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Sarek9-13-r1 Released :)

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 14 Sep 2024 - 5:17am

Hi there ;), I come here to announce the third release of Sarek, or Proton-For-Old-Vulkan, my small custom Proton with DXVK 1.10.3 for people that have GPUs that support Vulkan 1.1+ but not Vulkan 1.3 or have non Vulkan support and that want a plug-and-play option with personal patches.

This its the first revision of Sarek9-13. So whats new?

Now just like the Testing Build Sarek-Stable will use by default OpenGL 4.6 while using WineD3D, but only with command stream, not with command serialization, the stability with this configuration its the same of the prior build.

Note: Proton and Wine typically support a maximum version of OpenGL 4.4 when using WineD3D. While using OpenGL 4.6 may not provide a significant or even decent performance boost, it helps reduce stuttering on older or low-end hardware.

Why it dont have the command serialization by default?
Again, it's a problem with stability. I am currently checking out the WineHQ wiki and more to see if it can be fixed in any way (Maybe changing the Windows version? Or making a new prefix from scratch?).
The only game affected so far is S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of the Zone. But I don't want to ship it when it can break games. It may be a problem for other games that I don't play/didn't test.
So I will keep it in the Testing build for now, and use my friends PCs as a testing ground ;).

Testing Build:

The Testing Build its the same of the prior release, it will use by default OpenGL 4.6 while using WineD3d with command stream and command serialization.

New things:
I also added an optimization guide on the Readme of the GitHub project, this options may not help people with top tier PCs but for low end or old hardware it sure does.

Release: https://github.com/pythonlover02/Proton-Sarek/releases/tag/Sarek9-13-r1
Optimization Guide: https://github.com/pythonlover02/Proton-Sarek?tab=readme-ov-file#Optimization
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/pythonlover02/Proton-Sarek

Thats all for now :P, hope that you enjoy your gaming.

submitted by /u/Ok-Pace-1900
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Weird graphical glitches when gaming on [debian]

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 14 Sep 2024 - 4:59am

Here is my fast fetch and the glitches



The only thing I can think of that could have caused this sudden issue is either my move to a new PC case or the fact that I tried to install Stremio. It kept saying 'repair broken install,' so I ran the command provided ('sudo apt-get --fix-broken install'). Other than that, I can't think of anything." Any help would be appreciated I don't have much experience so please be patient with me.

submitted by /u/LordDickfist
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Satisfactory 1.0

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 14 Sep 2024 - 2:08am

Just came here to say that Satisfactory 1.0 runs great on Linux (Pop!Os). Here's my rig for reference: i9 9900k RTX 2070 super Nvme SSD 32g RAM

submitted by /u/Itsallabouthirdbase
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How to Launch Skyrim with MO2 if using SteamTinkerLaunch

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 14 Sep 2024 - 1:40am

So I just installed Skyrim on my steam deck, and after the normal MO2 installer was seemingly not working, I installed MO2 via SteamTinkerLaunch. I managed to get my whole mod setup ready again, and I’m effectively ready to play. But there’s one problem.

I don’t know how to actually start the game through MO2 with this setup. Normally, I would just launch the game, which launches MO2, and from there I’d just select and launch the game. But it seems it works differently when you install it through STL. How do I actually start the game with this setup?

submitted by /u/NewGunchapRed
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Android emulator that supports keybinds?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 14 Sep 2024 - 12:01am

First of all, yes I do know that Waydroid is NOT an emulator. Just wanted to clear that up before I get a thousand comments telling me that "Waydroid isn't an emulator".

So anyways, basically I wanted to play Among Us without paying for it in Steam and do it legally. And the only way I know is BlueStacks, because for some odd reason the Android version of Among Us is free but the PC isn't.

At first I went to go and see if BlueStacks has native Linux support, which I knew was unlikely. It didn't.

Then I remembered Waydroid. I installed it (took 2 DAYS) and then realized that it doesn't have keybind support. And I wasted 2 days on this.

I took a deep breath, and then googled it, thinking that it definitely wasn't just me who wanted keybinds on Waydroid. Surprisingly, that was true, there were a lot of posts with people wanting keybinds on Waydroid, and some other people providing workarounds.

One of those workarounds was Qtscrcpy, but someone else below that guy said that it doesn't work. So that was scrapped. (even when I tried it it didn't work either)

Another one was "octopus keymapper apk". I googled that and snatched an apk from APKMirror and slapped it onto Waydroid. It didn't install.

