Update 1.5 of Dungeons 2 for Linux now available on Steam

Dungeons 2 Header
Dungeons 2 Screenshot

It is 1.9 GB in size: the Update 1.5 of Dungeons 2, a "Dungeon-Master"-like game. It is available now for Linux on Steam.

This Update includes many smaller and big changes. Here is the complete Changelog:

Performance improvements
Added reset button for campaign progress
Enemy units can now be selected to see their names, descriptions and stats
Changed font type and font handling for readability and performance
Improved automatic work unit selection for research
Free Chaos Forge/Hell Forge researches now save their progress when interrupted
Cast mode now remains active when casting spells while holding down shift key, similar to building traps/doors/work units with shift key
It is no longer possible to "dismiss" a health potion or medal
Minor controller improvements
Singleplayer games will now be paused if the player opens the steam overlay
It is no longer possible to control the paused game and game menus while the steam overlay is opened
Added new sounds
Corrected some sounds
Added a "Play" button next to owned DLC that allows jumping to skirmish/campaign menus directly to start playing the new content for clarification of the DLC sub-menu
New grayscale effect for some deactivated GUI to make their state clearer
Dependency errors are now being shown in tooltip while research is in progress
Unit list UI at top of screen now lets you select and multiselect units via the portraits with Shift/Ctrl-LMB
Multiselection now has tooltips
Shift/Ctrl-LMB-selecting unit groups now works in all RTS places in the game
Area traps like the thrasher can no longer be built next to a room
Chat log is now limited to 100 lines
Chaotic / Absolute / Ultimate Evil now has a minimap icon
Rework of mission goal display
Build exactly the room tiles that are displayed as buildable in case insufficient gold for the whole room is available
Improved error message when not enough gold is available to build even 1 room tile
Game now shows a unit as having 1 HP when it's actual HP would be rounded down to 0
Armor is shown as precise number with one digit after comma
Unit details tab now shows real speed, not base speed of unit
Research is now disabled but visible if only requirement is not met
Maximum unit level is at 11 and is shown as yellow number instead of white
Units without level information are by default displayed as maxed out (NPCs like Barthas, ...)
New icon for room upgrade submenu
Evil hand now can hold no more than one special item (medals, health potions) at a time
Introduced minimap icon for spider spawner
It is no longer possible to zoom with the mousewheel while using the unit pickup UI
Multiplayer map "Ultimate Carnage": Added granite behind all portals
Reworked various visual objects for performance and improved looks (particle effects, vegetation, etc.)
Sent Halloween invitations to elven ranger, pikeman and crossbowman. They'll bring their costumes!

Changed conversion rate of demon "gold to mana" spell
Bards now switch to a better trap if they find one while deactivating another trap

Fixed a bug that lead to players being stuck in loading screen when switching back to main menu
Fixed a bug that could freeze the game when opening and closing singleplayer campaign screen very rapidly
Fixed stat-based steam achievements sometimes being unlocked incorrectly
Fixed floating numbers sometimes being shown incorrectly
Fixed a problem with fog of war being uncovered due to switching resolutions
Players may now drag monsterst with more than 1 HP onto healing stations
Servants now have a post-teleport buff that lets dem ignore combat as they were sometimes stuck in combat after teleport
Map "Hatchlings": Fixed broken lava sound
Map "The Oasis": Fixed alliance units bringing spiders along to combat
Fixed wall of ice sometimes being shown as pink
Map "The Mountain Pass": Fixed minor graphic inconsistencies
Map "Smog!": Fixed a group of 3 drakes in the sothernmost secret room not acting as a group
Map "Hatchlings": Fixed a bug with the spider room walls
Fixed damage numbers sometimes stacking indefinitely
Fixed enemy unit's weapons sometimes being visible through fog of war in multiplayer
Fixed various graphical glitches with floors and walls
Fixed particle rendering glitches
Fixed decoration clipping in the throne room
Fixed some problems with destructable objects
Fixed transparency issues with mission goal icons
Units are no longer able to shoot through doors (not working for older savegames)
Fixed a bug that resulted in units being stuck to the hand of terror
Units can no longer be selected through fog of war
Fixed several cases in which the AI would not recover from an error (units being stuck in place, etc.)
Reworked digged mana crystal default representation
GUI of guard room now works correctly
Fixed a problem when hand of terror pickups something already gone in multiplayer
Fixed wrong activity icon being displayed when switching arena puppet targets while unit is working
Job information for units not currently working is now being hidden
Fixed a potential blocker on map "In the swamplands" due to the crystal chamber
Fixed highlights around weapons
Guarding monster now work correctly with savegames
Fixed a problem with doors staying open
Fixed a problem with gimmick holograms floating in some cases in build mode
Fixed a problem with displaying tooltips during multiselection
Units will no longer follow destroyed entities
Taunt effect now stops when the target dies
Fixed a problem that confused certain spells during cast (e.g. if the player selected meteor and then selected fireball with the cast cursor activated, he would still cast meteor)
Fixed dead units rotating in place
Fixed invisibility shader
Fixed some areas between UI elements not to be treated as UI space
Fixed an experimental fullscreen error
Fixed problems when saving a game while capturing an area in skirmish and multiplayer maps
Fixed error message if skill target is not reachable
Fixed various problems with character physics simulation in combination with teleportation, death, dragging, slapping
Fixed save game names not fitting into the designated text box