airport, while it was "empty", without any racing. Now we have brought night races in the airfield, in a bit of a special way. it is only available at night with some party feeling.

Revhead: Update 37 released

Revhead Header
Revhead Update 37 Header
Revhead Achievments

The Update 37 for the racing-aimulation Revhead is now available for Linux on Steam.

Update #37 - Achievements

Date: 29-12-2022
Version: 1.5.9265

Dear Revheads!

A long time waited wishes is Achievement. Xmas just passed, New Year is almost here, so what better time to give you this new feature!

Achievements are now available for all Revheads!
