Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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Optimizing my hardware and Linux Mint for gaming.

29. Mai 2024 - 11:54

Hi, I've recently made the switch from Windows to Mint and I'm having mixed successes with gaming on Linux. The main game I'm playing currently is Total War Warhammer 3, it feels far better on native Linux - with Lutris and Gamemode - than it did back on Windows, but I'm having stability issues as the game crashes frequently after battles. I then tried switching to Proton Experimental but the game feels far choppier on there, with noticeable audio popping. I'm currently running a Ryzen 7 3800x and a RTX 2080 SUPER. Are there any optimizations I can do to improve the stability and prevent crashes?

submitted by /u/zenmax13
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Linux vs Windows gaming benchmark

29. Mai 2024 - 11:07

I've found a website that has made some benchmarks comparing the performance of multiple games in Linux vs Windows for both NV and AMD. It is in Polish, but if you click on drop-down menu (- SPIS TREŚCI -) and select a title, you'll see the results for it that are 100% readable.



submitted by /u/Mordimer86
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Nvidia Vsync can't keep up

29. Mai 2024 - 10:49

I've recently upgraded my hardware and thought i could finally play some games in the proper way on my machine. Everything is great(how about that raytracing?!) but i'm encountering issues with vsync turned on.

Most games can hit 600-6000 fps by default, which completely hammers my gpu. The obvious fix here is turning on vsync, however most games just can't keep up. As an example, i'm running Raft right now. With 60 fps. However when the camera moves around and it renders more complicated frames i'm seeing drops to 59-50. Turning off vsync however, it is pinned at a high framerate, however with tearing.

It is a very clear and distinct pattern on the GPU load graph , see picture.

Has anyone else encountered these issues?

Specs: Nvidia drivers 550(previous drivers also). Kernel 6.9.2-arch. Xorg not Wayland. No compositor

submitted by /u/Cpcp800
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MMORPG with Linux support to play with GF

29. Mai 2024 - 10:22

Hey everyone, I did a little search and the last post about MMORPGs was a year ago. So I decided to make my own post.

My GF and I have been wanting to play an MMORPG together. The trick is I am on Linux hence this post. To make this extra quirky she really doesn't like any kind of combat and prefers to play support roles. She said she'd rather let me do the combat while she hangs back and helps me out in other ways like healing. Ideally the MMO lets her do all the things she wants to do such as dress up her character and collect cute stuff.

Also the controls should be relatively simple and intuitive to learn.

I should mention she has little experience in playing some Korean MMO whose name she can't remember. Meanwhile I've played a lot of WoW (but stopped due to lack of support for Linux and other issues when I did get it working such as getting into a cave and all NPCs including player model vanishing :D).

Any suggestions? Also we'll take other similar games too so long as they have a form of co-op for us to enjoy. So not strictly MMORPGs.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Sorcerer94
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XDefiant (Bottles) - Game settings don't persist

29. Mai 2024 - 08:59

I've been putting many hours into XDefiant through Bottles over the last couple days and it has been running excellent. Only issue I'm having is my settings (graphics/sound/etc) do not persist after I close the game. Every time I launch the game I have to turn down the volume and turn the graphics settings up again.

Furthermore, I cannot locate any config file for the game. I wanted to try changing the settings through the config files manually and also make sure the permissions on the files were correct, but they don't seem to exist at all. The Windows file path for the user data according to PCGamingWiki is%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\XDefiant\ but "My Games" does not exist in my bottles "Documents" directory at all .../drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/. I tried searching for the various config files by name from the root of the bottle, but none of them seem to exist anywhere.

Anyone know why this might be the case?

submitted by /u/Service_Code_30
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I found out Roblox on Linux does not work.

29. Mai 2024 - 07:34

I love Linux I love everything about it. I just wish that it supported Roblox-

submitted by /u/Next_Stay_3587
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Game Controller for Linux

29. Mai 2024 - 07:26

Does anybody have any recomendations for a good linux-compatible controller? I don't really have a preference for xbox-style or ps-style, though I would like to play both modern and retro games. It also needs to work with android (13) and linux (fedora atm but that'll provs change), and be proper wireless (like not a bluetooth dongle one)

submitted by /u/_jan_epiku_
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Does anyone know of a guide or Youtube video or something to show you how to get IceWind Dale 2 Extended Edition to work with Lutris or Heroic or Proton?

