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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | Steam Deck (OLED) Performance Test | Low vs Med. vs High vs Ultra

17 Jun 2024 - 11:40am

I compare the performance of various presets on the Steam Deck OLED for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

I was very impressed with the Low settings. The game is very playable with this preset and looks stunning at times. Of course, it doesn’t look as good as on higher settings. But if you only have a Steam Deck to play on, you can definitely enjoy this game with the Low preset.

I don't think any of the other presets are really playable on the Steam Deck.

On Low settings, you get about 25-50 FPS (depending on the location), on Medium 14-23 FPS, on High 11-16 FPS, and on Ultra 7-11 FPS (all tested in New York).

What do you think? Did anyone else play Flight Simulator on the Steam Deck? And with what graphical settings?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

submitted by /u/kingkulesza88
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Is DRM ineffective?

17 Jun 2024 - 11:33am

I've been thinking for a while about DRM and its effectiveness on preventing piracy and cheats. I know that the use and existence of DRM itself is a controversial topic with differing opinions but one thing that's objective is research and statistics.

I've seen other users say "research has shown that DRM doesn't do anything against piracy" or "its implementation has actually INCREASED the amount of piracy." however I can't find any of these papers they're talking about. If anyone could link a couple, that'd be good, and also explain why this phenomena occurs will be helpful as well. Thanks.

submitted by /u/schlime9k
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How to Gently Resuscitate Your Computer When Video Freezes

17 Jun 2024 - 7:47am

Hey all, I just realized that no tutorial in the Linux gaming world explain how to restore your system properly when your game freezes, maybe because of GPU issues.

This is something that happens fairly often while tkintering or while just trying to calibrate the video quality for a certain game. Most of people will turn off the computer abruptly, but this may have several bad consequences, especially on filesystems.

How can we try to turn the computer off while the video is not responding at all?

The answer is simple: most of the distro a will enable some of the SysRq commands. However, not all of them will enable the commands that you'll really need.

My advice is to open /etc/sysctl.conf or /etc/sysctl.conf.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf and append the following line:


This line will enable all the magic sysrq commands.

Reboot your computer.

Now, you have to find out your sysrq key. In most of the computers, this will be the "Print Screen" key, or in alternative the "F13" key. To check it out, try pressing "Alt+print+e". You should be logged out (if your distro is using systemd). Other possible sysrq keys for your computer are listed here

Now you have all you need. When your game freezes, press "Alt+print" and while keeping down both the keys, press the following sequence slowly, stopping whenever the system becomes reusable. In some computers , you may need to release The Print key while keeping the Alt key pressed.

The magic sequence that you need to remember is:



What it does?

  1. Set keyboard into raw mode
  2. Invoke the oom-killer to kill memory angry processes
  3. Send stop signal to all processes
  4. Send kill signal to all processes
  5. Sync filesystems
  6. Unmount filesystems and try to remount them read-only
  7. Force reboot

Each key is a step towards turning off the computer, so if you can get it back at work before of reaching the end of the sequence, you can then turn it off with usual methods. If you reach point 6 (u) you'll have no other choice than reboot the system to make it work properly again.


submitted by /u/ResilientSpider
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I want to use wine-ge-custom-bin (from AUR) but how?

17 Jun 2024 - 6:22am

I want to use wine-ge-custom-bin (from AUR) but how?
I don't get a `wine` or `wine-ge` executable from the installation, do I need normal "wine" as well?

Before finding `wine-ge` I just use `wine game.exe`

Kindly I need help, thanks

submitted by /u/kulothunganug
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Steam running slow on new Linux install, controller not working.

