Other News about gaming on Linux

How to resize my monitors so they fit next to each other correctly

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 6:34pm

Im using ubuntu 24.04 lts and the problem is that my 24 and 27 monitors dont really look right (like u can see in the picture)

The 27 one is a samsung g50d on qhd and the 24 one is an acer cb241h on fhd.

Appreciate your help 🙏

Why not on /ubuntu? You cant upload pictures and stuff :(

submitted by /u/Federal-Ad996
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Decky Loader for Steam Deck gets a store upgrade to show currently installed plugins clearly

Gaming on Linux - 9 Feb 2025 - 6:17pm
Decky Loader, the popular plugin system for Steam Deck / SteamOS, has a fresh release out making the plugin store a bit more useful.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

world of tanks fps issue

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 6:13pm


I wanted to play world of tanks on linux with Lutris, I have a 3050 RTX and a I5-12400F, i'm on linux Mint 22.04. My problem is that i only have 1-4 fps with minimals graphics... Why?

submitted by /u/Leonie1205
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How to run UMU-launcher in Lutris Flatpak?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 6:06pm


I've been trying several versions of Wine/Proton in the Flatpak version of Lutris to try and pin down a problem with Myst Remake 2021 (version 2.0.6.) In this game, the intro video and book video's don't play when using the default Lutris Wine runner, which is wine-ge-8.26.

Getting the video's in this game to run was a bit of a mess because of having to trial and error lots of Wine/Proton versions. I have tried these, with the following results:

  • works = game works as expected
  • fail = intro movie and book movie don't play
  • slow = game runs at less than 10 FPS

Installed by Lutris Flatpak by default:

  • System Wine 9.0: fail
  • wine-ge-8.26: fail
  • UMU-latest: fail, slow
  • UMU-Proton-9.0-beta16: fail, slow
  • GE-Proton (version?): works

Tried these myself through ProtonUp-QT:

  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-8.21-amd64: fail
  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-9.0-amd64: fail
  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-9.17-amd64: fail
  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-9.18-amd64: fail
  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-9.22-amd64: works
  • cron4eks-vanilla-wine-10.0-amd64: works
  • wine-proton-9.0-4: fail (probably Wine before 9.19 or 9.20?)

This game relies on the Windows Media Foundation libraries and in my research I found that Wine 9.18 implemented a new backend for this: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/09/wine-918-brings-a-new-media-foundation-backend-using-ffmpeg/

Wine 9.17 doesn't play the intro video; Wine 9.18 doesn't either, but Wine 9.22 does. Wine 10.0 also does. So it seems somewhere after Wine 9.18 something changed that makes these video's play.

Does this mean that GE-Proton has some of the later Wine versions? It just says "Wine 9.0" in the configuration dialog box.

I would like to try out the new UMU-launcher, but don't know how I can run it. UMU-latest and UMU-Proton-9.0-beta16 don't work: they run the game at less than 10 FPS, as if graphical acceleration is not available. I've been unable to find a clear explanation on how to get UMU installed under Lutris (especially, in the Flatpak version). Does anyone have a link on how to accomplish this? There's no UMU version available in ProtonUp-QT (yet).

Because the UMU-launcher github page says that wine-ge-8.26 will probably be the last "official Lutris-version of Wine" and all the launchers such as Lutris, Bottles, Heroic, etc will move to UMU, I'd like to try it.

submitted by /u/Xatraxalian
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Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games

Gaming on Linux - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:51pm
Valve have updated the developer guidelines for releasing a game on Steam, making it clear that the scourge of mobile gaming advertising-based business models are not going to work on Steam.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

X-Plane 12 on Arch

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:39pm

I realize this isn't an xplane specific sub but I figured I would ask here first.

I've been trying to install X Plane 12 on my machine. The installer was complaining about not finding Mesa RADV drivers. I updated my entire machine, Mesa and went through the Vulkan page on Arch wiki and install everything the page recommended. It seems that the installer only launches when I export DISABLE_LAYER_AMD_SWITCHABLE_GRAPHICS_1=1. Exporting this allowed me to run the installer and even launched the game immediately after installation. I rebooted my machine and tried to launch the game but it would not. I export the variable again and tried it again. The game logs showed that it was complaining about the RADV drivers. After searching for quite some time, I tried to relaunch the installer and it did. It seems that I'm only able to launch the game if I export the variable and run the installer (even though the game is already installed). What am I doing wrong? Not sure if this is a game or machine issue.

