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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
Updated: 9 min 45 sec ago

Lutris can't detect vulkan.

4 Jun 2024 - 1:03pm

but I do have vulkan and dxvk installed

➜ ~ pacman -Qs dxvk

local/dxvk-bin 2.3.1-1

A Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 9/10/11 which allows running 3D applications on Linux using Wine (Windows

DLL binary files)

➜ ~

plz help thnx

submitted by /u/nsnkskak4
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portmaster how work?

4 Jun 2024 - 12:44pm

Hi guys, i discovered some day ago about this project, i see it have some ps2 games, like GTA Vice City or GTA3, it work on arm, some know how it do the porting? i think it use some pc build, maybe convert windows game to linux game by some feature? anyone know about it?

submitted by /u/salvosnake89
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XBOX app games on linux ?

4 Jun 2024 - 12:16pm

I have Linux mint burned on my USB, I'm thinking about switching to Linux Mint soon, but I'm currently invested in Halo, master chief collection, I'm playing it on the Xbox app.

will I be able to continue to play it on Linux?

submitted by /u/DestroyLonely2099
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Lack some textures in V Rising

4 Jun 2024 - 11:24am

My setup :

Distro : Endeavour OS

Graphic card : Rx 6700 xt

Platform : Steam

Compatibility : Ge.Proton9-5

As you can see the game is rather unplayable cause the majority of the textures are not showing up.
I tried playing a bit with the compatibility but that did not do the trick. I also uninstalled / reinstall but to no good neither.

Would someone be so kind as to give me some hints so i can enjoy this game please ?

missing some textures

submitted by /u/dofray
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linux gaming on an office computer

4 Jun 2024 - 9:47am

I have a question about gaiming in Linux, I have 2 partitions on my computer, one for work and doing something curious with Debian 12 and another with Windows 10 that I use to use applications that I cannot use in Linux, but above all to play , and I have seen that steam protom thing for a long time. play native Windows games on Linux, but all the people I have seen review or use this feature use a processor that doubles mine and use a graphics card, but I have a low-power 6th generation Intel i3

What I want to do is get rid of Windows because I do not agree with their policies and I have always supported the idea of ​​free and open source software, but I don't know if the games I play on Windows at minimum 30 fps will work anymore. in linux, because I use an 8 year old processor without graphics

submitted by /u/National_Witness_419
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Fortnite on Linux june 2024

4 Jun 2024 - 9:15am

Ok, so i know i'm beating a dead horse here, but i'm new to Linux and i've been setting up mint for some games and has been going great, only issue is fortnite and epic's absolute hatred towards Linux. I was tinkering with lutris and wine and some other stuff and actually got pretty far, i booted up the game, it started nicely (had to disable lumen and nanite otherwise it would crash) and got into a game, only to get kicked a few seconds after. It said something about a firewall error, but i read somewhere that Linux doesn't support kernel level drivers and that was the main reason.

What i want to know is, is this really the end of the road? Is there really no way of getting fortnite on Linux? If so, please let me know, thanks

submitted by /u/Cool-Software1436
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Disk write error when launching games

4 Jun 2024 - 8:17am

So lately I've bee having like stutters or freezes on my games and I've been trying to figured out what's causing it since this didn't use to happen and lately I've seen this message on steam every time I launch a game, this doesn't happen when installing games just when hitting play, mostly I'm looking at what could be the cause for this or a way to determine it, I've tried clearing cache and giving the folder where my games are all the permissions needed, as said before I have no issues installing other games, any advice is welcomed thanks in advance.

Disk Write Error

System Info:

, kernel: 6.9.3-arch1-1

DE: KDE Plasma

gpu: nvidia

DS: X11

submitted by /u/C0D1NG_
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XDefiant Charlie Error then Crash on Loading

4 Jun 2024 - 7:20am

I have followed the guides on here about how to get xdefiant. Yet none of it is working for me. The game throws a Charlie-01 error in the settings saying the services are not availavble at this time which is not true. Then the game crashes loading after pressing to start.

I am running Bottles with wine-ge.pdh.dll has been installed and set to native. I am using the latest versions of dxvk and vkd3d provided by bottles.

submitted by /u/sangoku116
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Load SDL2 config at boot time?

4 Jun 2024 - 6:17am

I have a NYXI Chaos Pro controller, which by default doesn't work wirelessly in my x220 (might work on other devices, i don't know. enabling hid_nintendo makes /dev/input/js0 go away). I mitigated this issue by using AntiMicroX to generate an SDL2 config, which works pretty well. >!0500d71f7e050000092000000180000014068201,Nintendo Switch Pro Controller,platform:Linux,a:b0,b:b1,x:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,!<← SDL2 config, if anyone needs it.
This works fine if i am booting a game through the terminal (export SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG= the sdl2 config before entering the game name, ex. supertuxkart), but i want it to work for all games out of the box without having to do this every time. How can i achieve that?

submitted by /u/Ok-Inspection2359
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Microphone Issues in Steam Play Titles (Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 LTS, Arch, Mint, Etc.)

