Other News about gaming on Linux

SteamTinkerLaunch Can't Install MO2

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 7:47pm

Hello all,

I decided to go back to my Fallout New Vegas installation after watching the new show, which I'd play for at least three dozen hours or so on Steam Deck already. When I tried to launch it, it crashed instantly. No big deal, I figured some sort of update had occurred on either the OS level or the STL level that might cause that, so I figured I'd reinstall STL using ProtonUpQT and that would fix it.

Well, many hours later, here's where I'm at: after reinstalling, and trying to start Fallout New Vegas through STL it will pop up "Installing MO2" and then crash instantly.

I figured that I'd try using the Konsole, since I saw that on their installation instructions. It pops up with the Installing ModOrganizer window, but shows the text: bus_name=com.steampowered.PressureVessel.LaunchAlongsideSteam and just stays there indefinitely, never installing.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong. I have a nontraditional MO2 installation that was previously working - copying my MO2 folder from my PC and then using a custom command in STL to open it, which worked fine at the time, but not any longer. Even circumventing that and not using any customer commands, STL still can't figure out what to do with MO2. I've tried dropping the MO2 files from their 7z into the drive_c/Modding/MO2 folder that it wants, but that doesn't seem to make any difference at all.

Any suggestions at all? I barely know anything about linux ultimately, and I feel like I've kinda walked far enough into the woods at this point to get lost.

Edit: Just noticed in the Konsole that I also have this message: "(yad:66289): Warning **: 12:40:27.564: atk-bridge: get_device_events_reply: unknown signature" Not sure what that means either.

Also not sure if it matters, but I also get "USEMO2PROTON is 'non', so using latest Proton-GE 'GE-Proton9-2' automatically."

submitted by /u/Tsume76
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Linux gaming, better than windows?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 5:48pm

My pc is very low spec. GTX 750ti and i5 3rd gen. But gaming on Linux works flawless.

Honkai star railly runs better on wine then on windows 10.

I get in much games more fps then on windows, native games and with wine layer. Some years in the past, I would don’t believe this.

So if some guys here struggle if the should do the hop on Linux, I would say just do it.

For some special windows program, just use kvm or virtual box.

I use arch btw with i3wm

submitted by /u/Silent-Holiday-4400
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.desktop files and Wine in Ubuntu

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 5:36pm

I'm setting up some old games in Ubuntu and I wanted menu shortcuts for them. Wine did set some up, but the ones for Fallout 2 broke after I set up the community patch for it and nothing I've tried managed to make to work again. Can someone help?

submitted by /u/theRose90
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SkyrimSE Mod Organizer 2 active plugins are disabled automatically

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 4:45pm

Hi, every time when I launch Skyrim with active plugins through mod organizer 2, the plugins in the list of active plugins are turned off and I don’t load into the game How can I force the mod organizer or Skyrim to identify active plugins that are clearly registered in the plugins files?

p.s. such mods as no bethesda intro are not disabled and working, only active plugins are disabled.

i know there are billions of such topics already telling how to fix it, my screen too small to search for it, if you can give a link to solution, i'll be gratefull

submitted by /u/OGXSDAG
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Explicit Sync merged into Xwayland

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 4:06pm


Thanks to gods like Erik, we will soon experience a leap in NVidia Wayland gaming!

submitted by /u/bankimu
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Wochenendrückblick-2024-15 - Spielen-unter-Linux Wissenstalk - Mit Linux auf einer LAN - Of Life and Land im EA - Rimworld Anomaly-Erweiterung - TR1X lässt Retro-Lara strahlen - 20 Jahre The Mana World - unfassbar viel mehr

Holarse Linuxgaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:58pm

Ein herzliches Willkommen zu unserem, bisher grandiosesten, Linux-Gaming Wochenend-Rückblick Nr. 15 im Jahre 2024! Hier listen wir interessante und informative Neuigkeiten aus der Linuxspielewelt auf, die wir zwischen dem 06.04.2024 und dem 13.04.2024 (Redaktionsschluss ca. 15:00 Uhr) zusammengetragen haben.

All you need is my [https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/releases/tag/4.11.2 Unciv], [https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/releases/tag/4.11.3 Unciv], [https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/releases/tag/4.11.4 Unciv]