Quickly I figured out that you need to install an ARM translator onto Waydroid. That was (and is) surprising to me, because that meant that the Waydroid devs rewrote Android in x86 / x64, kind of like Android-x86.

Anyways I installed that and soon enough I was able to install this "octopus keymapper". It installed, but then it said "No device connected". I was confused as heck.

Looking into it further, apparently this app only works with Bluetooth controllers.

I first thought of the sanity of the guy who provided that workaround, then resorted to other stuff.

After digging even more, I found an app that was called "Key Mapper" (it was also no longer being developed). I tried installing that, it worked. It actually freaking worked. It took a lot of setup, sure, but it worked.

But then I realized one thing. It still presses the spot on the joystick even when I'm chatting in Among Us. And, that means that it pressed random keys on the keyboard.

And I couldn't fix this. I resorted to good old MacroDroid, and while I WAS able to make the macro not fire (keybind not work) when typing, it was EXTREMELY laggy and I couldn't hold W down to just... go. I needed to spam it constantly.

After this I gave up on Waydroid (this whole saga with Waydroid, excluding installing it lasted 3 DAYS), and thought of good old fashioned Android emulators.

I went to Wine's AppDB to see how well BlueStacks worked, and..

Every single version and test results were rated "Garbage".

Mostly every test result said that the installer didn't run. I actually got the installer to run, but couldn't actually install it. So BlueStacks was scrapped.

Then I thought of another emulator I knew, Nox. I threw it on AppDB, and..

Most results said it installs, but it doesn't run. And of course they were rated "Garbage".

Then I googled "android emulators" (I already tried googling Linux Android emulators before, didn't find anything) and it came up with this thing called "MEmu"? It sounded very Chinese (it was) but I installed it regardless, but I couldn't do that before throwing it on AppDB! (the installer was 700 MBs for god's sake)

And AppDB had one, single test result, that said "installer insta-crashes".

I tried it regardless, and it got to 99%!

But then it failed. Then I read some stuff about it being a virus and went to both Program Data folders of my .wine and also AppData and even ProgramData and deleted everything I could find that was related to MEmu.

And now we're here. I'm asking you guys who probably know more about this stuff than I do to tell me what to do! I want to fully switch to Linux after the fateful day (October 2025) and I want to be prepared for the big switch. So please tell me what kind of emulator I can use. Thank you for reading through my rant.

submitted by /u/BOplaid
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First day with Gulikit KK3 Pro Controller

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 11:50pm

Evening all. I recently purchased the above controller after hearing about Gulikit devices being quite friendly with Linux.

Installation requires no additional software and the device was recognised as an Xbox 360 controller immediately upon connection. There is a small button on the rear of the controller which, when double-clicked, will alternate between Switch, 'PC', Android/iOS/macOS and Hyperlink Adapter. Initially I used 'PC' and connected via USB-C to USB-A cable, though unfortunately using some USB ports on my PC seemed to cause ghost button presses. However, I found that using the supplied dongle and Hyperlink connection worked very well. I read elsewhere that the Switch connection also works, but have not yet tested that.

To update the firmware, simply download the Zip file from the Gulikit website and copy onto the controller. The controller can be connected to the PC as a USB drive; to do this, the 'APG' + A button should be pressed when powering on. I just unzipped the downloaded file and copied the BIN file across. The USB device will disconnect after a couple of seconds and when you next power the controller on the firmware will be updated. Great stuff!

Charging the controller is simple: connect via USB-C cable to a PC or suitable mains charger and wait for the orange logo light to turn green.

The KK3 Pro also comes with two removable back buttons which can be inserted into four possible slots on the underside of the controller. These are then programmed to emulate top buttons via a combination of button presses.

The A-B,X-Y button functions can be swapped using the 'Gear' and + keys. Very handy! Plus, there are numerous other functions which I have not yet investigated, including: gyroscope, rapid fire, joystick sensitivity adjustment and macro recording (APG). The lighting rings can also be changed to different effects.

