Other News about gaming on Linux

Switched from Nvidia to AMD, having issues on Linux (everything is working on Windows).

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 2:43pm

I've been using Arch Linux for the past 10+ years, and have heard over and over how amazing, easy, and OOTB AMD GPUs are to use on Linux.

I have been using Nvidia for the past 20 years and having recently had enough of Nvidia-specific issues and lacking features on Linux (and to an extent on the Windows side as well), I decided to make the jump to AMD (I'm also a hackintosher, which was another pro in going AMD). But I'm having an issue with the AMD GPU on the Linux side (it's working perfectly fine OOTB on Windows 11).

My setup is the following:

framework laptop (intel 12th gen), Sonnet eGPU Breakaway Box 750ex, AMD RX 6950 XT, 64GB RAM.

I did a fresh Arch install, installed the AMD drivers, and while Arch can see the GPU, it doesn't work, not only that, the only thing working from the eGPU enclosure is the power delivery, all of the USB ports are disabled, which is mindboggling to me, as I've been using this exact setup with my Nvidia card without any issues ever, the only change is the AMD GPU.

Meanwhile, on Windows, everything is working, the GPU, the USB ports, power delivery.

When I boot into Arch, I'll see this line for a brief moment, and when I turn off the laptop, the same message will be written out forever and I have to force the PC off. This is the message:

amdgpu: trn=2 ACK should not assert! wait again !

I have no idea what it means and can't really find much about it.

I figured it could be an Arch-specific issue, so I tried both Fedora and Ubuntu as well and they have the exact same issue, getting the same line, The card and USB ports not working on the Sonnet enclosure, so just a general issue on the Linux side.

I haven't really been able to find much about that line, other than specific cases that do not apply to my situation.

Any help is much, much appreciated, as my main reason for getting the AMD card was for Linux.

submitted by /u/superoriginaluname
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Deadlock from Valve no longer a secret - store page is up and we can finally talk about it

Gaming on Linux - 24 Aug 2024 - 2:18pm
Deadlock, perhaps the worst kept secret from Valve, has now been softly revealed as the latest game from the maker of Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Portal and Team Fortress 2.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Wochenendrückblick-2024-34 - LinuxGaming im Forbes-Magazin - neuer BAR Trailer - Proton feiert 6. Geburtstag - Wayland-Unterstützung komplettiert mit NVIDIA 560 - Core Keeper zum Antesten vor Release - uvm

Holarse Linuxgaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 2:12pm

Ein herzliches Willkommen zu unserem, bisher grandiosesten, Linux-Gaming Wochenend-Rückblick Nr. 34 im Jahre 2024! Hier listen wir interessante und informative Neuigkeiten aus der Linuxspielewelt auf, die wir zwischen dem 18.08.2024 und dem 24.08.2024 (Redaktionsschluss ca. 16:00 Uhr) zusammengetragen haben.

Woche für Woche tragen für euch meldrian, Nascher, Xilef, Lucki, NoXPhasma und comrad zahlreiche News und Informationen aus der großen, weiten Linux-Gaming-Welt zusammen. Ihr habt Anregungen oder Anmerkungen? Lasst es uns wissen, entweder hier unten in den Kommentaren oder besucht uns im IRC (oder #holarse auf Libera.chat), im Matrix oder im Discord oder quatscht mit uns im Mumble (play.holarse.de, Server-Passwort ist 'holarse')!

Noch direktere News mit, von und über uns findet ihr im Übrigen auf unserem Mastodon im Fediverse-Kanal. Unsere Reviews landen hier und auf unserer Steam-Curator-Seite.