29. Mai 2024 - 06:58

I have been going around and around for weeks trying to just get this one goddamn game working. I see many people saying that proton "just works" with many older games. I have that installed. I also have Lutris and Heroic but everytime I hit the 'install' button in either application either the thing installs incorrectly or throws up a boat load of errors.

Right now I'm experimenting with Garuda but my main machine (a laptop) is Arch. I've been using linux since 2000 so I would have thought getting these old RPGs to work (IWD EE, Neverwinter Nights and another I'm forgetting) would be a cakewalk to get working. So far, on 4 different distros, I have failed everytime. I recognise the distros are not at fault but it's something to do with Lutris or Heroic or the installer scripts. What I don't know is how to fix it.

I have done my research to the best of my ability but the only guide I found was from a fellow who shows one how to make the original game with the Windows EXE functional through Lutris. That really doesn't help me much. Link to the video I found on Reddit to install the original IWD.

I bought my games through GOG a while ago and had them working on Windows just fine ... until Windows one day decided to commit suicide and be completely unrecoverable. With the coming of Win 11 I decided to throw in the towel on Windows thinking that getting this to work shouldn't be too hard. Ugh.

As an aside, when people say they use proton do most just mean having that set of applications (proton or protonge or proton-up) installed so other apps can use it in the background? I'm an old girl who really never got into gaming on Linux so this part is all new to me.

Any help or feedback is very welcome.

submitted by /u/raineling
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Cannot play TF2 Classic or Open Fortress

29. Mai 2024 - 06:30

TF2c worked fine for me before the devs decided to have it rely on Steam's Proton. I'm on Ubuntu and everytime I try to play it says "Could not load library client. Try restarting. If that doesn't work, verify the cache." Steam recognizes them both since they show up in the library. I have tried literally every Proton for the source SDK 2013 multiplayer tool, and nothing works. Proton 8.0/9.0 doesn't even let TF2c run at all. I have been at this for weeks. If anyone's had a similar experience, help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/AmazingDom14
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Steam black screen on linux

29. Mai 2024 - 05:54

Okay, so I'm bad at computer stuff so I apologize in advance if I'm slow to understand, but my Steam client has been doing the thing where I open it and it's just a black screen. I read that updating steam or turning on Steam Beta participation fixes this, but I can't do those things if I can't see any of what is on the screen. Is there a way I can do either of this from the browser version or what? I just want to play metal gear

submitted by /u/Ok_Log9800
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Stretch res on linux distros

29. Mai 2024 - 04:46

I want to use stretched resolution on apex legends how do I do it. (steam)
2060 OC
32gb hypyrx ram
1tb crucial ssd
corsair cv650 psu

submitted by /u/adantesarcade
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I think I need to delete all Lutris data associated with a game and start over but I can't figure out how.

29. Mai 2024 - 04:45

I finally got Lutris on my Chromebook Plus and running Fallout 3. It was running flawlessly when I accidentally hit a command that crashed it. I restarted the chromebook, went to run the game and I had to download it again. Now when I open it, it's running terribly. I can't seem to figure out what I did but should I just delete all data associated with the game and start over? And how do I do that?

submitted by /u/LinuxBaddie2B
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Trying to get an old windows game to work properly in Lutris

29. Mai 2024 - 02:55

I have an old game download file that works on Windows. I can get the game to run in Lutris, but my download has a file for a custom resolution that won't work in Lutris. Does anyone know how I can get my game to run in 1920x1080? Any help is greatly appreciated.

These are the files for a custom resolution that works in Windows

submitted by /u/extreme_drawr
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WineGUI is good ?

29. Mai 2024 - 02:19

Guys, I'm thinking about migrating my entire Bottles library to winegui, I only use wine for games, but I'm having a lot of problems with bspwm because when opening a game the screen blinks, blinks, I turn the window to tiled and return it to fullscreen However, it often doesn't work. I've thought about creating a virtual desktop but it freezes when opening. I did a test on Warcraft 3 in wineGUI and it was like a glove, I clicked and it opened and I didn't have to touch the windows like in Bottles. My question is, is this migration worth doing?

submitted by /u/ark-import00289
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I just realized that Linux gaming will always be held back until anti-cheat gets ported to Linux.

