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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
Updated: 10 min 14 sec ago

micro freezes on indie game

26 Jun 2024 - 4:56pm

Hi guys, I'm just getting started with Ubuntu and playing on Linux and I'm trying to play one of my favorite Indie games: Monster Sanctuary. The problem is that I constantly have "micro freezes" which make it very annoying to play and I don't understand if perhaps I have to use an older version of ProtosDB or simply the laptop I'm using is too old

Intel® Core™ i5-6300U × 4
Intel® HD Graphics 520 (SKL GT2)
Ram 8giga

submitted by /u/Skrokko
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Victoria 3 Red Outline Bug?

26 Jun 2024 - 4:53pm

I was trying to play Victoria 3 and this is what I am seeing and I am pretty sure that is unintended. Performance is rather erratic as well. Only 3D models in the map screen seem to be affected, UI elements as well as the 3D character portraits are fine. Has anyone encountered this bug before?

I am running Arch using a Radeon 7900XT with the latest Mesa graphics shipped by Arch using the official repos and it happens both with Steam Runtime and Native. The game is completely unmodded and verifying files did not find anything out of the ordinary. If no one has encountered this before and fixed it, I will open a bug report.

submitted by /u/Teddy_Kun
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Survival Mall Siege - Android Horror Game

26 Jun 2024 - 4:32pm

Check this horror gaming app out. Your job is to find 3 keys and escape the mall before the killer finds and kills you. You are located in a huge mall, where you can hide inside stores, and cupboards, and go on different floors to escape from the killer. You will also be able to use an elevator to go from one floor to another, as the map consists of 3 different floors. The killer is smart and fast, in which the game will start to get even harder and harder once you start finding the keys. The graphics and animations for this game are good and will have you guys enjoy your experience.

Link: Survival Mall Siege - Apps on Google Play

submitted by /u/EPIC_KARMA123
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EA App won't install on Steam Linux mint

26 Jun 2024 - 3:36pm

Anyone here knows how to fix it? the installer just flashes and then nothing, game won't even run because of it, Even tried to use GE-Proton, Proton Experimental And even installed EA App On Lutris (Flatpak Version) I'm running Linux mint

submitted by /u/SakanaaDXD
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MSFS: Does the PMDG 777 run in Linux+Steam+Proton MSFS?

26 Jun 2024 - 2:42pm

Tried the 737 some months ago and it worked. So I assume the 777 will also work.

Anyone tried it already?

submitted by /u/Affenzoo
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playing in a lower resolution at high refresh rate, (gpu scaling?) (nvidia/x11)

26 Jun 2024 - 1:32pm

So i bought a 165hz 1080 monitor, but when i set the resolution to like 1280x720 i can't set my refresh rate to something higher than 60hz. I fixed that problem by adding this line to device section in xorg.conf
Option "ModeValidation" "AllowNon60hzmodesDFPModes, NoEDIDDFPMaxSizeCheck, NoVertRefreshCheck, NoHorizSyncCheck, NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoMaxSizeCheck, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowNonEdidModes, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck"
and adding my custom mode via xrandr command.
The problem is that when i set the resolution i just get "input not supported" information on my monitor, on windows i could use "gpu scaling" for it to work, how do i do it here?
Also im playing CS2 so i don't think the gamescope option is viable, because of the input lag.

submitted by /u/Similar_Adeptness232
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No working movie playback for Resident Evil GOG Rerelease

26 Jun 2024 - 12:58pm

I recently bought the newly released Resident Evil GOG Rerelease and got it running with lutris and activated dgvoodoo, but i can't see the fmv's, only hear them. Does someone know how to fix it?

submitted by /u/balardie
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Will the wired Xbox 360 controller work in Linux?

26 Jun 2024 - 9:57am

I'm a bit short on money so I was thinking of buying the wired Xbox 360 controller.. will it work on Linux?

submitted by /u/Turbulent_Pay8232
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RADV_PERFTEST=gpl needed? For hybrid graphics

26 Jun 2024 - 9:51am

I have questions whether it is needed for hybrid gpu since the output is on the AMD iGPU.

submitted by /u/Curious_Increase_592
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Someone with a tuxedo Laptop?Can i install any distro that i want in that computers?

26 Jun 2024 - 7:10am

I listened that they use driver that are not in mainline in Linux kernel so... if i don't use their distro, i will have problems

I don't know if this is really true actually or is a old thing, someone can share their experience?

I'm interested in a full AMD laptop from them

submitted by /u/prueba_hola
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How do I setup Goverlay + Mangohud + VKbasalt inside of doom eternal on steam?

26 Jun 2024 - 6:54am

I installed all of the packages from the openSuse repositories on Yast, but I am confused on how to add them all to doom eternal on steam. Thank you for any help, it is greatly appreciated <3

submitted by /u/Express-Seat7394
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Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree runs better on Proton GE than it does on Windows

26 Jun 2024 - 5:08am

I've been looking forward to Shadow of the Erdtree for months, and after getting it installed I was immediately disappointed that on Windows, with my GPU, I'm one of the unlucky group that has horrible stuttering in the game. I saw frame times between 100-200ms and stutters lasting over a full second on Windows, making it completely, literally unplayable. Nothing I tried worked. Updating graphics drivers? No effect. Toggling the dozens of settings in the GPU control panel? No dice. I don't think this is strictly speaking Windows's fault, more likely a combination of bad graphics programming by From Software and maybe driver defects by NVIDIA (and maybe a problem specifically with the 4080 Super), but still...