    • FAQ: Hinter jedem Unciv versteckt sich ein anderes Update. Diese sind: 4.11.2, 4.11.3 und 4.11.4. Darüber hinaus: "Bloodhound Gang - Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss". Denkt an uns wenn ihr es später summt.
  • VASSAL hält ein Update des Moduls "Commands & Colors: Ancients" (Version 4.3.14) bereit. Link
  • WowUp, der community centered World of Warcraft addon updater, hat ein Update erhalten: 2.11.0. Link
  • YouTD2 schrammte vergangene Woche ganz knapp am Drückblick vorbei. Aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben: Version 0.14.0 verfügbar! Link
  • Zero-K hat für euch ein Update auf Version und nennt es, scheinbar, "Combat Engineer". Link 1, Link 2
Tools Wine, Proton, SteamPlay, Emulationen
  • Cemu 2.0-75 (Link) und 2.0-77 (Link) veröffentlicht, beide aus dem Experimental-Bereich stammend.
    • Kurz vor Redaktionsschluss: 2.0-78 (Experimental). Link
  • ProtonUp-Qt v2.9.2. Link
  • SameBoy ist das gleiche, also the same, wie ein Gameboy, nur anders. Daher der Name. Neue Version v0.16.3 verfügbar. Als neue Funktion steht u.a. nun das hotswapping von Cartridges bereit. Link
  • ScummVM unterstützt in seiner neusten Fassung Total Eclipse. "When facing the Curse of the Sun God, sunscreen won't save you". Der neuste Daily Build ist nötig um den Titel via ScummVM testen zu können. Link
  • Wine lässt in der neuen Development-Version 9.6 neue Direct2D Funktionen einfließen. Link
Steam Treiber & Hardware
  • Mesa, seit jeher Garant dafür dass sich die Darstellung von glxgears schön locker fluffig vor sich hin dreht, steht allen Anwendern da draußen in der neuen Version 24.0.5 zur Verfügung. Es handelt sich um ein Bugfix-Release, buchstäblich ohne neue Funktionen. Link
Picks der Woche
  • Ähnlich wie in Subnautica müsst ihr in Farsky im Ozean überleben. Der Titel kann kostenlos auf Itch.io bezogen werden. Screenshots sind durchaus vielversprechend. Link
Holarse Services / Dedicated Server

Wir stellen für folgende Spiele einen oder mehrere Gameserver über unseren Server play.holarse.de und dem Server-Passwort holarse zur Verfügung. Den Status der Spieleserver könnt ihr über unser Dashboard einsehen.

Spiel Version Port Anmerkung 7 Days To Die Alpha 21.2 (b30) 26900 ARK: Survival Evolved 358.6 7777 TheIsland/PVE ECO 3000 Factorio 1.1.39 34197 Krastorio 2 Mod Minecraft 1.20.1 25565 Karte MineClone 2 0.86.1 (mit MT 5.8.0) 30009 Karte (im Incognito-Mode öffnen wg. TLS) OpenRA (Tiberian Dawn) 20230225 1237 Release OpenRA (Red Alert) 20230225 1236 Release OpenHV 20230917 1234 stable Version OpenHV 20231125 1235 neuste (Vorab-)Version Stendhal 1.4.5 | Valheim 0.217.14 2456 Linux-Streamer und Linux-Gaming-Youtuber
  • As Reiter spielt ausschließlich unter Linux sowohl Open Source, nette Indietitel aber auch Windows-Spiele unter Proton. Youtube
  • Corben78, VR-, Sci-fi- oder Horrorspiele unter Linux. Twitch
  • derhass bezeichnet sich - paradoxerweise - selbst nicht als Streamer, streamt aber ab und an! Hauptsächlich Overload Multiplayer. Aber immer Linux. Twitch
  • GTuxTV spielt gerne neue Titel und bedient sich allem, was Wine und Proton aber auch nativ zu bieten hat. GTuxTV
  • Hatnix spielt DRM-frei und WINE-Spiele unter Linux und hat wieder einen schönen Streamplan für euch: Streamplan-Link
  • Nerdgrrrl, Linuxgamerin mit Schwäche für Zombies. Twitch
  • opensource_gaming: Nicht zwingend Linux-Only aber dafür OpenSource. Zu sehen auf Twitch.
  • Z-Ray Entertainment spielt alles unter Linux, was nicht bei drei auf den virtuellen Bäumen ist. Twitch
  • Open Source Games stellt hauptsächlich, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, Open Source Spiele vor. Youtube
Schönes Wochenende

Das wars wieder einmal von uns, viel Spass beim Linuxgaming in der kommenden Woche und bis zum nächsten Drückblick.

Euer Holarse-Team


What is the most compatible controller with Linux and Steam?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:47pm

I'm using a X3 Wireless Controller and it's working nice on Windows (using for pirate games and PS1/PS2) Emulator, but my Linux Machine (Mint) doesn't recognize the controller after connection via Bluetooth, so, it's not compatible with my not pirate Steam games. So I guess I need a good controller, which one do you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/justice_for_all_vnz
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Project Diablo - asks for .net 6.0 Runtime

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:42pm

Was playing it through lutris. But now it asks for the .net 6.0 Windows Runtime. But when I install it manually the launcher does not start. Does anyone know a fix for this?

submitted by /u/RahMcGee
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anything that uses gpu sometimes doesn't launch

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:36pm

Struggling to even title this but hey-ho.

This has been ongoing for ages and I don't even know what to google to find relevant support.

