Quake II RTX: Update 1.8.0 für Linux veröffentlicht

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Quake II RTX Screenshot

Für die kostenlose Raytracing-Version des klassischen Shooters Quake 2 steht nun das Update 1.8.0 auf Steam für Linux bereit:

Quake II RTX v1.8.0 Update

Maintenance update that includes the fixes and features introduced in the past two years.


- Added screen warping when underwater
- Added an option to shoot at the crosshair (aimfix)
- Added new rendering projections: Panini, Stereographic, Equirectangular, Mercator
- Added limited compatibility with Quake 2 Remastered maps
- Merged lots of changes and fixes from Q2PRO
- Fixed various system compatibility and rendering issues

Das vollständige Changelog gibt es hier.