Frage der Woche
  • Kennt ihr die Möglichkeit als Community-Mitglied bei Wine, z.B. über die Webseite WineHQ in der dortigen AppDB eure Votes abgeben zu können, um die Entwicklung auf die Unterstützung einer bestimmten Applikation zu lenken? Habt ihr schon einmal abgestimmt, falls ja für welches Projekt?
  • Es gibt einen neuen fancy Video-Trailer für das Open Source RTS Beyond All Reason: Video
  • Core Keeper könnt ihr noch dieses Wochenende kostenlos auf Steam spielen. Link
  • Sechs Jahre ist es bereits her, dass Valve Proton als neues Kompatibilitätstool in Steam vorgestellt hat. Seit dem ist viel passiert und eine große Menge an Spielen wurden so auf unserem Lieblings-OS auf Knopfdruck spielbar. Thanks GabeN! Link
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  • American Truck Simulator nimmt euch mit und zeigt schon mal ein wenig Gameplay vom kommenden Arkansas-DLC. Link
  • Factorio Friday Facts #425 - Behind the legs. Link
  • Thrive mach, wie es bei der Evolution nun mal so gang und gäbe ist, Fortschritte. Welche, das liest man im Progress Update vom 17. August. Link
  • Das Forbes-Magazin hat einen Artikel über Linuxgaming im Zeichen von Windows 11 veröffentlicht: Link
Kommerzielle Spiele: Updates
  • Core Keeper - Patch (hier Meme von "Der Untergang" einfügen). Link
    • Übrigens, dieses Wochenende bis zum Release kostenlos auf Steam spielbar.
  • Counter-Strike 2 nimmt jetzt einige Server unter den Anti-Cheat-Schutz VACNet 3, aber sonst auch noch so einiges in der Update-Pipeline:
    • Release Notes for 8/19/2024. Link
    • Release Notes for 8/21/2024. Link
    • Release Notes for 8/22/2024. Link
    • Side-stepping Skill. Link
  • Dead Cells regelt mit viel neuen Content, neuen verbundenen Kartenabschnitten und insgesamt ganz viel Feature-Content im Update 35: The End is Near. Link
  • Empires Mod 2.37.2 hat wieder Bugfixes und Balancing. Link, Changelog
  • Fortune Avenue hat das begrenzte und nicht öffentliche Playtest Version 0.9.0 für alle Eingeweihten. Link
  • Fugl hat hier ein kleineres Update zum Geraderücken von ein paar Kleinigkeiten, während im Hintergrund weitere größere Patches aus Spielersicht vorbereitet werden. Link
  • Gourdlets verbessert eine Kleinigkeit am Ladebildschirm und veröffentlicht dafür den Patch 1.0.0e. Warum auch nicht. Link
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  • PULSAR: Lost Colony Version 1.2.05 hält verschiedene Bugfixes und kleinere Updates für euch bereit. Link
  • Retro Commander Update 2.23.140 - Spielabschlussstatistiken und AFK-Berechnungen für eure Stats. Link
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  • VVVVVV, ein Platformer, erhielt das kleine Update Nr. 2.4.2 mit ein paar "Regression"-Fixes. Link, Release-Notes via Github
  • X-Plane 12 World Editor 2.6r1 verfügbar gemacht. Link
Kommerzielle Spiele: Beta-/Testversionen Open Source Gaming
  • Aleph One enthält mit Release 1.10 einen neuen Szenarienwahlbildschirm. Ausserdem werden jetzt Steam und der Steam Workshop unterstützt. Link
  • Lix Version 0.10.26 hat nun eine Anzeige für den nächsten Spawnzeitpunkt eurer Spieler. Link (Changelog)
  • Mineclonia 0.105.0 kostet euch nun 25% weniger Zeit beim Angeln, wenn es regnet. Link (Changelog)
  • OpenLoco Version 24.08 behebt mitunter einige Absturzgründe und sorgt dafür, dass Fehlermeldungen besser gelesen werden können. Link
  • Ren'Py versorgte seine Spielerschaft in dieser Woche drei Mal mit frischen Updates:
  • Unciv:
  • VASSAL 3.7.14 veröffentlicht. Link
  • Voxelgarden hinterlässt mit Update 2024-34 r6 nun auf trockenem Boden keine Fussspuren mehr. Link
Tools Wine, Proton, SteamPlay, Emulationen
  • Cemu 2.0-95 (Experimental) veröffentlicht. Link
  • Wine hat das Entwicklungrelease 9.16 veröffentlicht und das Holarse-Communitymitglied tapwag hat hier tatkräftig durch Tests und Bug-Reporting mitgewirkt, damit sein Spiel Anarchy Online von 2001 besser funktioniert. Link
Steam Treiber In eigener Sache
  • Unseren VoxeLibre (ehemals MineClone2)-Server mussten wir wegen groben Unfugs am Spawn durch Griefing und Zerstörungen leider auf eine Whitelist umstellen. Wer gerne mitspielen möchte, ist weiterhin herzlich eingeladen. Schreibt uns dazu einfach an. Die zahlreichen Kontaktmöglichkeiten findet ihr unten am Ende des Drückblicks. Link
Rabatte und Sales
  • Steam: Das Steam-Festival der Rhythmusspiele hat begonnen. Link
Holarse Services / Dedicated Server

Wir stellen für folgende Spiele einen oder mehrere Gameserver über unseren Server play.holarse.de und dem Server-Passwort holarse zur Verfügung. Den Status der Spieleserver könnt ihr über unser Dashboard einsehen.

