Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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Openrazer and Chroma(Sorry I'm a noob)

23. Juni 2024 - 20:04

Hey guys so I've just made the switch from windows and getting my install setup and I'm wondering if i can import chroma profiles into openrazer/polychromatic, Or is there even another program i can use to bring them across.

submitted by /u/Soapysoap93
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Summer sale going on, any good games to buy on Linux?

23. Juni 2024 - 19:45

So there’s a summer sale going on gog and something else on steam or whatever and kinda just wondering if there’s any good games on sale that u might wanna recommend me? And how well do they run on Linux depending on if they have a native or running through wine/proton. Also it has it be really cheap I only have 11 dollars on me sadly 🥲

submitted by /u/Toukaiskindahot
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Switching to Arch Linux in a couple weeks mainly for gaming - what do I need to know?

23. Juni 2024 - 19:44

Hi. I'm gonna switch my beefy gaming rig from Windows (or rather LOSEdows) 11 to Arch Linux in a couple weeks, so I have the following questions to ask the professionals. I primarily play Soulsbornekiro (Elden Ring, Dark Souls, others by FromSoftware) and Boomer Shooters.


  • Intel Core i9-12900K

  • Nvidia Geforce RTX 4090

  • 32GB 6200MHz RAM

  • 1440p 240Hz monitor

First off, is the Linux Gaming Wiki good and up-to-date?

Should I use Xorg or Wayland considering I use a Nvidia GPU? The Linux Gaming Wiki suggests using X11, but I've heard some pretty major stuff about Nvidia+Wayland finally being good thanks to the 555 drivers.

As well as the drivers for my GPU, should I also install drivers for my Intel integrated graphics, I never use it here on Windows and don't intend to with Arch Linux, but I suppose why not?

Speaking of drivers, how exactly do I install the Nvidia drivers on Arch Linux for max performance? I originally intended to just follow the Arch wiki guide, but I've noticed some other users installing way more packages for their Nvidia GPUs that I cannot even find anything about on the Arch wiki, so I don't really know what's going on there.

Assuming I end up using Xorg, should I use xorg-xinput for keyboard and mouse input?

What actually is a compositor? I cannot find anything conclusive, I've even heard Xorg and Wayland themselves referred to as compositors.

What does this command "gamemoderun %command%" that I see for every game on ProtonDB do?

Should I install the common game dependancies recommended by the Arch wiki?

If anyone here uses Arch and Plasma, do you know what the difference between the plasma and plasma-desktop packages are?

Is there anything else I should know? Thanks for any help fellas!

submitted by /u/the_nodger
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When can we expect to see the NVIDIA 555 drivers reach a stable release?

23. Juni 2024 - 19:33

The beta release was almost two months ago and I remember quite a few people saying that the official drivers had a tentative release date of mid-June.

submitted by /u/ScootSchloingo
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How to run native linux games in Heroic launcher on linux?

23. Juni 2024 - 18:47

I have downloaded installers from GOG. I have both windows .exe installers and linux .sh installers. Windows installers work well within heroic launcher, they can be installed and played without issue. I can't figure out how to install and run linux native games in there. The Hollow knight and Torchlight 2 can be installed and played in linux without a launcher just fine. I want to add these games to heroic launcher to have everything in one place with my windows games. Fresh installing through the launcher and adding installed linux executables to the launcher both I cannot figure out how to do. Any tips? Is heroic launcher only able to install windows games?


submitted by /u/goodnpc
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The terrible state of discussion surrounding Gaming Perfomance.

23. Juni 2024 - 18:35

About a year ago, I didn't really know that much about linux. Now, Im using arch and know how to set stuff up, configure drivers, install them manually, etc. Im not a tech genius, but all I wanna say is, I'm not someone that has issues setting stuff up correctly and getting the best perfomance out my of hardware, which should be good enough to run any game on 240hz smoothly. This happened because I deeply hate windows and do not want to use such an operating system on my pc.

