Hitman: Holiday Pack für Linux veröffentlicht

Ein weihnachtlicher Auftrag wartet auf Agent 47 im neuen Holiday Pack, welches kostenlos zwischen dem 15. Dezember bis zum 5. Januar auf Steam zur Verfügung steht.
In diesem besonderen Auftrag muss Agent 47 in Paris zwei Geschenk-Diebe ausschalten...
Wer das Hauptspiel noch nicht besitzt, bekommt hiermit auch gleich die erste Episode inkl. der ersten Story-Mission "Showstopper":
This month, we’re ending the year in style and inviting all players to Paris.
On December 15th, we will release the Hitman Holiday Pack that will give full access to our Paris destination. This FREE download will include the first major story mission from the game, ‘Showstopper’, plus all of the Escalation Contracts we’ve released for Paris, our ‘Holiday Hoarders’ mission plus the Paris Challenge Packs and achievements too! It will also allow you to play the future re-activated Elusive Targets in Paris.
Sound like a good deal? It is. That’s why the Hitman Holiday Pack is only available for a limited time, from December 15th to January 5th. Once you’ve downloaded it, Paris is yours to keep permanently. All of your progress and mission mastery will carry through to the full game when you choose to upgrade to the Game of the Year Edition we released last month.
You’ll find the Hitman Holiday Pack either through the new in-game store or by searching on Steam for “Hitman Holiday Pack”, starting on December 15th.