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 with a 1080 ti, I've been gaming on Linux for years but there's been this one issue that presents itself every so often. After an arbitrary amount of time (could be hours could be weeks) anything that requires gpu usage will no longer launch but apps that are currently using gpu will continue to work no problem.

Example: I play osrs with 117hd gpu plugin. I can be playing osrs, then log out and try to open a steam game and it just doesn't launch. Then if I close osrs the gpu plugin wont work. Reboot and everything works again.

Edit: 117hd for example throws a "unable to create glx context " error.

Not really a massive issue just wondering if anyone else has similar problem or knows what it is.

submitted by /u/UpTheArse69
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minecraft arm64 VPS

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:18pm


I'm trying to run Minecraft on a VPS with an ARM64 architecture running Canonical-Ubuntu-22.04-aarch64-2024.02.18-0.

Here's what I've tried so far:

* I've tried installing the normal MultiMC launcher and the GDLauncher, as I was told that the gd one work on ARM64, but it doesn't.

* I've tried the Minecraft tar.gz version of the official Minecraft and the Minecraft Pi version of the official Minecraft, but neither of them worked.

* I installed Pi-Apps because I saw someone say that I can use it to install an ARM64 version of the MultiMC launcher, but I don't really know how to use it with the terminal. I'm wondering if I can use X11 forwarding or a VNC to get a graphical interface, but I'm not sure if it's possible.

Can anyone help me figure out how to run Minecraft on this VPS? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Plenty_Beautiful6062
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BG3 on Flatpak Steam stopped launching after working flawlessly for months

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 3:00pm

I've been happily playing BG3 using Flatpak Steam on Linux Mint 21.3 for months. Got 120 hours into the game with nearly no problems at all. I never had to use a GE version of proton, nor did I have to change the run command. Everything was working fine.

About a month ago, the game just stopped launching. I updated all my flatpaks, my nVidia drivers, downloaded the latest Proton GE-9.2, changed the launcher command to: %command% --skip-launcher But nothing seems to work.

Steam shows the game is running, but it just stalls. If I click "Stop", it does not stop and I have to forcefully kill the PID.

All my other games seem to work correctly. I've been playing HellDivers 2 without any issues.

I started up flatpak steam with the terminal and copied the log, Flatpak Steam Terminal Log hopefully someone can track down what the issue is. I noticed there are a few shared object files that cannot be found, not sure if this has always been the case or if thats new.

Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/I_kick_puppies
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C&C: "Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge" and "Tiberian Sun"s multiplayer ports added to Luxtorpeda for Steam

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 1:48pm

Context 1:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is a real-time strategy video game which was released for Microsoft Windows on October 24, 2000 as the follow-up to Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Red Alert 2 picks up at the conclusion of the Allied campaign of the first game. Its expansion pack is Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge, released a year later in 2001.

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 contains two playable factions, the Soviets and the Allies, which both previously appeared in Command & Conquer: Red Alert. The single player campaign is structured in an alternate-ending mode as opposed to a progressive story mode. Like its predecessor, Red Alert 2 features a large amount of full motion video cutscenes between missions and during gameplay, with an ensemble cast including Ray Wise, Udo Kier, Kari Wuhrer, and Barry Corbin.


Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun is a 1999 real-time strategy video game developed by Westwood Studios, published by Electronic Arts, and released exclusively for Microsoft Windows in August 1999. The game is the sequel to the 1995 game Command & Conquer. It featured new semi-3D graphics, a more futuristic sci-fi setting, and new gameplay features such as vehicles capable of hovering or burrowing. The main story of the game focuses on a second war between the UN-backed Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the cult-like Brotherhood of Nod, both seeking to rule over an Earth which is undergoing rapid ecological collapse.

Context 2:

[Luxtorpeda is a] Steam Play compatibility tool to run games using native Linux engines.


u/d10sfan has added multiplayer focused OpenRA mods Romanov's Vengeance, Shattered Paradise and Yuri's Revenge for Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge and Tiberian Sun to Luxtorpeda repos. Thanks to that, native Linux version of the mods can be played as a Steam games.


Follow the installations steps in GamingOnLinux article.

submitted by /u/rea987
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Metro: Last Light - Frame drops after death

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Apr 2024 - 11:49am

I'm running last light through proton (note, not redux, complete edition) so I could pick up my game saves from windows and also for better graphics options and higher frame rate, the game's been running flawlessly at 120FPS the entire time, until I die, I'm in the level "seperation" and trying to sneak through without killing anyone, every time I've died the game reloads and runs at 10FPS, quitting and continuing changes nothing, restarting the game changes nothing, the only way to get the FPS back is to restart the level from chapter select.

I can see this getting frustrating. The game is running the same as if I were to turn on PhysX, which is off for obvious reasons.

PC specs below:

i7 6700K
32Gb RAM
Game installed on M.2 with ext4 partition.

Cheers, I've only started playing games on linux, I'm loving how well it's working, I expected teething issues, so no worries.

submitted by /u/Maddog2201
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