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Laggy CS2 on Flatpak Steam

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 9:22pm


I recently did a clean reinstall of OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (KDE Plasma 6 under Wayland) and decided to go for Flatpak istallation of Steam in order to avoid contaminating my installation with a bunch of 32 bit packages. My graphics card is Radeon RX 6700XT and it was good enough to play Counter Strike 2 prior the reinstallation driving a 1440p monitor. I copied over my old Steam config from .config folder to the corresponding directory for Flatpaks and that seemed to work. Unfortunately, I can no longer play CS 2: while the in game FPS is hovering at 120 there is a significant lag. It's hard for me to describe what exactly is going wrong, but rendering is not responsive enough to user input (such as mouse movements). Is there a way I can diagnose this issue? I really do not want to install native Steam just to troubleshoot this issue.

submitted by /u/GloriousIguana
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Joycons won't connect to PC

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 9:17pm

Hello. I am on Linux Mint. I'm trying to play trauma center on dolphin, but the it seems really shaky, even on the lowest sensitivity, so I wanted to try switching to using the joycons and see if maybe their gyro would work better for the pointer. Unfortunately, after installing joycond, I tried connecting them in the Bluetooth menu. On the PC, they'll connect for a split second, but then either shut off or keep flashing the connection lights. This happens regardless of if I use the sync button to try synching them or the zl + zr or l + r buttons like the joycond GitHub pages says to. Any ideas what's going on? My 8bitdo controller can connect just fine.

submitted by /u/superdecker64
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Switching from Win11 and FFXIV

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 8:51pm

Hi folks! I'm completely new to linux (to the point my husband teased me for how I pronounced it lol), but I'm considering switching due to the issues with Win11 and this AI bs and other privacy issues, nevermind that there's an increasing amount of bloat happening.

I am a gamer, hence my presence here, and while I typically buy my pc games through Steam, there is one that I did not, namely, as you can guess from the title, Final Fantasy 14. This is my primary mmo and you cannot purchase the steam client once you've bought the regular windows client, and I'm not about to abandon my service account to repurchase the game through steam. With Dawntrail on the horizon, I am trying to learn as much as I can about linux and gaming so I can have things set up to play.

I am not totally tech illiterate, but there is an overwhelming amount of tech jargon even in the faq that has my headspinning about what I need to do to happily start gaming with linux, particularly since my main game is the only one that isn't thru Steam.

Gaming and photography are the most resource intensive things I do on my computer, but I'll worry about lightroom later since my research so far indicates a lot of what I need to do to get FFXIV running is also necessary for lightroom, so I'm sure most of my questions for lightroom or alternatives to it will be easier to handle.

Including my laptop specs because it's lower end than the desktop I'll be getting in a couple weeks, but I don't have those specs atm

submitted by /u/singsongraptor
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Gpu drivers

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 8:48pm

Hi, I have a big problem I’m new to Linux (Mint) and I know only few common commands in terminal So, I have laptop with gtx 1660 ti and second monitor When I install official gpu drivers from Drivers manager my pc doesn’t see second monitor. So, I use unofficial drivers (I forgot a name, but it also from Drivers manager), but I have an issues with them. When I were on Windows, I liked to use my laptop with closed lid (only with second monitor), but when I close lid on Linux, my pc starts freezing in games. It seems like my NVIDIA gpu just turns off, and I play games on intel gpu

I don’t know what to do to permit my NVIDIA gpu to turn off


submitted by /u/edigoveR
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updated MTG Arena and now I'm unable to play, has anyone solved this?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 8:44pm

I installed and played a bit of MTG Arena last month, just to playtest it, and it worked fine (extremely well actually) with Proton. Since yesterday I have been trying to play it but it gets stuck at the error "Error Updating Data, check your connection".

