
ScummVM 2.9.0 (Codename "Close Encounters of the 2.9th Kind") released

ScummVM Logo

The release of version 2.9.0 (Codename "Close Encounters of the 2.9th Kind") of ScummVM brings again a lot of game engine updates among other things.

With ScummVM, classic point-and-click adventures (LucasArts, Sierra etc.) and other games can be brought back to life on many systems.

Dec 22, 2024: ScummVM 2.9.0 "Close Encounters of the 2.9th Kind" has landed
Posted by criezy

ScummVM 2.8.1 (Codename "Oh MMy") released

ScummVM Logo

The release of version 2.8.1 (Codename "Oh MMy") of ScummVM brings again a lot of game engine updates.

With ScummVM, classic point-and-click adventures (LucasArts, Sierra etc.) can be brought back to life on many systems.

Mar 31, 2024: Please welcome ScummVM 2.8.1: Oh MMy!
Posted by The ScummVM Team

Oh MMy — a new ScummVM release!

Please welcome the first ScummVM release of the year: ScummVM 2.8.1.

ScummVM 2.6.1 (Codename "Incremental Escapism") released

ScummVM Logo

The release of version 2.6.1 (Codename "Incremental Escapism") of ScummVM brings updates for some game engines.

With ScummVM, classic point-and-click adventure games (LucasArts, Sierra etc.) can be brought back to life on many systems.

Oct 31, 2022: ScummVM 2.6.1 "Incremental Escapism" is here!
Posted by The ScummVM Team

Escapism increases with yet another ScummVM release!

Beyond a Steel Sky: huge patch #7 released, prepared for the Steam Deck

Beyond a Steel Sky Header
Beyond a Steel Sky Screenshot

The huge Patch #7 for the adventure Beyond a Steel Sky has been released for Linux on Steam.

Update #7: New Features: Holo-Brooches, Steam Deck, and Polish

- I hear you cry - "But that's January's basement!"

And right you are! However our love to you all knows no bounds, no limit, and so we crawled out of the winter holidays, past the seasonal sludge that is Late Winter, and did our gosh darn best!

ScummVM 2.5.1 (Codename "Californium") released

ScummVM Logo

The new year 2022 is already off to a good start with the release of version 2.5.1 (Codename "Californium") of ScummVM.

With ScummVM, classic point-and-click adventure games (LucasArts, Sierra etc.) can be brought back to life on many systems.

Jan 2, 2022: New year with Californium(*)

Posted by sev, rootfather

Beyond a Steel Sky: huge patch #6 released, Linux version now Vulkan-only

Beyond a Steel Sky Header
Beyond a Steel Sky Screenshot

The huge patch #6 for the Adventure Beyond a Steel Sky has now been released for Linux on Steam.

PATCH #6: Moving to the latest Unreal Engine - 40% OFF for the next 24 hours!

Before we get started on the Patch & Update notes, we wanted to remind you that it's now less than 24h that you get to grab Beyond A Steel Sky for -40% on Steam
