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Updated: 18 min 42 sec ago

Mouse stuck to half side of screen in games

10 Jun 2024 - 7:04pm


running a Linux mint with dual screen setup. Works fine and damn, proton allows me to play all my games. no fucking microsoft anymore.

but: when i start games, the mouse gets locked to the left half of my main monitor. so i can not reach the right side. I was able to fix this in some games by deactivating the "mouse lock" feature. But in some games i can not open the settings, because the mouse won't be able to reach the button for that (tabbing etc does not help here, sadly).

Is there anything i do wrong or another way to fix this issue?

submitted by /u/timbuening
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Finally nuked my Windows partition

10 Jun 2024 - 6:44pm

So I finally got HDR working in games and decided to do a clean reinstall to wipe my W11 partition as I have been dual booting for like a year now. That is all.

submitted by /u/lqash
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COD BO2 Zombies | RX6600 | Linux

10 Jun 2024 - 6:12pm

SP and ZB works, but MP still has no sound (steam and plutonium) does anyone know how to solve it?

submitted by /u/Ill_Champion_3930
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Best way to play Chasm the Rift on Linux?

10 Jun 2024 - 5:48pm

As the title states I'm looking for the best way to play Action Forms' Chasm: The Rift on Linux.
Is there an easy way to play with all the tweaks and improvements found in Chasm Portable?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Miniheadshot
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10 Jun 2024 - 5:32pm

My younger brother wants Fortnite on the PC and I've searched every corner of the internet and came to the following conclusion: since EAC refuses to run on Linux I can either run Fortnite without EAC or download windows on the PC. So should I waste time trying to run Fortnite without EAC or just swallow the pill and download windows again?

submitted by /u/Pesterian
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I'm kinda new to this so I don't know what to do

10 Jun 2024 - 5:15pm

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 on a laptop with Nvidia gpu Lutris latest version and wine version 9.0

submitted by /u/Ok-Sleep-3139
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Running Synergy (Half Life 2) on Linux

10 Jun 2024 - 5:01pm

Hi, has anyone managed to get Synergy working with Linux? The game itself runs fine, but I cant seem to create a server that others can join. Previously, my friend on windows used to host the server (using hamachi) and it worked fine. But now I have convinced him to use Linux, so now, none of are able to host it. And by that I mean that the server game starts, but others cannot seem to be able to see it in the list of servers. Any ideas?

submitted by /u/Red-Eye-Soul
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Game installation location.

10 Jun 2024 - 4:59pm


So I've been dabbling with Linux recently and so far so alright.

My question is this. When I'm trying to install mods via Mod Organiser 2 it asks where my game is located. Not a problem usually, I see it shows C/program(X86) /Steam/Steamapp/ no game in there.

I also stumbled through the Linux file system and found the game ID but again there's no game folder or anything.

Anyone have any ideas?

submitted by /u/Dreams-and-Turtles
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Wanting to use my old Oculus Rift S again, worth a Windows partition?

10 Jun 2024 - 4:34pm

Pretty much what it says in the title, my Oculus birthday is been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for about a year ever since I built a new pc and decided to go with Fedora/Nobora over windows 11, mostly because I use Linux/MacOS on every other device I own, and outside a couple hiccups gaming on Linux has been a better experience than Windows ever was... except for VR.

the current state of FOSS Oculus software regardless of OS is frankly lacking, and I already had to make a Meta account for using Facebook Marketplace, I want to hear your opinions if it's worth a small Windows 10/11 partition for VR/Competitive games.

I know there are some projects out there that try to take the spyware/BS out of Windows (some with more legality than others...). I don't think a VM is going to be very useful for my case until we have same GPU passthrough. Other alternatives/ideas are welcome.


submitted by /u/4jakers18
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Dual boot files

10 Jun 2024 - 4:28pm

I need to build a new gaming PC. If I dual boot ubuntu and Windows 11 and save the steam game files in their own ntfs directory will windows and linux share the files?

submitted by /u/DonktheDestroyer
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Modern modding guides for games?

10 Jun 2024 - 4:26pm


Bethesda titles using mod organizer 2

Sonic games using hedgemodmanager


Steam workshop games

Really any other good guides

submitted by /u/runnerofshadows
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Noob Overclocking Question

10 Jun 2024 - 4:22pm

My pre built was overclocked by the manufacturer when I got it with windows 11. If I switch to Linux mint will the overclock settings remain or get deleted with the new OS and i will have to re do it myself on linux? Googling this seems to only give me the standard overclocking questions.

submitted by /u/Due_Tackle8415
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Steam only launches when run via console command

10 Jun 2024 - 12:35pm

Only other exception: The last step of the Valve installer process had a dialogue where I am to click a button to finalize the installation for the current user. Then and only once does the client launch properly, or as said, via console command "steam" and leaving the console window open all the time to avoid instantly closing the client.

When running the client (regardless of whether Valve installer or package manager version) via menu shortcut, after the login screen renders properly, the main Steam window does not, but the program merely flashes in the task bar for a brief moment every 20 seconds or so, with no client window rendering, and no function in the context menu working either, except quitting.

This is on Kubuntu 24.04 LTS with X11 but also happens on Wayland.

submitted by /u/Dowlphin
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GZDoom and Freedoom on Ubuntu

10 Jun 2024 - 11:36am

I would like to try out gzdoom. I thought I would run it against a wad from freedoom, is that possible?

I do gzdoom -iwad freedoom1.wad, this fails with the following error message:

Cannot find a game IWAD (doom.wad, doom2.wad, heretic.wad, etc.). Did you install GZDoom properly? You can do either of the following:

  1. Place one or more of these wads in ~/snap/gzdoom/current/.config/gzdoom/.
  2. Edit your ~/snap/gzdoom/current/.config/gzdoom/gzdoom.ini and add the directories of your iwads to the list beneath [IWADSearch.Directories]

I checked file ~/snap/gzdoom/current/.config/gzdoom/gzdoom.ini, it contains this line:


And that directory contains the wad that I am trying to load:

$ find /usr/share/games/doom /usr/share/games/doom /usr/share/games/doom/freedoom1.wad /usr/share/games/doom/freedoom2.wad

What am I doing wrong?

submitted by /u/DroidAvoid
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Is there any workaround to play Wuthering Waves?

10 Jun 2024 - 11:08am

The launcher keeps crashing whenever I try. I also heard that the anticheat isn't compatible but I didn't manage to find any newer posts about it, so is there a custom launcher or something that bypasses that?

submitted by /u/tetotetotetotetoo
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Guide me on how to setup GTA VC for my Linux Mint

10 Jun 2024 - 10:14am

Version: Rockstar Games Launcher


Downgrade to version 1.0

Install silent patch and ddraw


and Widescreen fix.

submitted by /u/Stock_Hunter5210
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