War for the Overworld: Patch 1.6.2 veröffentlicht und jetzt auf GOG erhältlich

Das von Dungeon Keeper inspirierte Strategie- und Aufbauspiel War for the Overworld ist ab sofort auch DRM-frei auf GOG erhältlich und startet dort mit einem 50% Discount.
UPDATE: das Spiel kann bei GOG derzeit auch kostenfrei über GOG Connect bezogen werden, wenn ihr die Steam-Version bereits besitzt!
Aber das ist noch nicht alles: die Entwickler haben gleichzeitig den umfangreichen Patch 1.6.2 veröffentlicht, der sich insbesondere auf den Multiplayer konzentriert und nach eigenen Angaben den Netcode zum großen Teil überarbeitet.
Patch 1.6.2 - Multiplayer Mayhem
We’ve introduced some serious new netcode with Patch 1.6.2 which should drastically improve the quality of multiplayer matches. We’ve had this on the Public Test Branch for just over a week and the response has been positive so far. Want to give it a go? Here’s some tips to get you started!Finding a Multiplayer Match
What would a multiplayer patch be without multiplayer matches? Head on over to our Discord and join the Matchmaking channel to find other players with whom to go head to head!Don’t forget if you’re going to host you’ll need to port forward!
Reporting Issues
We’re looking to try and improve the experience for our multiplayer fans as much as possible, so if you run into an issue while playing please get in touch with a bug report via User Echo.Release Notes
Multiplayer Improvements
We’ve reworked our netcode to deliver significant improvements to the Multiplayer experience.Multiplayer behaviours should be much more consistent with gameplay, for example:
Constructs and defences are more reliable
Casting Recall on the Worker Rally no longer breaks the Worker Rally
Unit actions are now consistent between client and host
We’ve implemented new systems to combat desyncs by slowing the game down, giving it time to catch up after network issues
Visual issues have been greatly reduced, for example:
Reduced instances of units visually teleporting
VFX should be correctly synced to unit location
“Ghost” units have been exorcised
Possessing a unit should no longer cause unit shields to break for your opponent
Unit shields no longer become detached from their unit
Workers who are undertaking a task should no longer become lost
Implemented support for cross-platform play with GOG Galaxy playersPerformance Improvements
Multiplayer code no longer runs in single-player, which yields a small performance boost for all players
Visual Changes
Improvements to the gold pile highlight
Significantly improved the Crackpot/Gnarling working animation
Improved the floor texture for the Empire barracks
Campaign map highlighting improved
Made some changes to the lights on the main menu scene to improve contrast between rendered objects and UI objects
Small changes to the Archive Lectern lights
Glowing runes are now present on Arcane/Evil Arcane theme door frames
Fixed a number of significant issues with the Dwarven Core
Arcane themes now use a new arcane portcullis frame
Improved Archon emissive map
Reduced the VFX height of the Necromancer’s heal which should improve combat clarity when they are presentLevels
Made some slight visual tweaks to War for the Overworld Level 13
Bug Fixes
Shambler no longer incorrectly has a wage
Porkzilla can now correctly deal damage to units and defences once more, praise the bacon!
Corrected an issue that caused the Behemoth’s heal rate to be far higher than it should have been - it now correctly generates 0.75% health per secondVisuals
Fixed highlight on all Archive props
Evil Arcane theme glowing runes now match what is engraved in the wall
Necromancers on War for the Overworld Level 8 now correctly use the Necromancer Possession effect
Fixed team colouring on a number of objects:
Sovereign Theme door frame
Sovereign Theme connector
Sovereign Theme Midas Door
Santa Worker
Empire and Phaestus theme wall lights
Kickstarter theme Dungeon Core will now display the correct damage states
Kasita and Draven Cores on War for the Overworld Level 12 should now animate correctly
Corrected highlighting on Empire and Phaestus themes
Texture corrections on War for the Overworld Level 8 water gates
Fixed Rocky Earth normal map
Fixed Gold Shrine highlighting
Overworld Gateway unit shields should now display more reliably
Snowy Sacred Earth now uses the correct textures, instead of the Snow textures for Sand walls
Phaestus theme now correctly uses the Underlord props rather than Empire props
Fixed compression settings for some stray textures
Fixed the transparency on the Overworld Gateway
Improved the visuals of the standard theme wall torch
Minor improvement to the lamps in the Empire Lair
Fixed an issue with the highlight on small dropped gold pilesRooms
Heightmap data of Empire Slaughterpen and Barracks now matches that of their Underlord counterparts
Destroyed and claimed Overworld Gateways can no longer be used to dismiss unitsLevels
Improved the effect that is played when Mira is capturing the Kenos on War for the Overworld Level 10, by fixing clipping and misalignment
Further improvements to the Shifting Bond ritual progress on War for the Overworld Level 5, in an attempt to fix a long standing issueMultiplayer
Removed ping column in lobby due to it being unimplemented at this time
Fixed an issue where the host would always try to send a copy of a map to the client even if it was not required
Fixed an issue where the location of units and them taking an action would not be correctly syncedUI
Improved floating emoticon compression quality to prevent pixelation
GameText - Minor grammar corrections
GameText - Fixed "Claim" Worker task type to correctly display as "Unclaim" when unclaiming enemy tiles
Removed unused texturesThat covers this update for now Underlord. We’re still working hard on bringing further under-the-hood improvements to War for the Overworld, and we expect a new UI middleware shortly, followed by Unity 5.6 in the near future! Stay tuned!
– Brightrock Games Team