I have tried using a VPN, using cable, uninstalling/reinstalling and even some weird things people recommended like re-syncing the clock.

has anyone encountered this on linux and managed to solve it?

edit: found the logs


[0] Startup Timestamp: 6/3/2024 3:53:55 PM

[0] Loaded embedded metadata

[0] Initializing Steam

[0] Steam status: Available

[0] CredentialLoginContext created

[0] Environment set to Prod, AWS

[0] Version: 2024.37.20.5920 / 2024.37.20.5920.1070770 /

[1] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2021.1.10 Build 7883.

[1] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: Z:/home/edssb/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/MTGA/MTGA_Data\Plugins\x86_64

[1] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.

[2] [TaskLogger]Steam AuthToken retrieved.

[317] [AssetBundles] GET manifest pointer from https://assets.mtgarena.wizards.com/External_2024.37.20.5920.1070770-windows.mtga ...

[598] [TaskLogger]Exception encountered when fetching manifest pointer file from https://assets.mtgarena.wizards.com/External_2024.37.20.5920.1070770-windows.mtga: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException An error occurred while sending the request

[598] [TaskLogger]Exception encountered when fetching manifest pointer file from https://assets.mtgarena.wizards.com/External_2024.37.20.5920.1070770-windows.mtga: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException An error occurred while sending the request

[600] Exception: Exception encountered when fetching manifest pointer file from https://assets.mtgarena.wizards.com/External_2024.37.20.5920.1070770-windows.mtga: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException An error occurred while sending the request

Wizards.Mtga.Assets.AssetBundleProvisioner.ProvisionManifests (System.Func\2[T,TResult] manifestSourceFilter, System.IProgress`1[T] provisionProgress) (at <36a151fe16db45c285393e375164708e>:0)`

Wizards.Mtga.Assets.AssetBundleProvision.PrepareDownload (Wizards.Mtga.Assets.IAssetFileChecker fileChecker, Wizards.Mtga.Assets.IAssetPathResolver embeddedAssetPathResolver, System.IProgress\1[T] provisionProgress, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) (at <36a151fe16db45c285393e375164708e>:0)`





UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

submitted by /u/helloimapickle
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Linux noob here, please help! :(

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 8:31pm

I decided to switch from windows to linux for a better experience today because i am honestly really sick of windows, after a bit of research i settled on using ubuntu because it seemed like a good platform for pc gaming. so i updated all my drivers and installed steam, then installed brawlhalla because its a fairly small game and i wanted to test how it goes on my new os, but when i tried launching it, it shows me on my steam that the app is running but then suddenly stops. please can someone help me. (and yes i force enabled proton on the game)

submitted by /u/ResistEasy3700
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How do you save your game files on lutris since there is no cloud saves?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 8:13pm

I'm planning to start a big rpg, and I don't want to start it, and something happens to my data.

submitted by /u/KFCBUCKETS9000
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Wake Bazzite OS from sleep with controller

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 7:28pm

I've built a mini pc for my living room, running Bazzite OS. I am very satisfied with the results after setting everything up. The only thing left to figure out is how to wake the pc with any of the controllers. It works every time with my Logitech wireless kb/m combo but controllers are not working, bluetooth or wired. I tried with Xbox One generic controller wired and Switch Pro controller both plugged in and wirelessly. Anyone had the same issue?

submitted by /u/pachunko
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Unable to use dualsense on Elden Ring

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 6:12pm

Controller seems to work fine but in elden ring I just cannot get it to work. Ingame it constantly spins and i can control the camera with left and right triggers kinda. I can also move but no other buttons really work.

submitted by /u/Johnclimber
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KVM Steam Group

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 6:01pm


i created a steam group for all KVM Users. Feel free to join :)


submitted by /u/Academic_Plankton209
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PSVR2 on Linux?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 5:27pm

I bought the PSVR2 for my ps5 and now they announced an adapter for pc support and now I’m interested to get one for my pc. I only know that there is a SteamVR app, but I don’t know if that’s the only requirement for VR headsets on Linux. How is the experience with VR Headsets on Linux is it plug and play? Does some headsets need extra software? Do you think the PSVR2 will work on Linux?


submitted by /u/Dynsks
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Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 5:22pm

Hey I hope you all doing good there's offer about gaming destiny if you are interested leave "Yes" in the comment!

submitted by /u/m1idbe
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Nintendo switch controllers connected, but not detected by any programs

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 4:45pm

When I connect my nintendo switch joycons to my pc, it says they're connected, but when I open programs like steam, yuzu, ryujinx or jstest-gtk, the controller doesn't show up anywhere, as if it's not connected. Same issue with my procontroller.