17 Jun 2024 - 3:12am

So I've recently decided to install Linux on a second drive and dual boot, I can't stand Windows and Linux is perfect for everything else I want to do. I decided to dual boot because my main game has a kernel level anticheat, otherwise I'd just switch to Linux. I decide to test the gaming on each system with Monster Hunter World, it looks like the performance on Windows is infinitely better and my 8 Bit Do Pro 2 controller doesn't even work on Linux. Performance wise, on YouTube in seeing most people actually get better performance, have I missed something? I've installed natively using Proton 9.0, could it just be as simple as using a different proton version? Also when I'm Steams big picture mode, it's very laggy on Linux.

submitted by /u/Ul-thane
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Uncontrollable camera

17 Jun 2024 - 3:08am

I'm having a problem with certain games like Elder Scroll Online and The Lord of the Rings Online.

The camera is uncontrollable and goes straight up or down and rotates super fast.

No problems in game menus

With Wine-ge 8.12 and lower the problem seems not to occur, only with 8.13 and higher.

Any idea what changed between these two versions?

I tried with gamescope and many other manipulations without success

I use wayland (wlroots and labwc) if that helps find the cause.

submitted by /u/Nosirus
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Should I change my Nvidia for AMD GPU?

17 Jun 2024 - 3:06am

I'm new with linux, migrating from windows, wanna know if using a AMD GPU is better experience while gaming.

submitted by /u/Lichshield
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What is the best way youinstall Reshade onto games running on steam through Proton?

17 Jun 2024 - 3:03am

So information about installing Reshade on linux proton games is really messy and spread out across a lot of different posts, and have a lack of information or say they fixed the problem without giving their solutions, or some say that if you install reshade in these 3 other ways it will perform worse than this other way. There are not any full on straightforward guides on installing Reshade, so I just wanted to ask how you guys install it?

Please do not recommend VKBasalt.

submitted by /u/Express-Seat7394
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alternatives to Call Of Duty Warzone

17 Jun 2024 - 2:53am

I want to find something with a battle royal kind of thing like warzone do yall got any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Ablatrossil
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VR on Linux

17 Jun 2024 - 2:50am

Hey all, I'm thinking about purchasing a VR headset for playing VR games on Linux. I don't want to spend too much money so something like a Valve Index isn't really viable (maybe around $200 or $400?). I wanted to ask what the current state of VR Linux gaming is and what hardware I should consider purchasing. I looked into Oculus headsets but I read that they weren't really the play due to the need for additional software. I'm new to the VR world so any and all help is appeciated. As a side note, if there's not really a good option I could always boot into my Windows install I keep for the small amount of unsupported games, but this is kind of a last resort. Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/Firm_Phone_9760
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Has anyone succeeded at streaming Skyrim from Linux to a Steam Deck?

17 Jun 2024 - 2:40am

I'm having a strange problem. Other games stream to my Deck without much issue, but Skyrim has a particular issue: the audio comes through loud and clear, but the image never finishes loading. I see the loading icon at the bottom right but it never finishes.

Also, the glyphs on my PC correctly change to controller instead of keyboard when I start the stream. It seems like the stream is starting but never really finishing.

Does anyone have experience with this particular setup?

submitted by /u/drislands
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World of Warcraft hanging for 30 seconds randomly only on Arch Linux

17 Jun 2024 - 2:24am

Gonna throw this out here to see if anyone can help me research this. I've spent a lot of hours already trying to find anything online. I'm on Arch with an AMD CPU/GPU setup. The only game that gives me issues is World of Warcraft through Lutris. It runs perfectly but at random times the game will hang for about 30 seconds. Everything else on the PC works fine, but World of Warcraft just stops responding, and then starts working normally again. It's causing me to die or my group to wipe when it happens (i'm the healer). I don't remember it happening on POP OS, and it doesn't happen on my Steam Deck. I am at a loss on this one and am about to just install another distro. Any help with this would be amazing.

submitted by /u/Ryllix
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Steam games either don't run, show I don't have the software requirements, do not open at all or close by themselves after a minute

17 Jun 2024 - 2:02am

As the title says, right now there is currently one game working but I am not sure how to proceed, all the games I have tried to run were able to run previously either on windows or a different distro.

