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Monthly FiveM Post!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 9:27pm

I’ve seen people post they got it to work but nobody goes into detail or gives a step by step on how they did it. So, once again I am asking if anyone has a legit way to run it? If so could you provide a guide.

submitted by /u/G0tti215
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disc write error whilst installing games on steam, upon restarting the pc it goes into busy box

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 9:21pm

so im new to linux mint and when i got a disc write error people suggested to restart the system as it might resolve the issue however i was greeted with a busy box display screen, upon trying to exit i got this screen, can someone please tell me a fix? thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/ResistEasy3700
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Final fantasy VII (original) steam version suddenly stopped running

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 9:20pm


So, im running this game on popOS and for a month (almost 20 hours in game, pre-ancient temple) it has been a blast alongside ffnx mod, i loved the experience, but for whatever reason i cannot comprehend the launcher works fine but i am totally unable to either find my save files or get back into the game, please help.

Identifiable actions i've taken (ordered by moment in time from least recent to latest):

  1. Remove content from a numbered folder under steamapps (related to an issue with another game, source: https://www.protondb.com/app/552500#oP7LpwPlrf )
  2. Open the game, launcher succeeds, game launch fails. Reboot system.
  3. Search for save files (none found either at .steam/ or .wine/ and subdirectories.
  4. Turn on and off cloud saving. (ik, most likely will be problematic, but to this point i was already in a high level of anxiety).
  5. Reinstall the game.

Please let me know if i can get my save files somehow and continue playing where i left it.

submitted by /u/Akirapearl
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Nouveau mesa 24.1 low FPS in games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 9:10pm

Yeah the title's all there's to it, except maybe the fact that I use Arch btw.

I was using nvidia-open-dkms but uninstalled it recently and updated mesa to the hailed 24.1 so I can reap the benefits.

System's running smoother, wayland now works instead of throwing a black screen, but even stuff like TF2 runs at 12FPS max.

I've added vulkan-nouveau to make Vulkan work but beyond that I don't know what could be the issue.

submitted by /u/igores3601
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Switching back to Windows 10

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 8:54pm


Im going back to windows 10, cause i dont think that my laptop with low end hardware can play games on linux.

With web games it is good, but...

2D Indie games: slow

3D Games: powerpoint prezentation.

thank you for giving me advice, but i dont think linux is for people who have low end laptops right now...

hopefully i will find a good free antivirus to protect my laptop from all sorts of viruses if linux will still not support low end laptops or other low end machines that well after windows 10 becomes unsuported by microsoft.

submitted by /u/Stock_Hunter5210
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A game made on Linux for Linux! Reverse Module Demo!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 8:51pm

Hello everyone! :)

After a lot of strife I settled on RPG Maker for my personal version of Reverse Module. We also have an open source version and we mainly need Artists so please feel free to DM me if you wanna join! :)

My personal version on Steam has a demo ready for NextFest and I would appreciate any kind of feedback! :)

It's a simple RPG Maker game with a really short demo but I would love to know what you think! :)

submitted by /u/CosmicEmotion
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Problem with games resolution under Wayland on BazziteOS (Gnome).

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 8:47pm

I switched to BazziteOS (Gnome) a week ago and and I am loving it but I just have one problem. Under Wayland for Gnome fractional scaling is enabled which is great for apps like Steam which is usally tiny under my 4K monitor and I have it set to 200% in the settings for the scaling. Well when I go into any game I can’t set the game to a pure 4K resolution and it is a weird resolution number in the settings. To fix this I can put the scale to 100% which makes the steam client very small and overall my whole desktop tiny but the resolutions in game are normal or I can switch to X11 which putting scaling to 200% makes everything bigger except my steam client but my resolution in the games settings is fine and i can put it at 3840 × 2160. I’m fine with running X11 though it is ancient and I would prefer to be running Wayland because it’s newer and it has VRR support as well. It’s not a huge problem I guess but is there anyway that I can fix the games resolution under Wayland?

submitted by /u/Cassiusor2468
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Lutris File Not Found Error

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 8:30pm


On lutris's install windows game from exe option after selecting everything it gives this error, this doesnt only happen on blackflag

submitted by /u/HexCodec
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GE-Proton9-6 Released

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 8:26pm
GE-Proton9-6 Released

Repository: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom · Tag: GE-Proton9-6 · Commit: 26c0f4c · Released by: GloriousEggroll

Nothing too crazy with this release, mostly just importing upstream changes from Valve this time around.