I have been looking everywhere for a solution and tried a lot of things but the controllers just won't show up, despite blueman saying they're connected.

I'm using linux mint 21 (cinnamon)

kernel version 5.15.0-107

bluez 5.64

blueman 2.3.5

submitted by /u/Then-Rice4460
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According to some threads online, using my XLR mic on discord is having issues due to the fact that the sample rate is over 48000hz but I don't see any way to change this on Linux

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 4:14pm

I'm using Fedora 40 on gnome, and using Vesktop, but I can't figure out any way to actually adjust the sample rate of my mic. I'm using the focusrite solo gen 4 and an AT2020. If anyone has a solution please let me know, I saw a thread mention /etc/pulse/daemon.conf but that file doesn't exist so besides that I have no other leads

submitted by /u/Improvisable
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NXM handler for Mod Organizer 2

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 4:05pm

Hi all,

I'm playing Fallout TTW through Lutris and have created a very basic bash script that allows you to download the mod directly from the Nexus mod site by sending the link from the browser to the nxmhandler.exe file in the MO2 directory.

Here's the script (nxmhandler): (replace <wineprefix> with the path to your wine prefix)

#!/bin/bash cat > ~/winecommands.bat <<EOF cd %WINEPREFIX%/drive_c/Modding/MO2 && nxmhandler.exe "$1" EOF WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=<wineprefix> wine start cmd /c "$HOME/winecommands.bat"

And here's the desktop file (nxmhandler.desktop) that handles the request from the browser:

[Desktop Entry] Name=NXM Handler Exec=nxmhandler %u Type=Application Terminal=false MimeType=x-scheme-handler/nxm;

Note: Set “NXM Handler” as the application to manage nxm links on the browser, put the nxmhandler script in the PATH and run xdg-mime default nxm.desktop x-scheme-handler/nxm after creating the desktop file

EDIT: I tried following this guide, but unfortunately it did not work, so I made a slightly different version.

I hope it helps!

submitted by /u/USERNAME123_321
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Need help with two games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 3:53pm

Basically I'm at the point to switch to Linux. My only question I have is regarding support for two games I play which are Overwatch 2 (technically my bro plays it) and Microsoft Flight Simulator.

  • Overwatch 2: How the Linux support for this?
  • MSFS: Due to this being through Xbox Store, this is probably gonna be run through a Windows KVM

Also wanna ask how would I split my system resources for the Windows KVM so gonna add my specs (let me know if theirs more info you need):

  • CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X
  • RAM: 32 GB 3600 MHZ
  • GPU: RTX 3060 12 GB (I'm planning on in the future to get an AMD Card for Linux, and pass through the Nvidia GPU to the Windows KVM)
submitted by /u/Singh673
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why is my minecrafts fps on linux lower than on windows?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 3 Jun 2024 - 3:47pm

umm hello, i just downloaded linux mint cinnamon 21.3 on my laptop with intel i3 4030u and nvidia 820m with 6gb of ram, im new to linux and i havent done anything to it besides on downloading the nvidia driver, and i diwnloaded a cracked version of minecraft using sklauncher while using the remarkably optimized modpack
and why is this, in windows with some optimizations on chris titus tool and using softwares to boost fps like hone, with the RO modpack i can get 150-185 fps, and in linux with the same modpack no optimizations on the OS im getting 30-50 fps, can you help me on how to improve my gaming performance, like i said this is my first time using linux, i just made the switch 4 days ago

submitted by /u/ExperienceThis7328
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