White Noise 2: Update #7 mit experimentellem Linux-Fix vom Unity Engine-Team
Zu dem Horror-Multiplayer-Spiel White Noise 2 ist seit heute das Update #7 (Codename Dark Purpose) auf Steam für Linux erhältlich.
Dieses enthält neben einigen neuen Features, Verbesserungen und generellen Bugfixes auch einen vom Unity Engine-Team stammenden besonderen experimentellen Fix für Linux, der Probleme bei der Erkennung der Bildschirm-Auflösung beheben soll.
Die Entwickler des Spiels bitten daher auch um Rückmeldung in den Steam Foren.
New features:
New special Clue: The Rift.
Now recordings can be heard when picking up tapes, like in the original White Noise.Improvements:
Added a new insanity effect (it's up to you to find out!).
Added a new distortion effect to the intro panels.
Match lobby: Characters with no flashlight selected will be shown holding the random flashlight model.Gameplay changes:
Darcy's Cairn: Reduced base duration of negative effects (Speed reduction, flashlight disabled) from 15 to 10 seconds. Mark duration remains the same.
Teleport skill: Increased cooldown to 75 seconds
Increased flashlight slowdown by 4%
Increased lightstick slowdown by 3%
Astaroth: Breakdown effect is cancelled when someone is grabbedBugfixes:
Fixed "near death" effect not restoring right away when using a medkit.
Fixed softlock regarding connection error messages.
Fixed Sarah's Shadow skill not working properly.
Linux: Should have fixed the "Process not starting issue". It's an experimental fix provided by the Unity team, so please report back in the forums.
Quelle: Ankündigung auf Steam