  • Persona 4 Golden video fixes have been re-added.
  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge
  • dxvk updated to latest git
  • vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
  • upstream proton changes added
  • upstream steamclient changes added
  • upstream wineopenxr changes added

This release has 4 assets:

  • GE-Proton9-6.sha512sum
  • GE-Proton9-6.tar.gz
  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.GE-Proton9-6 Released

Repository: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom · Tag: GE-Proton9-6 · Commit: 26c0f4c · Released by: GloriousEggroll

Nothing too crazy with this release, mostly just importing upstream changes from Valve this time around.

  • Persona 4 Golden video fixes have been re-added.
  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge
  • dxvk updated to latest git
  • vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
  • upstream proton changes added
  • upstream steamclient changes added
  • upstream wineopenxr changes added
submitted by /u/Alatarith
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Vampire Therapist is a unique dark comedy narrative adventure with a great voice cast

Gaming on Linux - 4 Jun 2024 - 7:40pm
Being a Vampire Therapist is not something that's high up on my wishlist of jobs, but it certainly sounds interesting and you can try out the fresh demo now.

Fedora 40 and Nvidia RTX 3060

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 7:28pm

Hello fellow people,

let me start by saying I love and fcking hate Fedora KDE Plasma. After that is out of the way I really do need all of ur help.

I play games and browse the web and thats it, so I installed Fedora 40 and done everything in my power to install the right NVIDIA Drivers via RPM.
Playing Dark Souls was okayish but starting Stardew Valley was a lasershow for me.
It flickered like crazy and everything was just awful.

So after I tried Fedora I thought: Well, guess I try POP_OS and it works like a charm but I would love a distro that has KDE as a native flavor and also, imo, the Fedora Store is better but please correct me if I am wrong because I am a complete noob under Linux, for now!


So here is my problem:

Would you recommend to just use POP_OS or go back to Fedora and if I should go back the please by the love of god can someone help me install the NVIDIA drivers correctly so that Stardew finally works?

Oh and also under POP_OS Nvidia Panel works perfectly while under Fedora it just wont work.

submitted by /u/Frank_West08
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Need help with CachyOS :.)

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 6:55pm

recently I decided to join linux community and since I wanted to play some games on it so I installed cachyOS which is based on arch and it has good optimizations related to games and performance improvements. I also installed envycontrol to control which gpu is being used since I'm a optimus laptop owner, but I need help about somethings: 1. what things I should definitely do after installing linux? 2. how can I improve performance on linux? 3. any recommendations for a newbie like me 4. how to update or install drivers?

my specs: cpu i7 7500U GPU1 intel HD 620 (integrated) GPU2 nvidia GeForce 930mx (discrete) 16Gb ram

any help would be so great 👍🙏

submitted by /u/HealthyLawfulness836
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Steam Games 90% Incompatible?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 6:49pm

I installed Mint yesterday and got round to downloading Steam towards the end of setting up.

Considering Steam Deck is Linux based, and the various posts I read about Steam being on Linux as if it was a game changer, I was very surprised to see that only a small percentage of my Library was actually supported on Linux.

Sure, I can play Left4Dead, Cities skylines, a handful of indie titiles Portal and maybe most of my other Valve games, but I've completed them.

The games I actually wanted to install, most notably Tekken (2 titles), Street Fighter V, Mortal Kombat (last 2), Resident Evil, Star Wars (8 titles), LEGO (7 Games) South Park, Kingdom Come, Just Cause and Batman (4 titles) have the install icon greyed out and a Windows icon next to it.

I did install WINE to get Irfanview installed, but that is another issue as though it says installed, the program is not listed under WINE or anywhere else I have looked so far.

Is WINE able make the rest of my Steam library playable, or is it still the case that if you really want to game you dual boot Windows?

submitted by /u/simagus
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Looking for a new Mouse

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 6:48pm

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows of good budget mice. I am looking for White, Wireless, and a wheel lock for the scroll wheel. I have been using my Logitech G502 for a couple of years now and I Since the Ghub does not work with Linux as for what I have seen I am looking for a replacement.

submitted by /u/FatedNordic
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Distros for playing and streaming some games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 4 Jun 2024 - 6:20pm

I think I narrowed down my choices to Fedora, Debian or Mint. I wish to play games, stream and make some videos as well as use the PC for personal stuff such as browsing social media or watching Netflix.

The thing is, I am not really concerned with a "different" user experience from Windows. I can easily adapt to things looking and working differently so long as they DO work. So which of my options will offer me the most performance, reliability and security? Not having to do too much tinkering is a bonus.

submitted by /u/AlexMcRenLord
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