Aragami: Patch 01.09 mit Performance-Verbesserungen veröffentlicht

Für das knapp zwei Jahre alte Stealth-Spiel Aragami ist der Patch 01.09 auf Steam erschienen.
Dieser bringt unter anderem Verbesserungen bei der Performance und bereitet das Spiel auf den DLC Nightfall vor, der im Juni erscheinen soll:
Aragami - Patch 01.09
Hi there, shadow assassins!
Ohh look at this... 1.6 GB patch for an almost 2 year old game? You are darn right it is!
Following our weird philosphy of keeping our investment in story-driven games, we bring you the Patch 01.09 for Aragami.
If you didn't know, Aragami: Nightfall, the story-driven prequel DLC to Aragami, 1 year in the making, is coming reaaaally soon (less than a month).
You can read a bit about Aragami: Nightfall on this blog post:
Or just go to the Steam page and add it to your wishlist to be notified when it comes out!
There will be a launch week discount available, so if you want to support us you know what to do. *blink*
Besides the new content, we've been hard at work with those pesky performance optimizations and bug fixes. These are way too long to list, so a summary would be something like this:
* ADD: Added "Auto Aim" option for the Shadow Leap mechanic. Can be toggled in Options menu. Life saver for players using controllers.
* ADD: Korean localization. No Gangnam Style emotes included, too late for that.
* FIX: Big performance improvements. Really.
* FIX: Lots of minor bug fixes and minor visual changes.As always, there's different beta branches to roll your game version back to previous builds. Any issues, please let us know in the comments or in the forums.
Stealthily loving you,
- Lince Works