Fortunately, through Steam on Linux with Proton GE 9.7, the game is not only playable, but completely fine at max settings and resolution, almost eliminating the stuttering problem with a smooth 60 FPS at full 4K resolution on my 4080 Super and Ryzen 9 3900X. It didn't make the game perfect, but it's night and day better. Very important for a game where missing an input by 200 milliseconds more often than not means you die instantly.

I've been gaming on Linux for a long time. If you'd told me fifteen years ago after I spent however many hours getting World of Warcraft, with its native OpenGL renderer (in those days), running on Wine 1.0 and writing AppDb reports for the original Dead Space that over a decade later I'd be trying games on Linux to see if they run better than they do on Windows, I'd have said you're out of your mind. But that's actually where we are now... there are now games I can't play on Windows and I can only play on Linux. What a wild time to be a Linux user.

If only Discord streaming on Linux wasn't total ass, so I could share with my friends, I'd be in heaven.

submitted by /u/reallyreallyreason
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how to fix my game controllers?

26 Jun 2024 - 5:04am

guys, i just want a way to remap my controllers, is that hard?, IS IT that hard to understand?

Bus 003 Device 006: ID 0810:0003 Personal Communication Systems, Inc. PlayStation Gamepad
Bus 003 Device 008: ID 2563:0555 ShenZhen ShanWan Technology Co., Ltd. Twin USB Joystick
Bus 003 Device 010: ID 2563:0526 ShenZhen ShanWan Technology Co., Ltd. Android Gamepad
Bus 003 Device 013: ID 0810:0001 Personal Communication Systems, Inc. Dual PSX Adaptor

this 4 controllers are mapped wrong by default, please how to remap them and how to set player 1 2 3 4?

submitted by /u/OmarHanyKasban
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Why is gamescope disabled on Lutris

26 Jun 2024 - 4:41am

Trying to run RDR2 on AMD Ryzen 7 pro but can’t seem to enable FSR within gamescope because gamescope is disabled by default

Distribution: Ubuntu

submitted by /u/effivancy
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Razer Naga Buttons Don't Work

26 Jun 2024 - 4:38am

So an odd thing is going on with my Naga Pro. The top row of buttons on the side work fine. The bottom do not. They used to work. But now nope. They worked find in Arch but now I"m using Fedora 40 and ....nothing. Has anyone encountered this? I know the buttons in linux are seen as keyboard keys.

submitted by /u/LoneWanderer-TX
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I want to run gta 5 on epic games

26 Jun 2024 - 4:24am

I'm using ubuntu 22.04, and I want to run gta. Is there a way to get access to epic games and the rock star launcher from third party software or other means?

submitted by /u/Either_Banana3077
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26 Jun 2024 - 3:51am

I have to imagine this is the wrong place to post this specific issue but I got Nobara and Steam fixed BUT when I boot DOOM 2016 (because what else scratches the serotonin) I get this fatal error. Any ideas? And or recommendations of where to post? The only change I made after the first crash was choosing to force proton compatibility layer in Steam game prefs but still crashed.

TLDR: not sure if this Nobara or DOOMs fault…

submitted by /u/TunderMuffins
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Finally fixed Ghost of Tsushima stutter heres how

26 Jun 2024 - 2:25am

First and foremost let me preface by saying the reason I am making this post here and not on ProtonDB is because I did not purchase the game legally and its not on my steam account, I ran the game through bottles. Secondly alot of people have been complaining about this game stuttering alot and I was one of those that really really struggled. To fix this I did multiple things in this order,

  1. deleted my native AMD vulkan drivers and installed Radv vulkan drivers.

  2. Completely uninstalled bottles flatpak version and installed the native fedora version instead

(at this point you should restart your pc)

3.used the latest proton ge(9.7) as my runner

4.enabled bottles runtime

  1. Turned on feral gamemode and Fsync

  2. Even after all of this I still had some issues with stuttering but the craziest thing is, setting my screen to full screen exclusive and turning vsync to half refresh rate somehow pushed the game from being unplayable to a stable 144fps. I don't even know how this happened since my monitor's max refresh rate is 144 and setting the vsync to half should have capped it at 72 but that did not happen

gpu: 6700xt

cpu - i5 1400f

distro - fedora 40

submitted by /u/Intrepid-Scale-8527
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White stripes at boot (Nobara 40)

26 Jun 2024 - 1:12am

Hi, pretty new in this Linux world. Was trying to enable HDR in Elden Ring without success. Rebooted because I enabled Goverlay global option and asked to, then this, any ideas why? Using 3080 btw.

submitted by /u/soxtamc
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