Spiel Version Port Anmerkung 7 Days To Die V 1.0 26900 ARK: Survival Evolved 358.6 7777 TheIsland/PVE ECO 0.10.2 3000 Factorio 1.1.39 34197 Krastorio 2 Mod Minecraft 1.20.6 25565 Karte VoxelLibre (ehem. MineClone2) 0.87.2 (mit MT 5.8.0) 30009 Karte (im Incognito-Mode öffnen wg. TLS) OpenRA (Tiberian Dawn) 20230225 1237 Release OpenRA (Red Alert) 20230225 1236 Release OpenHV 20230917 1234 stable Version OpenHV 20240401 1235 neuste (Vorab-)Version Stendhal 1.4.7 | Valheim 0.218.15 2456 Linux-Streamer und Linux-Gaming-Youtuber
  • As Reiter spielt ausschließlich unter Linux sowohl Open Source, nette Indietitel aber auch Windows-Spiele unter Proton. Youtube
  • Corben78, VR-, Sci-fi- oder Horrorspiele unter Linux. Twitch
  • derhass bezeichnet sich - paradoxerweise - selbst nicht als Streamer, streamt aber ab und an! Hauptsächlich Overload Multiplayer. Aber immer Linux. Twitch
  • GTuxTV spielt gerne neue Titel und bedient sich allem, was Wine und Proton aber auch nativ zu bieten hat. GTuxTV
  • Hatnix spielt DRM-frei und WINE-Spiele unter Linux und hat wieder einen schönen Streamplan für euch: Streamplan-Link
  • Nerdgrrrl, Linuxgamerin mit Schwäche für Zombies. Twitch
  • opensource_gaming: Nicht zwingend Linux-Only aber dafür OpenSource. Zu sehen auf Twitch.
  • Z-Ray Entertainment spielt alles unter Linux, was nicht bei drei auf den virtuellen Bäumen ist. Twitch
  • Open Source Games stellt hauptsächlich, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, Open Source Spiele vor. Youtube
Schönes Wochenende

Das war's wieder einmal von uns, viel Spaß beim Linuxgaming in der kommenden Woche und bis zum nächsten Drückblick.

Euer Holarse-Team


Mafia 2002 - No audio during FMV videos

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:57pm

Just bought this classic since it was on sale and throughout my 19 years of life I never actually played it. Decided to play it today finally and the game runs fine, yet no audio plays during FMV videos but everything else runs fine. I've tried a lower Proton version but that just made my game stuck at "Launching". Has anyone else had this issue ? I'm on Nobara latest, and using the latest Nvidia drivers, using Wayland.

submitted by /u/SXN2005
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Steam Deck gets a global resolution override in latest Beta, plus more desktop Steam fixes

Gaming on Linux - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:44pm
Valve released a couple more Steam Beta Client releases recently for both Steam Deck and Desktop so here's all you need to know.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Wine 9.16 released with more Wayland work and an initial Driver Store implementation

Gaming on Linux - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:19pm
The Wine 9.16 development release is now available for this compatibility layer to run Windows apps and games on Linux. Here's all that's changed.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

NVIDIA driver with Linux kernel 6.10 causing kernel oops

Gaming on Linux - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:13pm
NVIDIA is currently investigating a bug where their drivers are crashing on modern kernels (6.10+). This appears to happen across drivers 550, 555 and even the latest 560.


Read the full article on GamingOnLinux.

Games running via Proton on Lutris are UNBELIEVABLY UGLY

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:11pm


Today I'm having this issue where games that run via Proton on Lutris run at single digit frame-rates, when just yesterday they ran fine. This has affected a huge library of my games and has made all of em outright unplayable. Games in question are Battlefield 2,NFS:MW and COD4. Could anybody pls help? I provided the specs if anybody had a similar issue and fixed it. The issue started with me trying to get sober (roblox) working when a flatpack issue prevented it from starting, now these problems started piling up

submitted by /u/Jibixy
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Issues with display scaling

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 1:01pm

I want to try out Linux for gaming, so I went ahead and installed Bazzite on my desktop that's connected to my 4K TV and I need 200% scaling to be able to see anything. (Using an NVIDIA GPU if that matters)

I started out with GNOME, where everything was smooth until I started up a game, and its max resolution was 1080p (exactly 4K divided by 2 for the 200% scaling). After looking online I was able to change the runner's settings in Lutris to enable Gamescope and set the resolution to 4k manually, but this only works in non-steam games.