The general idea is this: No matter what I try, the perfomance on the majority of games where perfomance plays an important factor (fps games, 3d games,etc.) as opposed to most "indie" games (which Im guessing is what a lot of linux gamers play) is simply not comparable (also nvidia). Im not talking about raw fps benchmarks and fps lows and maxs. There are a lot more things that make up the gaming perfomance quality which isnt captured in these benchmarks. Microstutters, small input delay, mouse movement, etc. I have heard people talking about the idea that linux could be used in esports or other competetitive games. I hate to say this, but currently, there is simply no shot. If you play on 240hz and you have a lot of experience with gaming and specifically games where small details about perfomance are important, the idea of "linux gaming is just as good as windows" has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. And again, just to make my point clear, Im never switching back to windows despite these issues.

I don't like the fact that people cannot talk about their issues. usually the assumption is that they set up their pc wrong, are using the "wrong" distro, or have some other issues. Usually it's just another post of talking about how far gaming on linux has come. Anyone even mentioning the idea that their games are not running as well as on windows gets downvoted and assumed to have done mistakes or is just straight up not taken seriously. This is an incredibly toxic and in general just unproductive way of conversation for anyone that wants linux gaming to actually become better instead of just another post that talks about how well all of their games happen to run. nvidia, wanna try using wayland? dont even bother. some of the games that you play will want you to switch back to windows xp due to how bad they run, even after the 555 drivers which were supposed to fix a lot of the issues, and it did, but it still just isnt good in many cases. so you have to use x11, which also causes issues and frame drops on some games. And then the replies are always: "idk about you, but all my games run fine". Usually, the only way I can see this response being genuine, is if either, they are playing on 60hz and therefor just arent capable of noticing these issues, or they are just playing games that dont put detail on these things, for example 2d platformers, many "indie" games, games that dont really rely on perfomance at all, like metroidvanias or "story" games. in these cases I can see how a lot of these issues just dont impact you. It sucks to hear, and I wish I wouldnt have to come to this conclusion either, but if there is one thing I hate about linux, it is how linux users talk about gaming.

submitted by /u/TrainingPaint8671
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Just switched to Linux and my colors look washed out

23. Juni 2024 - 18:28

I have found countless posts on other places talking about this but none helped

i use a samsung laptop, and linux Mint

on an unrelated note, man linux is great! its fast and simple, also the customization

submitted by /u/Background-Tea9143
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Cyberpunk doesn’t work

23. Juni 2024 - 18:18

I’m using heroic games luancher and when running a benchmark it just doesn’t work, it either finishes loading but then just a black screen before crashing or freezes in the loading screen before crashing and I tried the character creator and the shadows and graphics look weird

submitted by /u/MrTerrifier
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Can someone tell me if switching to an AMD GPU will fix my hardware encode issue?

23. Juni 2024 - 18:07

Long story short, I'm trying to switch from windows. I've installed Pop OS and so far have enjoyed it, but there is one issue I can't seem to get around - hardware encode/decode especially in discord. Me and my friend group are serial game streamers in discord, and I'm basically unable to do it on my current setup running pop (I have an RTX 2070). I've also noticed issues (frame drops) when I have YouTube running whilst gaming, and suspect I'm not hardware decoding videos in browser (because the browsers only support vaapi from what I can find?)

Honestly I don't mind making compromises to make this happen, I've tried all sorts of work arounds, and none of them work well enough. The only one that comes close is streaming an OBS preview window, but then that basically locks out one of my monitors (not to mention is distracting having a mirror of the game next to me)

I've been considering buying a new GPU anyway, and was going to buy the likes of a 4070 before I tried switching away from windows.. If I bought a RX 7900 XT and used vesktop, would my issue be solved? Searching around seems to indicate probably, but I'm yet to find a definitive answer

submitted by /u/trotski94
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Give me advice; please.