29. Mai 2024 - 01:27

So right now, some developers have made it so that their anti-cheat no longer flags Linux users as cheaters. However, the anti-cheat itself isn't actually doing anything and would need significant changes to actually work on Linux due to the differences in how things are displayed and the like. Right now, that's okay because the amount of people using Linux is insignificant, but if it ever gains a significant portion of market share, then it won't be good enough.

Then EA Antacheat, Vanguard, and maybe even Fortnite's Antacheat will actually get ported to Linux.

I know, I know, a lot of you don't care for that kind of stuff, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that the games people want to play actually work, regardless of how abusive you believe them to be.

submitted by /u/Indolent_Bard
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Simply Getting PinballFX to Work

29. Mai 2024 - 01:00

OK, please help me out here, because it's driving me crazy. - I've been spending dozens of hours simply trying to get PinballFX (and even 3) to work stably, if at all, on a dedicated pinball-PC I've built. - I'll explain some of the details of the hardware/software and things I've tried:

First of all, the reason I thought it would work out is because my main PC pretty much runs anything, which is a B450-chipset with a Ryzen 5600 and Radeon-GPU, and as a wise man once said "It just works!".

I had some parts lying around, such as the Ryzen 2600, which used to be in my main computer, and a Vega 56, for which I got another B450, some decent memory and a drive, and that made a nice (let's call it) pinball-PC.

However, while on my main PC I can just blast through the tables in PinballFX, load them sporadically and play them endlessly, on the pinball-PC, it was like a 1 out of 3 chance it would even load a table (so more likely to crash as soon as attempting to load one), let alone keeping one running, which sometimes it would and other times it would struggle to keep running. - This was also on a few specific versions of Proton that only worked somewhat. And again, all the while there was and is no issue on my main PC.

OK, so the only thing I could figure was that perhaps the Vega 56 is just a quirky GPU, a bit on the old side, and it wasn't playing nice with Linux or the game (or Unreal Engine). - So I decided to get a newer card that was similar (but slightly better in most aspects) and that would be the Arc 580. - I simply swapped out the cards, but unfortunately the Linux-distro would not recognize it automatically, as it turns out that Zorin is still on Ubuntu 22, and as I understand it the Arc-drivers are only built in from 23 and onward. So I had to do it manually following the instructions on Intel's website, but that didn't take on Zorin nor Mint.

Alright, so I decided to wipe the drive and go with Ubuntu Budgie, which is already on Ubuntu 24, so that would have Arc-drivers included. And sure enough, it worked immediately. - Surely it would just run PinballFX now, right? - No... Silly me. How dare I follow logic. - It does even less now, with only Proton Experimental launching it (the others giving the "fatal error" from Unreal), but not one table loading even one time.

For context, that main PC runs Pop!_OS, which is currently still at Ubuntu 22. So the newer underlying Ubuntu-version in Budgie doesn't help, a newer GPU (it's from October '23 and had loads of driver updates) doesn't help, I've tried updating the BIOS to one of this year which didn't help. I've also tried Lutris for extra options, but it won't do much either (not even launch the game). - So the only thing that's mostly different then is the distro, but even if trying Pop!_OS would work, what would be different about that distro that makes everything just work (at least on my main PC)?

The only thing I know to do is, as said, try Pop!_OS as on my main computer, or try something more cutting-edge like Manjaro or something. But beyond that, I'm at a loss and extremely frustrated with this huge discrepancy between two fairly similar systems. - So if anyone has any idea as to what it takes to make this game (or Unreal Engine?) run, and stably at that, OR how I could troubleshoot this further, I'd like to hear it. - Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/MicHaeL_MonStaR
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Multiversus poor performance on low-end laptop

29. Mai 2024 - 00:53

I tried to run Multiversus on Proton today and it opened, but the performance was definitly subpar. The game is in general playable but for some reason the characters in game just do not render except in the menu where they do render for some reason.

I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on an Intel i7-7500U (Intel HD 620 graphics) and on a Radeon R7 445M

submitted by /u/PudimNinja21
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