I then tried out KDE which was a lot better as games recognized the correct 4K resolution, but things like the Wine installers for non-steam games, and the Steam client itself were not respecting the scaling and were too small.

Is there a solution?

submitted by /u/aintathrowaway26
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DayZ Mod Issue, missing PBO || can´t join modded server

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 12:39pm

I dont really know where to start. As the Title says i can no longer join any modded Dayz Server because of the following error, usually it should say which mod is missing after the (Missing PBO.)but its just empty


The thing is it was working just 2 days ago...

I am using the DZGUI as an external Launcher because the native one doesnt work on Linux and even with the "unix patch" it wont really work for me and crashes.

I tried reinstalling DayZ and every Mod for a few times now, moved installation folder from one drive to another, reinstalled DZGUI etc...

The last thing i remember doing, that could have possibly done any "damage", was creating a steamcmd Docker Container running a dayz server. Makes no sense to me that this could bork something but who knows...

I would be really glad for any input because i REALLY dont feel like reinstalling my OS.

I am running Fedora 40, everything is up to date.

  • **Erstellungsdatum:** 2024-08-24 12:35:38
  • **Hardware-Modell:** Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. X570 AORUS MASTER

  • **Speicher:** 16,0 GiB

  • **Prozessor:** AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700X3D × 16

  • **Grafik:** AMD Radeon™ RX 6900 XT

  • **Festplattenkapazität:** 2,0 TB

  • **Firmware-Version:** F37h

  • **Name des Betriebssystems:** Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)

  • **Betriebssystem-Build:** (null)

  • **Betriebssystem-Typ:** 64-bit

  • **GNOME-Version:** 46

  • **Fenstermanager:** Wayland

  • **Kernel-Version:** Linux 6.10.6-200.fc40.x86_64

submitted by /u/Kuvl0_Gtx
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I'm at the brink of giving up on running NFS rivals on pop os

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 12:04pm

Yes, I've been attempting for 3 days to no avail besides EA launcher keep crashing. This is on steam btw and this is a EA game

I've tried the following:

Using Proton-GE with launch options recommend to launch NFS Rivals according to latest protondb comment for NFS Rivals (Currently don't have my computer to copy and paste the launch options, I will update this post when I can with the launch options.) I've also tried launching without any launch options to no avail

Using Proton versions 4, 5-6, and experimental

Using Proton tricks to add a DLL and a font which is known as way to fix it

Reinstalling Pop OS and attempting attempts that I've done so far

But In my scenario they don't work and I'm completely bamboozled

Any assistance would be appreciated 👍

submitted by /u/TechFixerForU
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World of Warcraft Drawing Error?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 11:45am

I have encountered this since the pre patch and never saw it before, wondering if anyone else has seen it. Not sure if it's projected textures or shadows but I've included a screenshot to show what I'm talking about. Half my screen looks like it's trying to project a texture/shadow somewhere and its just floating in space not corresponding to the actual geometry of the world. Happens in a few different areas but is not always visible. I have DX12 running, haven't tried DX11 yet. Running through Lutris with GEProton9-4.



submitted by /u/withlovefromspace
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Nvidia drivers advice

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 10:10am

I have a 4090 RTX (which I broke and am repairing a long time ago) and a 1070 Ti, and it's the same thing there and there, it's like it's a pain in my ass or something. Linux Mint has a driver detector, ok, put the recommended drivers, now I'm seeing a bunch of problems in apps and games that never showed up, I don't even know what to do. Sometimes something works fine, but I still have my doubts about it. What do we do, guys?

submitted by /u/Cultural_Bug_3038
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Garry's mod low memory error

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 10:04am

at random time i got error low memory on Linux Mint (have this error with GeForce 4090 RTX, GeForce 1070Ti and Radeon X 1950 PRO)

submitted by /u/Cultural_Bug_3038
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Quake Live [Steam] Error

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 10:01am

I got some different errors after changing resolution and installing Nvidia drivers (with proton and without proton) on Linux Mint

