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Updated: 20 min 58 sec ago

Page fault error in wine

24 Jun 2024 - 2:27pm

I asked this question on r/wine_gaming but I didn't get any response, I hope it's appropriate here:

I've been using wine for a while (v9.0 to be specific), and few days ago I tried to run a game and got a crash on startup about a page fault error, It was the first time I had tried the game with wine so i thought it was just the game, until I tried another game I had previously played and that gave the error, I have tried reinstalling wine, resetting the wine prefix, disabling all dll overrides, using wine staging, using prime(I have dual gpu setup), switching between x11 and wayland and removing some recent apt packages. here's the full error message from cuphead.

Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x0000000000000000 in 64-bit code (0x0000014013093a). Register dump: rip:000000014013093a rsp:000000000011ff48 rbp:000000000011ffa0 eflags:00010202 ( R- -- I - - - ) rax:0000000000000000 rbx:0000000000000000 rcx:000000007ffd0000 rdx:000000014000 144c rsi:0000000000000000 rdi:0000000000000000 r8:000000007ffd0000 r9:00006fffffaa 93c0 r10:0000000000000000 r11:0000000000000000 r12:0000000000000000 r13:0000000000000000 r14:000000000000 0000 r15:0000000000000000 Stack dump: 0x0000000011ff48: 0000000140001455 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ff58: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ff68: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ff78: 00006fffffaa93d1 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ff88: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ff98: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ffa8: 00006fffffca598b 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ffb8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ffc8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ffd8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011ffe8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0x0000000011fff8: 0000000000000000 0000000100405a4d Backtrace: =>0 0x0000014013093a in cuphead (+0x13093a) (0x0000000011ffa0) 1 0x00000140001455 in cuphead (+0x1455) (0x0000000011ffa0) 2 0x006fffffaa93d1 BaseThreadInitThunk+0x11(unknown=<internal error>, entry=<i nternal error>, arg=<internal error>) [/usr/src/wine-9.0~repack-4build3/dlls/ker nel32/thread.c:61] in kernel32 (0x0000000011ffa0) 3 0x006fffffca598b in ntdll (+0x5598b) (0000000000000000) 0x0000014013093a cuphead+0x13093a: add %al, (%rax)

I tried an older game (King's Quest 2015) and it was able to start, I have a suspicion the error is from applications that use too many threads, because the backtrace makes a call to BaseThreadInitThunk and it only happens to fairly modern games(so far), then again it's just a suspicion and I could be completely wring

submitted by /u/Natural_Builder_3170
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Xbox Series X Controller on KDE Neon

24 Jun 2024 - 2:01pm

I have tried installing xpadneo and restarting to no avail. I found this thread but haven't found any of it helpful for me:

I also tried changing my main.conf based on this thread:

and this just caused the controller to constantly reconnect and not be recognised by the system.

My laptop supports Bluetooth LE. The controller will show as connected and will vibrate, but is not recognised by any games or apps, and following the xpadneo instructions for Bluetooth configuration ends up making my controller constantly disconnect and reconnect. I have not been able to find any helpful guides online. I want to avoid buying an adapter! Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/Fit-Maintenance-7222
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World Of Tanks low fps problem

24 Jun 2024 - 1:13pm

Wot always drops to below 20 fps. WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY launch argument doesn't solve the issue.

Do you have any other suggestion that could fix the issue?

My config:

  • OS: Zorin OS 16.3 x86_64
  • Kernel: 5.15.0-107-generic
  • CPU: Intel i5-6500 (4) @ 3.600GHz
  • GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 370
  • RAM size: 24 GB
  • Wine version: 9.0
  • Proton: GE-Proton9-7

P.S.: I know that I posted this problem a few days ago. The reason why I post this again to see if I get suggestions for my issue now.
The problem can not related to my config being "outdated".

submitted by /u/LabancPecsenye
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Flawed logic from pampered windows users: "My sinfully expensive GPU, exotic LED Motherboard or extravagant Mouse etc don't work on Linux. So it must be Linux's fault, ALWAYS!"

24 Jun 2024 - 12:42pm

From time to time i recognize a strange mentality mostly from linux newbies and long time windows users who try linux and get frustrated when things don't work out of as they are used to from windows. Many of them transition then to a state of rage and generalization and blame linux altogether. Some even curse it and go back to windows.

It is strange how on windows when for instance a faulty gpu driver is not working those type of actually experienced windows users usually search for possible third party causes and blame the gpu vendor, when it is legit. But on Linux bad support can not be the fault of the vendor at any time. They don't spend even one thought about this. No, it always has to be the fault of Linux. This is so wrong from several aspects.

Those people seem to think that Linux was some kind of a monolithic OS block like the cube of the borg. But sorry to break this strange fantasy. The Linux devs are not a collective hive mind nor is every one of them responsible for the work of others. Just like on windows drivers come from different parties and companies. The best and most perfect OS kernel doesn't help you, when the company's hardware drivers are unstable, buggy and of bad quality overall.

And surprise, surprise who would have thought, that a billion or even a three trillion dollar corporation doesn't support the 2% linux gaming community with proper vendor drivers. Sorry but how is this the fault of Linux? Would you blame windows if the situation was the other way around?! Just because you paid extraordinary money for a piece of hardware it doesn't mean the support can not suffer. How many companies in history sold overpriced products to the masses and didn't give a penny about long term support or special use cases? If you claim none, then you didn't live long enough child.

Stop blaming the wrong people and don't apply double standards. Open a ticket at the right place for support as usual. But most importantly vote with your wallet in the first place. If you want to have better linux drivers for your expensive hardware make sure the vendor offers proper linux drivers support, or even better, shares the same enthusiasm and philosphy for the FOSS idea. If this fundament is not existent, then expect problems. It is really that simple.

submitted by /u/Matt_Shah
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NFS payback wont run at 2k resolution

24 Jun 2024 - 12:34pm

Im using lutris to run NFS payback but if the desktop resolution is set to 2k the game will have a rectangular black box and won't start, so i have to use 1080p in the desktop first, however in the settings i can't find 2k, the maximum is 1080p

im using GE-Proton9.5, default settings in lutris

is there a fix for this?

submitted by /u/Ezio_rev
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I'm Free!!!

24 Jun 2024 - 12:15pm

Feel so alive and invigorated. Windows no longer exists on my rig. I'm a full time Linux Gamer from now on.

submitted by /u/raxagos
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Am I the only one experiencing alt tab crashes on Wayland?

24 Jun 2024 - 11:27am

Basically what the title says. Hades 2, Apex Legends, Final Fantasy 7 Remake. All of these games crashes when I alt tab out of the game. Not all the time but I can say %90 of the time this crashes occur. Strange thing is I can't find anything on google about this. So I wonder is this common or not?

Fedora 40 + Nvidia 550.90

submitted by /u/illusioniq
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Farming Simulator 22 | Steam Deck (OLED) Performance Test | Low vs Medium vs High vs Very High

24 Jun 2024 - 11:22am

I compare the performance of various presets on the Steam Deck OLED for Farming Simulator 22.

On Low settings you get about 75-90 FPS, on Medium 55-75 FPS, on High 35-60 FPS, and on Very High 30-55 FPS.

Overall the game runs just great on the Steam Deck. I recommend to turn on VSync, because otherwise you get a lot of screen tearing.

What do you think? Did anyone else play Farming Simulator 22 on the Steam Deck? And with what graphical settings?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

submitted by /u/kingkulesza88
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Farlight 84 (new update broke the game)

24 Jun 2024 - 10:43am

hy am new to linux. i recently installed linux ubuntu and i really enjoyed it also i test some game and it worked
am a valorant player and i also have windows cause i know it does't work. i tried farlight 84 but the new update broke the game (read it on the community ) my doubt is when will it be fixed ? how will i get to know when will the game get fixed and work with steam proton?

submitted by /u/bharathsanjeev
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VR options

24 Jun 2024 - 10:15am

I am trying give Linux gaming a sincere try and after acouple of months spotted half life Alyx had a good rating on proton DB.

Everyone seems to be using ALVR for Quest but I'd rather not sideload onto my Quest 2, are there other options that dont require that? And if there are, what would people recommend and why 🙂

(I have tried searching but all roads lead to ALVR so this is my idiot check before giving up)

All advice / support very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/optimisticRamblings
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touchHLE (iOS 2.x emulator) native build for Linux [unofficial]

24 Jun 2024 - 7:53am

Hello, I would like to know if you could test my build of touchHLE for Linux.

