OpenRA: Playtest 20170930 veröffentlicht

Nur kurz nach der letzten Veröffentlichung steht wieder ein neuer Playtest (20170930) von OpenRA zum Download bereit.
Dieser enthält einige Bugfixes und soll laut den Entwicklern identisch mit dem geplanten Oktober-Release sein:
Thanks to everybody who reported issues with playtest-20170923 last week, today we are releasing another playtest with several more fixes. Playtest 20170930 includes:
Fixed in-game map installation on Linux and Windows
Fixed a crash when using Attack Move
Fixed incorrect global chat timestamps when returning to the lobby after a match
Added RA minelayer deployment to the command-bar
Improved attack-move cursor behaviour outside the mapSee the full changelog if you are interested in finding more details on these fixes, or head on over to our download page to try it out!
We believe that we have finally addressed all the major issues with the playtests, so our planned October release should be identical to this playtest. If you know of any remaining bugs that should be fixed before then, report them immediately via our forum, our GitHub issue tracker, or in the comments below.