4 Jun 2024 - 5:38am

Here’s the rub; I’d quite like to use voice chat with some of the games I play, and the mic that I have is proven to work more than well enough (it’s a Rig 400 headset, not exactly hi-fi but better than the mic in every other headset I’ve owned), and no matter how good the audio quality is when recording through Audacity or using a mic test in software like Discord, any game that uses Proton sounds like the audio has been feed through gravel before someone added a double serving of random static to the signal- here’s how the problems occur so far.

1) using the built in audio jack, the system will identify the headset, and all Linux native programs can use it effectively without the CrunchMaster 9000 having a word.

2) trying to then use the device in Helldivers 2, for instance, will result in mic audio that Helldivers gets being mostly (sometimes all) background noise even while the mic is hard-muted- but the system audio monitoring doesn’t show any of the same noise, and I can’t hear it in recordings from the same mic/jack combo or in other programs.

Thus far, I’ve tried buying 3 different mics(3.5MM, XLR for use with an audio interface, and a USB mic), switching to every different Ubuntu flavor on the list, switching to JACK or Pulse, using Arch and Linux Mint and trying the same switches, and always come up with the same exact problem. Which leads me to believe it’s an issue with running games under Proton and Steam Play (and I can confirm by booting into Windows and using the same setup without issues), and leads me here- does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this? I’m trying to ditch Windows completely, and this is the last hang up in my way. I’d really like to just reformat that SSD as another EXT4 partition, if someone out there can help with this absolute insanity

submitted by /u/Alytrium
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Epic/Heroic Woes

4 Jun 2024 - 3:19am

I've tried many games through the Heroic launcher. GOG games work fine. Epic games do not.

I've tried so many different combinations of settings. Nothing has worked. I'll comment with screenshots of my system details and the settings for the game Control. That game, interestingly enough, will launch from the file browser, just not from Heroic. Other games have been less good about this.

submitted by /u/WoodpeckerDouble2130
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Help with Skyrim Modding

4 Jun 2024 - 3:18am

Last week, due to Microsoft's constant need to be more dystopian and creepy, I elected to finally make the long put off move to Linux (Pop!_OS) for my Plex server and gaming desktop with my wife's laptop not far behind. As such, I'm a Linux newb, but speak Command Prompt fluently and am picking up Terminal quickly. I've been modding Skyrim for the last decade on Windows and have 99% of everything working perfectly.

Here's my issue. Skyrim is behaving like SKSE isn't installed. The 'getskseversion' command returns the version and confirmation that everything is working, but there's no Mod Configuration Menu option, Alternate Start isn't working, and my texture replacers aren't loaded. It's vanilla Skyrim.

I am *assuming* that I have the plugins.txt file in the wrong place, but I'm also getting an error/warning that OpenAnimationReplacer.dll failed to load correctly, a problem for later, but whether I disable, uninstall, or leave OAR as is, none of my mods load. Plugins.txt is located at Home/Games/vortex-mod-manager/drive_c/users/ryan/Application Data/Vortex/skyrimse/plugins.txt as well as drive_c/users/ryan/AppData/Vortex/skyrimse/plugins.txt and for good measure drive_c/ryan/AppData/LocalLow/Vortex/skyrimse/plugins.txt because I'm trying everything.

Most tellingly, the 'Installed Content' tab does not list any of my installed mods.

I have Vortex installed through Lutris and the same mod list + order I was using on Windows two weeks ago. Anyone know what the hell is wrong with me and/or my Skyrim setup? Any additional information needed?

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Car-1543
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Mouse input lag (a bit floaty) in Nobora 39!

4 Jun 2024 - 1:05am

Hello! I'm only 5 days old on Linux. I've already tested Proton, Proton-GE, Wine, Lutris, and similar tools. I'm trying to play games in Lutris and using bottles. However, I'm experiencing issues with input lag, it seems to be limited to the mouse and not the keyboard. So any idea why is that? (and please be kind, I'm a newbie! :))

Here's some additional information about my setup:
- Distro: Nobora Official 39 (Nvidia) - Wayland
- Desktop Environment: KDE Plasma 6
- GPU: RTX 3060
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor

submitted by /u/MajorAmari
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TF2 Not Launching

4 Jun 2024 - 12:19am

I am trying to play tf2 on my newly installed Ubuntu 23.10 Budgie. I am getting the following error:

"Failed to create SDL window: Failed loading cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

Any ideas? I found this github issue, but the solutions there didn't seem to fix it, and I have an AMD gpu, so installing nvidia drivers wont help (lol)

submitted by /u/MrCheapComputers
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