Total War: ROME REMASTERED Patch 2.0.5 veröffentlicht

Der Patch 2.0.5 zu Total War: ROME REMASTERED wurde für Linux auf Steam veröffentlicht.
Total War: ROME REMASTERED patch 2.0.5 is now live.
Patch 2.0.5 fixes several issues seen in the previous update, as well as further quality of life improvements.
Full 2.0.5 release notes:
Reduced delay between general’s speech and units cheering in 3D battles
Fixed issue where Roman Temples would show as under construction on the 3D map when none were being built
Fixed an issue when a Family member could be cloned after bribing a rebel army
Fixed an issue where the camera would jump to Tactical View if an animation transition was triggered during user-activated edge scrolling
Improved ambient sounds to scale with the number of soldiers, not number of units
Fixed an issue where settlement labels obscured by the fog of war could display a different owning faction name than the displayed faction icon
Fixed a crash that would occur if a building in a settlement was destroyed while a player’s assassin had an active mission to sabotage that building
Fixed an issue where units could be duplicated or missing from various building recruitment lists
Fixed an issue where the Majority Religion achievements in Barbarian Invasion would not activate
Modding: New gradual trait loss feature correctly applies to traits which have a ‘nogoingback’ level enabled