1069 win-x86 Jun 3 2016 16:09:18 Steam API initialized. ----- FS_Startup ----- WARNING: Skipping workshop, ISteamUGC is NULL. Current search path: Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live/76561199523232261/baseq3 Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\baseq3\pak00.pk3 (0x15a37833 - 9285 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\baseq3\bin.pk3 (0x7c1d0d5e - 5 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live/baseq3 ---------------------- 9290 files in pk3 files execing default.cfg Loading dll file qagame ==== ShutdownGame ==== Loading dll file cgame couldn't exec qzconfig.cfg couldn't exec repconfig.cfg couldn't exec autoexec.cfg Steam Gameserver initialized. Not recording a demo. ----- FS_Startup ----- Current search path: Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live/76561199523232261/baseq3 Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\baseq3\pak00.pk3 (0x15a37833 - 9285 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live\baseq3\bin.pk3 (0x7c1d0d5e - 5 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake Live/baseq3 Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\546978238/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\609890750\\z_q3-announcer.pk3 (0x69c852a4 - 122 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\609890750/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555848229\\md3-pms.pk3 (0xd78e7c85 - 131 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555848229/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2661185992\\dojo.pk3 (0xe2c8216b - 5 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2661185992/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1719002705\\napoleon.pk3 (0xf1081e52 - 46 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1719002705/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\544560345\\Reaper.pk3 (0x32320a21 - 46 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\544560345/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\544558050\\TabunQguard.pk3 (0xa42a7233 - 86 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\544558050/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\675705240\\ps2weaps.pk3 (0x069968fa - 57 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\675705240/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2506025170\\x360hd.pk3 (0x1fd40327 - 53 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2506025170/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1681420827\\z-classicq3.pk3 (0x3ea4e115 - 554 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1681420827/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\549394374\\wep8-Plasmagunhires.pk3 (0x1ebb9a67 - 16 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\549394374/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\538941289/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\543052192\\md3-homie.pk3 (0x7a38fdc9 - 40 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\543052192/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555075787\\hh3-r7.pk3 (0x6a817e88 - 86 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\s:hare\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555075787/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556129970\\md3-artemis.pk3 (0xa8aca1af - 58 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556129970/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1970710881\\md3-Meuble.pk3 (0x62989e91 - 31 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1970710881/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555314632\\md3-vex.pk3 (0x7d381510 - 197 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555314632/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555835982\\md3-crusader.pk3 (0x2ddd8ca0 - 68 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555835982/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555393744\\md3-nitro.pk3 (0xe3ff7c89 - 65 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555393744/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2278098728\\md3-Victor.pk3 (0xd2d6a839 - 46 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\2278098728/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555855288\\md3-wrokdam.pk3 (0xd76bcf8e - 57 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555855288/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3119674049/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556333974\\md3-Sonic_QL_v1.pk3 (0x356dd4e2 - 106 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556333974/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555990028\\md3-spacemarine40k.pk3 (0x35e862cb - 83 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555990028/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\548653317\\vixen.pk3 (0x3dfd87ca - 69 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\548653317/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\550762444\\q3proto.pk3 (0x917d4ca5 - 84 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\550762444/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\543284341\\ansaki.pk3 (0x105c6cbc - 25 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\543284341/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556139074\\md3-binky.pk3 (0xe56b8274 - 92 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556139074/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555134978\\md3-bunker.pk3 (0xee8a7556 - 103 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555134978/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555896592\\md3-caustic.pk3 (0x7b39e8d4 - 79 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555896592/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555904533\\md3-mantis.pk3 (0x5451f279 - 50 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555904533/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556187206\\md3-dragoon.pk3 (0x8d2e343e - 84 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556187206/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556024751\\md3-astartes.pk3 (0xcd013476 - 257 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556024751/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555926124\\md3-exosus.pk3 (0x9ed83503 - 53 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555926124/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\553588762\\hh3-boiler.pk3 (0x0cbbce2b - 65 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\553588762/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556146104\\md3-bloodseeker.pk3 (0xde92a461 - 61 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\556146104/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555179729\\snd-ironside.pk3 (0x6d6e925c - 20 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555179729\\md3-ironside.pk3 (0x47eef449 - 64 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555179729/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\skn-suwcap-task.pk3 (0x4b8a9f0c - 16 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\skn-suwcap-greymon.pk3 (0x8b4b84e8 - 23 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\skin-suwgrim.pk3 (0x0c5037c1 - 13 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\skin-suwcap-crom.pk3 (0x9f504c67 - 12 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\md3-suwfield.pk3 (0x82c24507 - 35 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\md3-suwcap.pk3 (0x536c53d8 - 47 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\bot-suwfield.pk3 (0x94082a81 - 2 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721\\bot-suwcap-task.pk3 (0xb89269e4 - 14 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\555879721/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\554975390\\hh3-shaitan.pk3 (0x8eb13b23 - 59 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\554975390/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\580472078\\md3-flic.pk3 (0x504de959 - 44 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\580472078\\bot-flic.pk3 (0x931a69ad - 5 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\580472078/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1982020572\\md3-Ivory.pk3 (0xe55e4f87 - 51 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1982020572/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3153476731\\morrowindmodels.pk3 (0x753f8482 - 333 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3153476731/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1197899112\\z_qc2017_ads.pk3 (0x2ea76fb1 - 5 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1197899112/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3008771992\\zzz-QCHitfeedback.pk3 (0x8387809d - 7 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3008771992/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\889187127/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\837417153\\Quake 3 HD Weapon Pack.pk3 (0xc0290319 - 410 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\837417153/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\600427529\\z_qcon_2015_ads.pk3 (0x4e152cad - 4 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\600427529/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1502166021\\de_dust2.pk3 (0x04a227f2 - 52 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\1502166021/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\837408378\\Quake 3 HD Texture Pack.pk3 (0x8a72eb06 - 1204 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\837408378/ Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3280511042\\md3-masyanya.pk3 (0xab7ae489 - 53 files) Z:\home\melvinsgjr\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\282440\3280511042/ ---------------------- 14738 files in pk3 files Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok ...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III ------- Input Initialization ------- joystick not found -- no valid joysticks (a5) ------------------------------------ 168 arenas parsed loaded factories from scripts/factories.txt, total 22 loaded factories from scripts/moreGametypes.factories, total 61 loaded 173 maps into the map pool ----- Client Initialization ----- ----- Initializing Renderer ---- ------------------------------- ----- Client Initialization Complete ----- ----- R_Init ----- Initializing OpenGL subsystem ...initializing QGL ...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded ...setting mode -2: 1920 800 FS ...using colorsbits of 32 ...calling CDS: failed, bad mode ...trying next higher resolution: failed, bad mode ...restoring display settings ...registered window class ...created window@0,0 (1928x834) Initializing OpenGL driver ...getting DC: succeeded ...GLW_AutoSelectPFD( 32, 24, 0 ) ... auto selected PFD 3...PIXELFORMAT 3 selected ...creating GL context: succeeded ...making context current: succeeded ...WARNING: fullscreen unavailable in this mode ...setting mode 5: 640 480 W ----- CL_Shutdown ----- RE_Shutdown( 1 ) Shutting down OpenGL subsystem ...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success ...deleting GL context: success ...releasing DC: success ...destroying window ...shutting down QGL ...unloading OpenGL DLL ----------------------- GLW_CreateWindow: could not register window class submitted by /u/Cultural_Bug_3038
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Anbox binder not getting installed!!!