The movement is tight and button presses are reactive. Weight feels similar to a Steam Controller. Based on around 24 hours' use so far, this controller is recommended: 9/10.

submitted by /u/rvolland
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3rd party approved Xbox controller remap

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 11:20pm


This picture comes from the Nobara Driver Manager to show the controller I'm using, plugged in with USB. Every key is mapped correctly in Linux except the X and Y keys are swapped. Google & DDG are yet to provide answers. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/ButterscotchKey9326
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Death Stranding, BAR, and 4G. Some odd performance

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 10:41pm

I've been running Nobara for a few months. 5600x3d CPU, 7800xt GPU

I had issues initially when I had an Nvidia GPU but things cleared up when I went AMD

But one game that shouldn't even make my system flinch was Death Stranding DC. And normally it never did

But when there's a lot of floating transparent text on the screen it tanked. 55fps with CPU cores at 40% and the GPU being low as well, sometimes even lower clock speeds

I read some things in here about disabling some setting with a parameter which basically turned off Resizable BAR but that didn't help. I turned it off in the BIOS but that didn't matter either.

After I turned off the >4G setting though, perfect.

Deleted the command, still good. Turned BAR back on, still good. Turned 4G back on, bad

Is this a weird MB Bios issue (AB 350m from gigabyte) or something with the 4G setting? I guess turning it off isn't a big deal but it's odd that that was the setting that dramatically changes everything

Is it good to just leave that off for good?

submitted by /u/Saneless
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Hot Diggity This Has Improved Alot!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 10:03pm

Back in 2018-~2021 I was on Linux full time. Ran Arch at first then moved to Fedora. It was ROUGH, but really fun to watch the constant improvement in real time.

But eventually I went back Windows due to several headaches with gaming and other hobbies.

I'd been popping my head in every month or so, slapping Fedora on a spare drive and testing, but the results just weren't good. I kept hearing that Nvidia had gotten better but in KDE and GNOME, my desktop animations were laggy. Games ran OKAY but definitely not super great on both x11 and Wayland

Then a freind of mine amd me decided we'd both give Arch another go. He did vanilla arch and I installed Endeavor and holy crap. Everything worked. Games runner as good or better. OBS behaving and giving basically no performance hit. Video editing working great. GNOME animations smooth as butter.

I don't know if there's an issue with the Nvidia rpm fusion package or what, but it's so good to be back. I haven't ran into a single deal breaker yet.

submitted by /u/WheatyMcGrass
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Why I gave up on Linux gaming for good

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 9:28pm

First, Let me say right off the bat that I am NOT looking for advice or technical support. I already got a heap of that, and a lot of it came from this very subreddit, so thank you everyone for sharing your knowledge and experience with people looking for solutions.
But read on, dead reader! For you may just find a problem similar to yours here, and with that, some guidance toward the solution that you seek.

This is just a tale of a senior software dev with many years of experience tinkering with many machines and OSes, wanting to get away from the rapidly deteriorating Windows 11 experience, and ending utterly disappointed and saddened, crawling back whence he came, after wasting tens of hours of his precious time.

Installing Linux (I chose Mint this time around) is always the easiest part. After first boot comes the obligatory updates and installation of apps and utilities that you know you'll be needing. The first hour is smooth as a baby's powdered buttcheeks.

And then it's all downhill from there.

Fist, getting Steam to access the drives where I have my over 2TB of games was quite the ordeal. And that's with me being lucky enough to not have installed it as a flatpak to begin with.
Fiddling with fstab always ends up with an unbootable system the first few times. That's two hours of looking at very tiny text on my 55'' 4K OLED TV with the keyboard in one hand, my phone in the other, and typing with my nose.

I manage to get a desktop again, and my drives are auto-mounted in the designated paths. But Steam does not show me the option to add a new library! This one is Valve's fault. Turns out this option does not exist while in Big Picture mode. It only appears if you access the settings screen in desktop mode.
So, Steam shows me the other drives. I select them. And it imports the games! Finally some progress!
But, when I try to run any of them, I get an error. I'm sure a lot of you have encountered the same problem. It's either that the partitions are not mounted with execution permissions, or that they are mounted as read-only.
Turns out that, if you have a hiberfile in Windows, Linux will only mount those NTFS partitions as read-only, because reasons. So, two more hours troubleshooting and looking for answers. Boot into Windows, disable hibernation (whatever I need to do in Windows is always the easiest and quickest part), and check again.

Finally, it seems like Steam is launching a game! But no. It shows a short logo animation, and then just stops. No error, no explanation. Nothing.
Frustrated, I decided to install another game, instead of using one of my existing ones. And I also installed it to the ext4 partition that I created for Linux. And everything worked perfectly!
So, I moved that game (Animal Well, because it's super tiny, and therefore easy and quick to move around) to one of the other libraries in an NTFS partitions. And now it doesn't work.

This time, it took me 3 hours to find out that certain explicit permissions must be set for those NTFS folders in order to allow Steam to do its thing. So I do that. And the game started! OMG! I'm so close to the finish line after two days of faffing about and losing more hair that usual.

