AppGameKit Version 2018.11.08 released for Linux

The new Version 2018.11.08 of AppGameKit (aka AGK2) improves the compatibility with MacOS and adds some new 3D-commands.
The complete Changelog for the current version:
AppGameKit V2018.11.08 Released!
Today we've released a new version of AppGameKit that brings updated support for the latest version of the Mac (10.14) and some exciting new 3D commands and rendering speed improvements that have been coded and supplied by community member Preben Eriksen.
Read about the full set of changes here;
Added new SetObject commands:
GetObjectAlphaUpgraded Mac apps to GLFW 3.2.1 to support MacOS 10.14
Added the extra keyboard key support to Mac apps
Fixed iOS Tier 2 projects for XCode 10
Minimum supported version of iOS is now 8.0 due to Apple changes
Added documentation for clipboard commands
Fixed GetClipboardText on Android failing to get the text on some devices
Added password field for ExtractZip (courtesy of Preben)
New command CreateObjectFromRawHeightMap added for support of .raw and .dat 16-bit height maps (courtesy of Preben)
Added mesh visibility and collision commands SetObjectMeshVisible and SetObjectMeshCollisionMode (courtesy of Preben)
Added GetObjectTextureName and GetObjectNumTextures command to read object texture names from object file (courtesy of Preben)
Improved drawing performance of objects when they are not visible or there are no lights (courtesy of Preben)
Improved sorting performance for transparent 3D objectsFor existing owners this new version is now live on Steam!
AGK2 is a multi-plattform 2D/3D game-engine and development environment (IDE) for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
Programs and games can be developed in a BASIC-like dialect, in C++ and now also in Java/Kotlin.
The developed programs can be run on/exported for Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and HTML5.
More information on AGK2: