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Apex Legends broken?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 2:34pm

Is Apex Legends broken on Linux? I didn't play for months and wanted to play, keeps crashing my entire system, x11 or Wayland. Tried on fedora, arch and NixOS, all the same. It's a shame because it used to be the game that was an example of what Linux gaming can be. Rtx 3080 with drivers, 545, 550 and 555.

submitted by /u/Faurek
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Cyberpulse is an arcade twin-stick thrower where you smash everything into the wall

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 2:09pm
Blending together the visual style from the likes of Geometry Wars and other similar retro arcade experiences, Cyberpulse gets you to throw enemies around and smash them into the wall.

Lags after installing beta 555 driver on gnome/kde

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 2:08pm

hi guys, if you have lags when opening/closeing apps in gnome after installing 555 driver just use this fast fix

all credits gose to kodatarule


submitted by /u/samurai1495
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Braid, Anniversary Edition updated to improve Steam Deck OLED support

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 1:13pm
Braid, Anniversary Edition (which released recently) got updated that should make it feel better specifically on the Steam Deck OLED model, and the frame limiter. Looks like Native Linux and macOS support were shelved though.

Little-Known Galaxy is Stardew Valley blended with Star Trek

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 12:49pm
If you enjoy a space sci-fi theme and like your chilled games, you may want to take a look at the new release of Little-Known Galaxy.

ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree gets a new trailer ahead of June release

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 12:31pm
I know a great many of you are impatiently waiting for ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree, so maybe this new story trailer will keep you going just that bit longer.

Nightdive Studios confirm Linux and macOS ports of System Shock are cancelled

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 12:20pm
The System Shock remake from Nightdive Studios was originally funded on Kickstarter, and after delays it was eventually released on May 30th, 2023 but two platforms have been missing - Linux and macOS.

Kickstarter will now allow late-pledges for finished campaigns

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 12:00pm
Kickstarter, the popular platform for crowdfunding all sorts of things including video games and board games, is expanding with some new tools.

IGN acquired the Gamer Network including RPS, Eurogamer, VG247 and more

Gaming on Linux - 22 May 2024 - 11:35am
It's not only game publishers that have been consolidating their power buying up lots of developers and other publishers, it's also happening in gaming media with IGN buying up the Gamer Network.


Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 10:35am

Streaming Xdefiant come by and say hi and leave a follow thank you!


submitted by /u/AustinT5oh
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Hyprland explicit sync support

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 10:24am

hi linux noob here,
i am currently using arch linux hyprland(WM) with hybrid gpu setup(laptop).
i want to switch to dedicated gpu(nvidia) with the new driver,does the hyprland wm supports explicit sync?
will the experience be flawless like in hybrid mode.

submitted by /u/Aggravating-Hand2725
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discord screenshare using wayland?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 7:36am

Does anyone have this working and know how to set it up? I’ve tried web based clients but they don’t support push to talk which is a must for me, and even then the screen sharing doesn’t work. I’ve also tried xwayland video bridge which doesn’t work either. Really confused on what to do

submitted by /u/Independent-Regret91
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Wow will randomly decide not to load in Lutris

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 7:08am

Decided to give ubuntu 24.04 a shot from a stable linux mint 21.3 install.

Everything works BUT wow...which is doing the same crap it was doing on linux mint edge (newer kernels it hates or something?)

GeForce 4070ti

Ubuntu 24.04 Cinnamon

Latest Lutris (flathub)

Overwatch works fine.

Wow just opens and then immediately closes and I have zero idea why. Yes I've tried mutliple settings where bnet either closes completely or stays open and minimizes on game launch..doesn't makea difference. Why is Wow so freakin flaky?

submitted by /u/JulienWA77
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7800xt issues with default clocks speed and memory clock speed

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 6:37am

Just got a new GPU the other day, 7800XT, and I've been checking for utilities for AMD GPUs on Linux, etc. I found LACT. Now, I've noticed I had some visual glitches sometimes when my memory clock rate was low and then spiked up in speed. Nothing major, just a white line across the screen for a split second. After setting the MHz to 1.218GHz, it's never happened again. However, I can't set the GPU mem clock to the 2.2GHz it should be at. Is there a way to set the power states?


submitted by /u/SuperficialNightWolf
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A few grievences with Bazzite

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 5:46am

Alright, first things first, I am not looking to bring down the work of the fantastic dev team behind the project. I see what they're doing and I'm so happy to see Fedora finally working as a gaming distro.

But... Some things make me want to switch after a few hours. I am on KDE for example, and cannot install snaps, barely could install gnome software (which I usually do for some things that Discover just doesn't do well) and a few more things like that.

Using the terminal to install things is more painful than other distros, but it could be the fedora edition that is different than workstation. I don't know.

That being said, it runs Plasma 6 really well, even if slow at times.

I think this distro shines far more on portable consoles like the Steam Deck, from the comments I've read. And overall, it's a solid offering, no share meant to the Devs. But those points do stick out as thorns in an otherwise beautiful rose bush.

I have yet to try gaming proper, and with a Nvidia GPU, we'll see how it goes!

submitted by /u/MutaitoSensei
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IL2CPP wine

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 22 May 2024 - 5:42am

Trying to start a game that is built for windows exclusively, launching under wine I get a failed to initialize IL2CPP, is there a way to fix this esailly or does wine lack unit IL2cpp support.

submitted by /u/TizWarp1
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