23. Juni 2024 - 17:37

I’m currently running on windows 11. I have tried several times in the last year to switch to Linux . First by going through Ubuntu (baby’s first Linux) to get my toes wet . I ran into so many issues and with very little info on how to fix them . For example I had a problem where steam and all my games through steam refused to see/use my mic( razed siren x) . Turns out that the snap version is so containerized it was unable to use it but i searched the web for hours to find no solution , eventually just asked chatgpt if it could be because I’m using Ubuntu’s snap version and got a “possibly” answer. I also had issues with games running smooth. In counter strike 2 of which I know has bad performance ; I’d start a match with a good healthy 160-180 fps , within minutes I’m down to 70 then 50~. No idea why but after a few minutes in game it goes down hill and that goes for everything I played , dying light 2 . 7 days to die. I now know to install the latest driver version because my gpu is “cutting edge” and older drivers support it worse. (Rtx 4060) What else should I know going in this time? My setup is Radeon r5 5500 Rtx 4060 32gb ddr4 1tv nvme & 1tb ssd

submitted by /u/EatThatHorse5318
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23. Juni 2024 - 17:13

I’ve been running Fedora for a while and I like it, but i’m thinking to switch to a debian based distro (probably mint Edge) so I can use the official .deb steam instead of the flatpak version. Does it matter or i’m worried for nothing ?

submitted by /u/EldenPilo
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Does rdr2 work like normal using proton?

23. Juni 2024 - 16:41

Since rdr2 runs through a different launcher after opening it in steam (the rockstar launcher) I was wondering if it just works of if I gotta do something else to make it work

submitted by /u/MrTerrifier
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EndeavourOS + kde 6.1 and nvidia still stuttering.

23. Juni 2024 - 16:18

So i have a stock install of endeavourOS and installed kde 6.1 yesterday.

My 2080 super keeps stuttering in SOME games in wayland. X11 is perfectly fine. I have the 550 drivers but … i also tried the 555 beta drivers and i have the exact same issues.

Weirdly enough only some games stutter, others are perfectly fine with both drivers under wayland.

For example , Fallout 3 , quake 2 (remaster) etc … keep stuttering but the stutter is always at fixed intervals , like every second or so.

Frametimes are perfectly smooth but the games are not.

Games like System shock remake work perfectly, all use dxvk. I tried different versions of proton, vsync on/off, fullscreen or windowed, it makes no difference.

Whenever i switch to X11 everything is fine.

Anyone knows what causes this ?

Thanks !

submitted by /u/_Aerish_
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8bitdo Pro 2 is Connected but no Input on Linux Mint

23. Juni 2024 - 15:16

I have a newly bought 8bitdo pro 2 hall effect edition. It works great on Windows 11; wired or wireless. However, on Linux Mint Debian Edition only wired works as using the bluetooth mode only results the controller being connected but no input.

submitted by /u/Gizake_F
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Prism Launcher cant recognize Mangohud config files

23. Juni 2024 - 15:05

When i tried to enable mangohud, it works but prism doesnt use config files. I put in the configs files to the correct directory, i tried using flatseal with this command:xdg-config/MangoHud:ro, this terminal command: flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-config/MangoHud:ro org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher, and nothing has worked

submitted by /u/randombirdguy2
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Using arch with hyprland. When I play war thunder for example and I use the free look mode (control + c) the cursor goes onto my 2nd monitor and completely messes with my game.

23. Juni 2024 - 13:54

So when It messes up my game, what I mean is the game kinda just looses control, it's quite odd. Anyone know how to fix this?

Happy to give more details if needed. Thank you.

submitted by /u/ticticBOOM06
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Is mx linux good for gaming?

23. Juni 2024 - 12:10

The title told everything.

submitted by /u/ComfortableAd5419
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Company of Heroes 2 native on wayland KDE

23. Juni 2024 - 11:20

I never managed to run native COH with wayland KDE 6. Thus I had to run native COH 2 under X11. And had no issues at all. Now with KDE 6.1 COH won't start even with X11.
(Not to mention constant relic servers error on native)

submitted by /u/dr-kart
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How to dynamically switch which GPU linux and which GPU my windows VM uses?

23. Juni 2024 - 11:19

Here, I have RX 7600 with a GT 710. When I am using my Windows VM, I want it to use my RX 7600 and I want my linux host to use the GT 710. But otherwise I want linux to use the RX 7600. How can I do this?

submitted by /u/IsDankYis
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