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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
Updated: 4 min 42 sec ago

Elden Ring - EndeavourOS - White screen crash

14 Jun 2024 - 4:47pm

I'm really struggling with this one, trying to get Elden Ring working on my EndeavouOS machine. Whenever I run it I just get a white screen and then it crashes with no error message. I can run it just fine on the Steam Deck so I'm sure it can run on proton well but I just can't get it to run on my desktop PC.

OS: EndeavourOS
CPU: Ryzen 3700x
Memory: 32GB Ram
GFX: RX 7800 XT
SSD: 1TB nvme m.2

I have tried a lot of other steam games (including all other Dark Souls games) and they all run without issue.

Things I've already tried:
- Every major version of Proton from 6 upwards (including the GE versions) and Experimental
- Installed the EasyAC Proton extension in steam
- I have the latest mesa and vulkan drivers
- Removed all traces of nvidia drivers after switching to AMD gpu
- Been through all the ProtonDB comments for ER and tried everything that worked for others
- Tried a shed-load of different launch options (as many as I've seen listed on ProtonDB comments and other forums)
- Re-installed loads of times and deleted compatdata folder numerous times
- Run through Lutris and Bottles
- Done the file deleting/renaming stuff to get it to run without EAC
- Painstakingly been through the proton log to try and find an error that stands out, all I can see is a generic unable to access memory location 0 thing which doesn't tell me much

It feels like a personal mission now to get it running, any help at all is REALLY appreciated :)

submitted by /u/nixeldev
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Dual Booting vs VM with GPU Passthrough

14 Jun 2024 - 4:35pm

So. I want to play some games that just wont run on Linux, Windows only due to various bugs.

Really there is only a hand full, maybe 2-5 and all of them I play with my buddies. I know I have the option to Dual boot, id just rather not as I would have to shut the machine down. Start up the windows OS. Hop back into discord, open whatever game. Then start playing.

So, does anyone have experience with gaming in a windows VM? I only have a single GPU, so single GPU pass through would have to be my solution. Does anyone have experience setting that up? Is it as much of a headache as dual booting?

submitted by /u/lilrebel17
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Mouse cursor in LOTRO

14 Jun 2024 - 3:21pm


I'm having a strange problem (for me) with Lord of the Rings Online. I use Manjaro (latest) with the Steam Version (proton experimental) of lotro. I can play fine, just as under windows, but the mouse cursor is behaving strangely. When I ride or run and hold down the right mouse button to turn, the mouse cursor appears in the middle of the screen and jitters around there as long as I move. When I let the mouse button go, the cursor behaves fine again.

I looked through the game settings but didn't find anything fitting. What can I do now?

submitted by /u/Mental-Inspection828
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Why is there such a divide between people saying gaming distros are unnecessary for gaming and people saying gaming distros are superior for gaming?

14 Jun 2024 - 3:09pm

I'm not sure which flag should I use.

When I was searching on the internet, or asking questions for myself, I saw a clear cut, two distinct groups of people, one saying choosing a gaming distro for gaming is unnecessary and redundant because it doesn't give anything that you couldn't do on any other distro, and the other group which says choosing a gaming distro is beneficial and important, because of drivers and other things I don't know about.

With this post, I'm not asking for choosing a distro. Instead, I want to understand why there are these two distinct groups of people, with seemingly very little to no in-between.
Thank you for the explanations! :)

submitted by /u/Maximilition
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Choppy gaming experience on Linux Mint

14 Jun 2024 - 2:56pm

Hello, I'm pretty new to Linux and all that and everything is very confusing to me currently, but can anyone help me fix my games feeling very choppy, stuttery and all that? My monitor is on 240hz, My VSync should be off(I think it is, I've heard turning it off from X Settings isn't working) as it causes really bad delay and also causes dragging windows around to lag, and I don't know why but all the games I play feel like 60hz, though my FPS are over 240 most of the times in-game, and I've never had similar experiences on Windows. Not sure if this information is useful but I use 2 monitors on different refresh rates and on older versions of Windows 10, it would do something similar, though I'm not sure if this is on Linux as well. I can list specs if necessary.