This emulator only has releases for Windows, Mac and Android officially.

submitted by /u/_Oscar1640_
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minecraft, issue with vsync, crash on exit, complete freeze when copying from /seed command, plz help

24 Jun 2024 - 5:30am

issue with vsync

first issue: weird graphics when i turn vsync on (the video)

second issue: crash on exit

basically whenever i try to close the game it gets stuck for a while then crashes and tlauncher tells me to upgrade my graphics drivers log (am using nvidia-open-dkms 555.52.04) i stared having this issue since 550 and it didn't exist in 545, is there a solution to this except reverting back to 545?

third issue: whenever i type /seed in chat and click copy, the game freezes and it doesn't crash, it just freezes and the only way to close it is by killing java meaning i'am not able to see the crash log


nvidia rtx 2050 core i5-11400H 8GB ram DE: Hyprlandnvidia rtx 2050 core i5-11400H 8GB ram DE: Hyprland 0.41.1-2

uname -a:

Linux dybbuk 6.9.6-zen1-1-zen #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri, 21 Jun 2024 19:48:59 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

java --version:

openjdk 22 2024-03-19 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 22) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22, mixed mode, sharing) submitted by /u/Odd_Ad5698
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Just thinking back to my first attempt of gaming on linux...

24 Jun 2024 - 5:01am

These were the times :D

One had some Linux native open source games in the repos. One had things like Cedega or tried his luck with wine.

I don't know how often I had to work with my beloved "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", or pstree with killall.

Now I'm looking back into gaming on Linux again, and compared to this, we reached paradise :D

Huge thanks to everyone working on wine*, the guys working on dxvk and vulcan, and somehow obviously also to Valve.

(Ok, the transition to wayland wasn't smoothe everywhere, would have prefered for the distros to stay with X till wayland works well, till nvidia has drivers ready, till kde/gnome at least are ready to not scare new people coming from 'end-of-win10' away...but it really has come a long way :))

*For newbies, the stuff with wine + winetricks + wtf are prefixes could become more intuitive someday

submitted by /u/Goorus
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NVIDIA and MESA installed.

24 Jun 2024 - 4:46am

I have a rather silly question but it's more for curiosity.

I jumped to another distro and I installed nvidida-dkms and other nvidia stuff(nvidida-settings and etc).

I have installed Steam, but I noticed that Steam installed Mesa packages.

I know Mesa is for AMD GPUs. If my system has MESA and NVIDIA installed, can this create some sort of performance issue like interference? I know in a sense it shouldn't, but I am not certain if Mesa contains NVK(for NVIDIA) already and that could mess up something.

submitted by /u/Mr_Corner_79
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Black ops 3 black screen after intro

24 Jun 2024 - 4:22am

Black ops 3 will get stuck in a black screen after the intro video. Tried on OpenSuse and Linux Mint and it's doing the exact same thing. Any fix out there or any ideas?

submitted by /u/TheRealZebrag
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How to enable tearing in gamescope?

24 Jun 2024 - 2:41am

I finally figured out how to disable plasma's forced vsync on wayland for fullscreen apps by setting KWIN_DRM_NO_AMS=1 in /etc/environment, however it seems like gamescope games override this with forced triple-buffering on games run within it, not ideal since I run overwatch in HDR with it and the extra input lag isn't appreciated. I've looked all over the internet by now however, and I've yet to find a way to disable gamescopes forced vsync, the closest I've gotten is using mangohud vsync=0 to switch it to fast sync but immediate mode wouldn't apply. Is this just an inherent thing gamescope does or am I missing something here?

submitted by /u/calvinatorzcraft
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Rocket league / weird issue

24 Jun 2024 - 2:23am

I don't understand what is happening to me right now. Let me explain :

I was playing nearly everynight on Rocket League for the last year or two, with my Fedora KDE without any issue. Online was functionning and I even played cross games with friends across Windows Steam and PS5.

Following the plasma 6.1 and lastest kernel release I did have some issue that made me try distro hop to POP OS. I reinstall everything and a message is popping on my screen.

Mac & Linux are not supported anymore.

Wtf...And upon further searches I learnt it was like 2 years ago. How is that possible ?

submitted by /u/Deny_Jackal
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