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 9:52am

So I set up a dual boot a couple days ago for Ubuntu and everything was aight till I wanted to play Minecraft, I tried installing tlauncher( like I have on windows) but my java isn't reading it as an application, I HAVE installed java 22 on my pc but it's not working, I decided to try a box with Minecraft on phone but anbox-binder isn't getting installed and it gave me the directory to check the problem but then it says I don't have permission, putting sudo or su at the front doesn't work either.PLEASE HELP and thank you for your time

submitted by /u/ali_manoun
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Question about Steam Deck support for Concord

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 24 Aug 2024 - 9:31am

Hi everyone. Since this is the first Sony game with fully mandatory PSN requirements, I was wondering for anyone who has the game and a Steam Deck if you could check if it will even run on the Deck. The reason for this is because I want to know how Sony will be handling the PSN requirement for future Sony games. If it's anything like Tsushima, then it will still be playable except for the multiplayer. If it's more restrictive than that, like not even allowing the game to run without a PSN account, then it will have greater implications about how God of War Ragnarok, Until Dawn, and future Sony games will run on the Steam Deck and Linux or if they will run at all. I know it's fun to dab on Concord at the moment, but if it doesn't work on Steam Deck then future Sony games may not be allowed to run on Deck or Linux at all.

submitted by /u/Mikasa_Tsukasa
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