Next, the controller. OMFG the controller. I know everyone here knows that getting a BT controller to connect to Linux is a hassle. To get it to be recognized by Steam is a triple hassle. And to get it to reconnect after it is disconnected for whatever reason, like, I don't know, turning the PC off, is literally impossible. You have to jump through the same spiky hoops set on fire EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to connect a BT controller!

Before I get into the game I really want to try (Monster Hunter Rise), I must call attention to yet another feature that simply does not exist in any way, shape or form in most Linux distributions, and that's HDR.
And even when there is a way, it also requires jumping through hundreds of spiky hoops on fire, just to try and enable a feature that is now commonplace, and that has been supported by Windows for many years without any issues, right out of the box.

So, I lauched the game, knowing that it will not look as good as I'm used to. But i just want to at least see if it can be played. Now I see multiple messages about downloading and installing Proton files and .net versions... And the game starts! I can't believe it! It actually works! I'm stating to feel some elation from seeing my just reward after so much effort and suffering. I'm ready to hunt some monsters, baby!

I load my character, I take a dozen steps towards the quest counter... and the entire computer crashes hard, with all fans furiously roaring at full speed. I had to turn the power supply off to make it stop, because the Reset and Power buttons didn't respond at all.
At that point, I disconnected the drive where I installed Linux, and booted back into Windows, where everything just works, without jumping through any hoops.

I have been doing a lot of gaming on Linux for almost a year, since I bought the Steam Deck OLED the day it launched. I specifically waited for a Steam Deck that supported HDR. That's how important it is to me.
And the experience has been pretty great. In no small part, I'm sure, because I've never even paired a BT controller to it, because I don't have to. I only use it as a handheld. I have 3 other PCs that I can use for big screen play, and the main one is like 10 times more powerful than the deck.

All I wanted was to see if I could replicate that same experience on a full gaming rig. Unfortunately, at this point in time, it most definitely is not possible. There are far too many compromises, far too many chores, far too many nuisances, far too many frustrations. And, at the end of the day, I don't even have to deal with the worst aspects of Windows when I playing games, because I'm in the game, not even thinking about what's underneath. And when, for whatever reason, I get annoyed by Windows, I can just pick up my Steam Deck, and continue exactly where I left of.

Valve has made huge strides toward a viable alternative to Windows for serious gamers. But only in their proprietary platform, and only with their proprietary software. Which is not that much better than the other alternatives: consoles. In a pinch, you can use a Steam Deck as a PC, and do PC stuff. It's not a very good PC, but it works.
But the truth is, at the end of the day, nothing works quite as well, quite as smoothly, and quite as painlessly as Windows when it comes to playing modern videogames at peak performance.

submitted by /u/Fighterguardc
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Games and other processes running really slow on Lenovo Legion 5 pro Linux Ubuntu

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 9:13pm

I just switched to linux ubuntu, I've been fiddling around with it for a bit and am trying to run Factorio on it, however, even on the lowest graphics I get around 20fps with frequent drops, the audio is also janked and randomly makes insanely loud hisses.
My specs are:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
GPU: NVidia RTX 3070 Mobile
SSD: Samsung 1TB

I also have Windows on my other hard drive.
Right now I've tried to run it in game mode and haven't been succesful, and I also tried to run Elden Ring but it just crashes half a second after launching.
I would also like to add that I had zero problems like this on Windows 11.

submitted by /u/lowcomplex_
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Gaming on NVIDIA 4000 series Linux against Windows performance

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 13 Sep 2024 - 8:43pm

I've been looking for info about comparasions between windows vs linux distros for nvidia 4000 cards, but I can't find any modern info on benchmarks, I've found that for AMD cards its a clear win for Linux in cards and processor, but for Nvidia I've not found anything modern, is there any place to keep myself updated on this?

submitted by /u/Alert-Sir1362
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European Consumer Organization goes after multiple publishers for their in-game currency

Gaming on Linux - 13 Sep 2024 - 6:38pm
European Consumer Organization (BEUC) has called on the European Commission to deal with various game publishers, that the BEUC claim are breaching EU consumer protection laws.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

WINCH IT OUT is a challenging physics-based driving-platformer like classic Flash games

Gaming on Linux - 13 Sep 2024 - 6:16pm
Solo developer ARASLANIX are working on WINCH IT OUT, a physics-based driving-platformer, a game that reminds me of a simpler time with lots of different Flash games.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.