Note: I forgot to mention this but my games sometimes start going to 15-20FPS out of nowhere and my fans run at crazy speed.

submitted by /u/Electrical_Cut_2760
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Linux Mint Cinnamon - Steam problem

14 Jun 2024 - 2:46pm

Greetings all, I'm relatively new to Linux and recently have jumped between two distros. The first being Linux Mint Cinnamon and Bazzite. I preferred the Linux Mint but I cannot get steam to open after the initial install... Did my best to troubleshoot without success. I then tried Bazzite where Steam works fine but now I can't seem to install VMware Horizon for work...

Anyone have some suggestions on what I can do to find a good gaming version of Linux that works with Vmware Horizon?


submitted by /u/EbonShadow
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nvidia driver version

14 Jun 2024 - 2:28pm

hello, i have the 550.67 driver version. Today I looked through the nvidia driver archive to see how far behind i was and and i saw that the 535.171.04 driver version was newer than 550.67, I thought the higher, the newer.Could someone explain to me why the 535 is newer than 550 ?

submitted by /u/TopCarpenter2684
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gamemoderun multiple .ini files

14 Jun 2024 - 2:13pm

can I have multiple gamemode.ini files for gamemoderun command? Im using nvidia gpu and some games just freeze with compositor pipeline on, so in my gamemode.ini file I disable it, but i dont want it to be disabled on every game.

submitted by /u/Emergency-Win4862
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Some proton games start without a visible window?

14 Jun 2024 - 1:00pm

I am running a sway system on openSUSE Tumbleweed, and for some reason certain games, for example Baldur's Gate 3, start without a visible window. The game process itself is running and even sound is playing, however there is no window for said process (swaymsg -rt get_tree does not even have a BG3 entry). I have tried pretty much every option on ProtonDB and also have tried launching it through bottles, but it didnt help. What can be causing this?

I am running a desktop system with a Radeon 7900XTX GPU and a Ryzen 5700G CPU.

submitted by /u/LordOfDarkness6_6_6
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Cannot get 4k@120h working under any distro (want to use bazzite)

14 Jun 2024 - 12:15pm

Hi all,

I'm trying to move over to Linux but i am having no end of issues getting my gaming setup manageable,

5950x CPU

32GB DDR 3600


LG C2 - HDMI 2.1 (supports 4k@120hz)

this works in windows, its not a cable or bandwidth issue

on any distro ive used i cannot get 4k@120h to work, just black screen then no signal and then back to 4k@60hz

im average at linux and ive dabbled for many years but this one eludes me

currently tried

bazzite-nvidia 550 drivers, kde plasma wayland or x11 - no joy, i really like the premise of bazzite but the discord is empty and i cant seem to access their forums, only random reddit posts?

endevour os - again nvidia proprietary 550, kde or gnome, wayland or x11 - no joy, has been my linux distro for a while now, love everything about it but the graphics settings

ive tried various ways to update, gnome-nvidia, xserver, xwayland, forcing xrand resolutions, nothing works.

from what ive read on various posts, it could be an issue with HDMI 2.1 and linux / the nvidia drivers, so would waiting for 555 to come out be a solution (i'll try again then anyway)

is this just some wayland not working with nvidia or x11 and whatever drivers ive got compatibility issues, or has someone got this working already?

id really like to try out being able to migrate to linux, proton gaming etc works perfectly but its a complete waste with my hardware if locked to 60hz, im unsure if gsync/VRR is also going to be a limitation because my hardware can do everything at stable 60hz without breaking a sweat so it doesnt kick in anyway

help would be greatly appreciated because id really like to leave windows behind, even with gaming limitations with proton etc it plays all the stuff i play

if anyone needs more info etc just tell me what i need to provide


submitted by /u/sirrob123
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Fallout2 Community Edition works on wayland natively

14 Jun 2024 - 12:12pm

If you are a fan of classic fallout games and happen to own them, you can run both of them natively on wayland with the Community edition and specifying the videodriver: SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland ./fallout-ce

I don't have fallout 1 so I didn't test it, but it should be just as simple.

submitted by /u/snovaxz
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What are you thoughts on CachyOS ?

14 Jun 2024 - 11:21am

I'm watching a bunch of small youtubers praising this arch based distro, they claim it's gaming ready, should I try it or stay on endeavouros ?

submitted by /u/Dreamscape47_
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