Update: Dead Island for Linux now available on Steam

Dead Island Logo

Update: The day has come: Dead Island is right now available on Steam for Linux (unfortunately not in Germany)!
If you already own the game for the Windows-Platform, you can start your download right away.

The Website Gaming on Linux has more Informations on this Port: it is native and not some kind of Windows-Wrapper like eON oder Wine.

Pandora: First Contact is now available for Linux on Steam

Pandora First Contact Header
Pandora First Contact Screenshot

Pandora: First Contact, a turn-based 4X-Game set in Space is now available on Steam for Linux.


Pandora: First Contact is a science fiction 4X turn-based strategy game on a planetary scale. Our Earth has been exhausted and colonial attempts on other planetary bodies have been in vain. Finally, after decades of exploration, an interstellar probe has brought promise of a new world many light-years away.
