AppGameKit Classic Version 2022.09.28 für Linux veröffentlicht

AppGameKit Classic Header
AppGameKit Classic 2022.09.28

Die neue Version 2022.09.28 von AppGameKit Classic (auch bekannt als AGK2) ist ab sofort für Linux auf Steam erhältlich.

Das Changelog zur aktuellen Version:

AppGameKit Classic 2022.09.28 update released!

Welcome to the quarterly update for AppGameKit Classic. This update focuses on a host of NEW commands!

AppGameKit Compiler

Projects can now have more than 256 Types defined in them


Added new text shader commands:
SetTextShader( int iTextIndex, int shaderID )
SetTextShaderConstantByName( int iTextIndex, string szName, float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4 )
SetTextShaderConstantArrayByName( int iTextIndex, string szName, int arrayIndex, float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4 )
SetTextShaderConstantDefault( int iTextIndex, string szName )


Fixed SetPhysicsInitiallyAwake ignoring the provided value and always using true

In-App Purchases

Added new In-App Purchase commands to deal with subscriptions with multiple plans and offers
InAppPurchaseActivateWithPlan( int iID, string planToken )
GetInAppPurchaseSubNumPlans( int iID )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanNumPeriods( int iID, int planIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanPrice( int iID, int planIndex, int periodIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanDuration( int iID, int planIndex, int periodIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanDurationUnit( int iID, int planIndex, int periodIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanPaymentType( int iID, int planIndex, int periodIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanTags( int iID, int planIndex )
GetInAppPurchaseSubPlanToken( int iID, int planIndex )


Added GetAppReceipt() command on iOS to return the list of AppStore transactions


Fixed APK export with deep links for Android 12
Updated Android target API to 31 (Android 12)
Added commands to return the size and position of any display cutouts on Android
Added support for both Adaptive and Legacy icons in APK export
Added command to request the app be pinned on Android
Removed deprecated expansion file commands on Android
Fixed Android sometimes returning device width and height as 1 at start before returning the correct values
Padded short sounds on Android to 400ms to avoid popping and distortion
Fixed APK export sometimes not finding java or jarsigner program
Fixed Android Keytool process sometimes not finding keytool program
PinApp( int enable )

Screen Area

Added commands to return the safe area that avoids all cutouts on iOS and Android
GetDisplayCutoutTop( int index )
GetDisplayCutoutBottom( int index )
GetDisplayCutoutLeft( int index )
GetDisplayCutoutRight( int index )

Social & Adverts

Updated to the latest Snapchat SDK
Updated to the latest Chartboost SDK

Light & Dark Modes

Added command to check if the device is in dark theme mode


Fixed command name for GetFractalXYZ
Updated Firebase SDK on iOS and Android
Fixed very long Print() string (100,000+ characters) causing a crash
Fixed SetWindowSize on Windows not allowing windows bigger than the screen when allowOversize parameter is set to 1

Tier 2

Added new common code folder for Android Tier 2 apps to simplify updates
Android Tier 2 projects have a new structure that shares common files and external libraries to make them easier to add, remove, and update

As usual Steam owners of AppGameKit Classic will have the update ready for them. TheGameCreators customers can download the new version direct from our servers from their order history area of the TheGameCreators website