Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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Moonlight + Sunshine on Separate Virtual Session

08. Juni 2024 - 14:40


I've recently built a Linux gaming PC and I'd like to be able to use it as a sort of central unit for my gaming.

I would like to be able to play a game locally on the machine and at the same time, stream another game to another machine using Moonlight + Sunshine.

Is this even remotely possible? My guess is that I should first be able to have two instances of my desktop environment on different screens (I'm on Arch+KDE), but does anyone have any experience doing something like this?

The end game would be to run two steam accounts on each Virtual Session, one of them for local gaming and the other for LAN game streaming.


submitted by /u/Personal_Release_744
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What iteration of linux i need?

08. Juni 2024 - 11:56

I want to play old games like max payne 1 and gothic 2 and have similar to windows experience Ps: i never used Linux before

submitted by /u/Gonigel
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The elder scrolls online in lutris

08. Juni 2024 - 11:29

Hi all! I am trying to install the ESO launcher through lutris, however when I try and launch the launcher I get these errors.

i use nix btw

lutris-wrapper: The Elder Scrolls Online Started initial process 122910 from /home/zie/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine /mnt/hdd2/games/elder-scrolls-online/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Zenimax Online/Launcher/Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe Start monitoring process. wineserver: using server-side synchronization. wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely 002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk wine-staging 8.0 is a testing version containing experimental patches. 002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on 007c:err:wineusb:DriverEntry Failed to initialize Unix library, status 0xc0000135. 007c:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\wineusb": c0000135 003c:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"wineusb" failed to start: 126 0098:fixme:hid:handle_IRP_MN_QUERY_ID Unhandled type 00000005 0098:fixme:hid:handle_IRP_MN_QUERY_ID Unhandled type 00000005 0098:fixme:hid:handle_IRP_MN_QUERY_ID Unhandled type 00000005 0098:fixme:hid:handle_IRP_MN_QUERY_ID Unhandled type 00000005 00a8:err:hid:udev_bus_init UDEV monitor creation failed 0120:fixme:oleacc:find_class_data unhandled window class: L"#32769" 0120:fixme:uiautomation:uia_get_providers_for_hwnd Override provider callback currently unimplemented. 0120:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_provider_GetPropertyValue Unimplemented propertyId 30024 0120:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_fragment_get_FragmentRoot 0000000000B72D48, 000000000062FAC0: stub! 012c:fixme:uiautomation:uia_get_providers_for_hwnd Override provider callback currently unimplemented. 012c:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_provider_GetPropertyValue Unimplemented propertyId 30024 012c:fixme:uiautomation:msaa_fragment_get_FragmentRoot 0000000000BBB798, 0000000001D9FAB0: stub! 0024:fixme:ver:GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW flags 0x2 ignored 0024:fixme:ver:GetFileVersionInfoExW flags 0x2 ignored 0060:fixme:ndis:query_global_stats Unsupported OID 10114 0060:fixme:ndis:query_global_stats Unsupported OID 10114 0024:fixme:ver:GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW flags 0x2 ignored 0024:fixme:ver:GetFileVersionInfoExW flags 0x2 ignored 0138:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFA, 019BFEF8 0060:fixme:ndis:query_global_stats Unsupported OID 10114 0060:fixme:ndis:query_global_stats Unsupported OID 10114 0060:fixme:mountmgr:query_property Faking StorageDeviceProperty data 0024:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFA, 0074FE98 Monitored process exited. Initial process has exited (return code: 0) Exit with return code 0

submitted by /u/skoove-
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Chimera OS won't boot.

08. Juni 2024 - 10:41

As the title suggests, I constantly get an error saying 'Failed to start mountable media at nvmep1'. I checked this subreddit and found one post similar to that. Solution suggested was to remove the USB used to install ChimeraOS. But the issue is I don't even have the USB drive connected. So what is resulting in this issue? Please help. Can installing via Ventoy and not Rufus/Etcher interfere with this?
I have Windows installed on my Internal NVMe and Chimera on an external SSD. Secure boot is disabled. It installed fine, booted up fine and in fact, the error wasn't there yesterday.

submitted by /u/Traditional_Wing5600
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What is the latest cod I can play on linux

08. Juni 2024 - 09:57

Hello. I was wondering which is the latest cod multiplayer game that I can run through proton, wine.

submitted by /u/SureSand3113
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Anyone here game in a 3440 x 1440 resolution on a 6800XT? Wondering how the experience is

08. Juni 2024 - 08:39

Hey all,

I'm all in on Linux after switching from Windows I really don't see myself going back other than maybe a spare install on a SATA drive for things I truly can't do on linux. I have a 3080Ti which is an amazing card and has been a pretty smooth experience except for one issue.

The game i've been playing the most and will continue to play for the foreseeable future is Diablo 4 and it appears that nvidia gpus have a vram leak that basically renders the game dang near unplayable fairly quickly depending on what you're doing in the game. I tried the most common troubleshooting steps that appeared to have worked for most users but unfortunately none have worked for me.

I wasn't looking to upgrade any time soon but I did see that AMD cards appear to have this issue fixed and in doing my research, I saw that the 6800XT only slightly trails behind the 3080Ti and I can get it for about 300 USD right now. Seems fair considering the cheapest amd gpu that I can consider an upgrade right now would cost at least another 200 USD.