Some unity developed games show me a window with the logo of the game and a red exclamation mark, for example bomb rush cyberfunk

Some games are shown as running but they never open, just to make sure I left one of these games "running" until I came back from work to make sure and it was still marked as running but no window of the game or any sign that the game is being loaded

Games like hades, or lethal company that I was able to run previously on windows show that the computer does not have the requirements to run the game.

I am not sure honestly how to proceed, any ideas what might be going on?

I don't have the computer at hand right now so I cannot provide the specs right now but I will later once I come bsck

submitted by /u/Axlfire
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Is Minecraft with Iris/Oculus crashing for anyone with Mesa 24.1.1?

17 Jun 2024 - 1:13am

I have an issue now after Flatpak updated to Mesa 24.1.1 where Minecraft will crash on launch (it will freeze at the end of the Mojang screen then crash) if I am using a shader mod like Iris or Oculus.

Can anyone else confirm if they're having this issue as well? (I've observed it on my PC and Steam Deck) I also filed a bug report on Mesa about this.

In the meantime, is there a way to revert Mesa versions for Flathub Prism Launcher?

submitted by /u/angryrobot5
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GPU passthrough witn kvm/qemu issues

16 Jun 2024 - 11:59pm

long story short, I have a headless server and a spare gpu sitting around, so ive been trying to get a windows vm running so I can have it stream vr games to my quest 3(via steam). I have win11 in a vm running, but ive hit a roadblock trying to get the gpu passed through to it.

host system:

  • OS: Debian Trixie
  • Kernel: 6.7.12-amd64
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X. 8 cores; 16 threads
  • Ram: 128 GB
  • GPU0: NVIDIA RTX A2000 12GB
  • GPU1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (target gpu for the vm)
  • NVIDIA Driver: 535.161.08

win11 vm via virt-manager:

  • CPU: 1 socket; 2 cores; 4 threads
  • Ram: 32gb
  • Passed through PCI devices:
    • device: 0000:23:00:0 NVIDIA Corporation TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070 Rev. A]
    • device: 0000:23:00:1 NVIDIA Corporation TU106 High Definition Audio Controller
    • device: 0000:23:00:2 NVIDIA Corporation TU106 USB 3.1 Host Controller
    • device: 0000:23:00:3 NVIDIA Corporation TU106 USB Type-C UCSI Controller

My aim is to get the RTX 2070 passed through into the vm, so I passed through every PCI device that I saw was associated with it. But when I run the VM it seems to break libvirtd and/or qemu where commands like sudo virsh dumpxml win11 will hang.

I attempted to follow this guide to troubleshoot, and I setup similar libvert hooks using the helper thing for my system, but that doesnt change anything. Its also worth mentioning that I am using Xvfb, fluxbox, and x11vnc to use virt-manager on the system as I havnt found a decent web based gui to manage kvm.

In journalctl I only see this error:

Jun 16 17:46:21 debian-desktop libvirtd[13779]: End of file while reading data: Input/output error

and in dmesg I see this:

[ 1057.882856] NVRM: Attempting to remove device 0000:23:00.0 with non-zero usage count!

So im lead to believe that the GPU is in use somewhere, but im not sure where to look to see nor do I know how to prevent anything from attaching it in the first place. anyone have any ideas or suggestions? im a bit stuck. Thanks

submitted by /u/RetroZelda
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cannot enter credentials in rockstar launcher in heroic

16 Jun 2024 - 11:57pm


I am on Debian testing and managed to install gtav via the heroic launcher but now I face this problem:

When I try to start the game the rockstar launcher starts and wants me to log in but I cannot enter any text in the textboxes - any keypresses are simply ignored.

I had the exact same problem about 2 weeks ago with my old Debian installation and I played around with various settings until it finally worked, but this time I seem to be out of luck....

Does anybody have an idea?

submitted by /u/ghiste
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