Kernel 6.13.x RX 7900 XTX Ruben 9 7950 X3D

submitted by /u/lal309
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GE-Proton 9-24 released with a new save game detection feature

Gaming on Linux - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:31pm
GE-Proton 9-24 is out now bringing with it the usual assortment of fixes, plus as interesting change that will help games detect saves from other games.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Wine 10.1 out now with fixes for Battle.net and more Bluetooth driver work

Gaming on Linux - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:21pm
With the huge Wine 10 release out, the Wine team have moved back to their regular biweekly development feature releases with Wine 10.1 out now.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Wine 10.1 out now with fixes Battle.net and more Bluetooth driver work

Gaming on Linux - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:21pm
With the huge Wine 10 release out, the Wine team have moved back to their regular biweekly development feature releases with Wine 10.1 out now.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

No Man's Sky from GOG not connecting to servers on Steak Deck

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 5:06pm

Posting this on several subs hoping for an answer. I have No Man's Sky from GOG installed on Steam Deck through Lutris with GOG Galaxy for Multiplayer. However it will not connect to the NMS servers. I know my wireless is connected, and GOG Galaxy is syncing correctly, but the game itself wont connect to the NMS servers.

submitted by /u/bassman9999
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Using alt commands in game running wine

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 4:56pm


I am using wine to run a really old game (Descent 3 in this case. I got it running great but found that I can't use the alt f2,f3 etc. Because they run Linux system commands. Has anyone figured out a workaround?

submitted by /u/Dash_Ripone
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Aida64 alternative for sensor panel

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 4:40pm

Just getting into Linux gaming and I switched to running hyprland and arch. I know not the most friendly approach but it seems to be working ok. One piece of software I am unable to find a suitable replacement for is aida64. I ran it on windows to feed my beadapanel with system stats. Game fps, cpu and gpu usage, memory usage, network speeds etc. any recommendations? I am feeding a beadpanel 5" that does not show as a secondary montior. I know it can but my preference is something similar to how aida64 did it.

submitted by /u/Piggy_Iron
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Getting Heroes of Might and Magic 3 working from the offline GOG installer on my Surface Laptop 5

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 9 Feb 2025 - 4:24pm

I'm writing this to record my process for getting Heroes of Might and Magic 3 working on my Surface Laptop 5. My specs are

Fedora Workstation 41
8 GB of RAM
Kernel version: 6.12.7-1.surface.fc41.x86_64

I used Lutris for the installation and launching of the game. At first when I tried to install the game I was getting an "Error 256" message, which is a non-descript timeout error. The game would not install and just hang without showing the GOG installer. The process I used to get the game working is:

  1. Reinstall wine. I fully uninstalled wine from my system. You can do this with this command

sudo dnf remove wine

Then you can check to make sure that you do not have wine or other wine related programs on your system with this command which should return nothing.

dnf list --installed | grep wine

If you have other wine related programs installed (winetricks etc.) uninstall all of those too.

Then reinstall wine with this command.

sudo dnf install wine

  1. Install Lutris. This is done with the normal command.

sudo dnf install lutris

  1. Install the game. Once Lutris is installed, obtain the offline GOG installer files. There should be the .exe installer and a .bin file with all of the data.


Click the "Add Game" plus button in the top-left of the Lutris window.

Choose the option to "Install a Windows game from an executable"

Choose whatever game name you want. I chose to name it "homm3". I kept my Installer Preset as "Windows 10 64-bit". Then click "Install"

Click "Install" again on the next screen.

Choose your installation directory. I kept it as default. Click "Continue"

In the "Select the setup file" field, click the "..." button. Once the window pops up, navigate to the .exe file from the GOG offline installer and select it. Click the OK button. Then click "Install".

The GOG installer should then pop up and you can install the game with that.

  1. Fix the Heroes3.exe file. I was still not able to get the game to launch after doing all of this. When I tried launching the game directory from command line with wine I would get this error.

0024:err:seh:NtRaiseException Unhandled exception code c0000409 flags 1 addr 0x79c51f30

I came upon this thread that solved my issue.


Navigate to the install directory of your game. By default the game would be here:

cd ~/Games/homm3/drive_c/GOG\ Games/HoMM\ 3\ Complete

Then run this command to change a dll pointer in the executable (tbh I don't exactly know what this is doing).

printf "DDRAW.dll" | dd of=Heroes3.exe bs=1 seek=2475928 conv=notrunc

  1. Launch the game. You should be able to now launch the game from Lutris. You will not be able to skip the opening cutscene the first time you launch the game. This is apparently a known issue with the windows version as well.
submitted by /u/fftedd
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