Mainly wondering what the experience has been for others with this GPU and resolution. I tend to play games on the default settings that get applied, I don't really tend to max anything out past that point. I also don't use any of the nvidia tech like dlss and I also don't do raytracing. I'm usually good with high settings or a mix of medium and high maybe target about 120fps if possible

The only area I think I might have some issues with is some game development stuff. I'm a hobbyist on my spare time so I would imagine the lack of nvidias better rendering will slow things down for me but I doubt I'd even really notice it, I'm not exactly working on ultra realistic AAA games either

Edit: upon further inspection of the product listing, I need to learn to read better it's a 6800 not 6800xt

submitted by /u/_ElFroggo
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Is someone gaming on the new COSMIC desktop environment?

08. Juni 2024 - 08:08

Is anyone daily using COSMIC? I am having big problems with it on Pop_os that doesent allow me to reproduce stuff fullscreen, have login problems (type password but nothing happens) and some instability (black screen with errors when logging in).

I really want to use cosmic since it is so much more fluid, but can't right now becouse of this issue. Maybe a distro that already works well with it?

submitted by /u/Loddio
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Rust Server

08. Juni 2024 - 08:07

A Linux friendly vanilla Rust server for anyone in Australia that has been wanting to play Rust but can't stand the ping on deadlock.

[AU] Linux_Gaming |

submitted by /u/do_u_think_im_spooky
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Are Nvidia drivers hard to install in other distros?

08. Juni 2024 - 06:51

I just got the hang out of Linux Mint and installing the Nvidia drivers was just 3 clicks (click next steps in the welcome screen, clicking driver manager and choosing the recommended Nvidia drivers from the list)

I'm happy with how easy and straightforward it was, but I got curious and started looking how to do it on other distros.

Holy Jesus, I hope what I found is updates because all guides have a lot of convoluted and weird guys that need a rocket science degree to follow.

I think Ubuntu and their flavors can be done from the update manager or something like that but looked convoluted too.

And then Fedora, I almost died of a heart attack when I took a look at the instructions on how to install the drivers.

Is it really that hard? Or are those guides outdated and there is a similar graphical app on Fedora or Ubuntu that allows you to install the drivers without spending 6 hours fighting with terminal commands?

Sorry for the rant!! Looming forward to your answers.

(Complete Linux Noob, please be patient!)

submitted by /u/Kalinbro
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Modding gta V via Heroic Games Launcher

08. Juni 2024 - 06:00

I can’t seem to find anything about this online if someone could help that would be great

submitted by /u/Mdudethegreat
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Sifu completely freezes system [kubuntu]

08. Juni 2024 - 05:06

in the game Sifu, I can play through the first level just fine. however, once I reach the second level the game will randomly freeze my entire system, whether mid level or on game launch, I can't see a larger pattern. I can't call up the kernel, nothing.

I have a ryzen 5800x3d and a radeon 7900xtx with 32gb of ram

I've tried several proton versions, experimental, 9 (beta), 9.7GE, 9.4GE, as well as wine-ge-8-26 and wine 9.

I've tried it on heroic games launcher(epic) and steam. (i also can't figure out why mangohud won't start, but that's another issue)

none of the in game settings seem to affect it, but I'm still messing around with them to see if there's anything I missed

Normally, I wouldn't taken the L, but protonDB has it rated as gold, and I saw no one talking about this system freezing crash.

anyone have any ideas on how to even figure out what going on here? I haven't seen anything in the terminals after the game launch, and nothing seems to occur before the freeze, terminal wise, to suggest anything is wrong.

Any help is appreciated, thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/Latetdozer
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If non-invasive anti-cheat was actually viable, Valve would have figured it out by now.

08. Juni 2024 - 05:00

This subreddit loves to cope that kernel level anti-cheat should never have been attempted, but the fact is, even pro-consumer Valve can't make solid server-side anti-cheat, either because they're too lazy or because it's just too hard.

No Counter Strike tournaments use VAC. Ask yourself why that is. It's because Valve is either lazy or incapable of making solid server-side anti-cheat.

And now Valve has the audacity to be working on a brand new IP while still unable to make a decent anti-cheat solution. This is going to destroy any ounce of goodwill they had with the community. They need to just pull the plug on all their online games until they can figure this out.

Look, I love Valve, but we need to stop kidding ourselves. We need to accept the fact that it's either not possible, or Valve is just lazy. And either way, it doesn't look good for Valve. Because this means that Valve is okay with releasing broken games that are infested with more cheaters than anyone else.

I'm not saying that we need criminal level anti-cheat. I'm simply saying if server-side was actually viable, Valve would have figured it out. And Valve sucks for releasing online games without having that figured out.

Also, Vanguard cost $200 million to develop. This is not the lazy route you love to pretend it is. That is pure cope.

TLDR, either they can't or they won't, either way, Valve is not our friend here.

submitted by /u/Indolent_Bard
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Issues with Helldivers 2

08. Juni 2024 - 03:55

Just installed linux mint today, and I've been having graphics issues with HD2. No matter what my graphics settings are, the game just looks bad, and on top of that I've been unable to purchase anything. The button doens't do anything when I press it.

submitted by /u/bobbyjoegreen
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