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contemplating on switching from win11 to arch linux

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 7:08am

So for a while now I've been a Windows user going from XP to win7 so on and so forth. But now doing a lot of research on linux and weighing the pros abt and the cons about win11 and the privacy. As of right now I'm on Win11 and I have no problem with it I want to experience and new operating system I have tested out arch linux on VM and I am little knowledgeable on how it works. But I have so many games that I play like r6 I know the battle eye anti cheat will prevent me from playing also I play cod and Vrchat here and there but I play a lot of vr games like bonelab and others. The only problem is if I run VRC the anti cheat will flag my OS and kick me out of the game that's the only problem I would run into and also I wouldn't know how to get my vr headset to work. Also the fact I have a lot of Bluetooth devices, and im not sure if will be easy to set up or I would have to install a open source driver for it. I mean if I wanted to play r6 and any other anti cheat game I would prob run it under a vm in arch which Idk how to do and I would prob have to spoof the vm so the anti cheat wouldn't flag it as a vm. So if you have any advice before I make the change it would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/CEOSnags
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What drivers should I use for my gpu?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 6:18am


What drivers should I use? nouveau drivers are giving kernel errors which can be fixed by blacklisting the drivers. propitiatory drivers works without any errors but not able to tell whether the drivers are working or not.

submitted by /u/Divine_Himself
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PCSX2 opens then quickly closes when launched via ES-DE (Steam Deck, not EmuDeck)

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 4:57am

I have my own reasons for switching away from EmuDeck. Wonderful program, just not for me.

This is on a factory reset Steam Deck. I set up ES-DE, RetroArch, and SyncThing. Have everything working as intended on both systems (Steam Deck and Mac Studio). Next one to set up is PCSX2. Works beautifully on the Mac. Steam Deck...no so much.

I've added it to Steam. If I launch PCSX2 from game mode or desktop mode, it works just fine. No issues. If I launch a PS2 game from ES-DE, I can see the PCSX2 interface, it lasts maybe a full second at most, and then it's gone, back to ES-DE.

I'll admit, I'm relatively new to Linux. Also fairly new to Mac but have adapted well to it. I don't doubt for a minute that there's something that I'm doing wrong. Just hoping that one of you has an idea of what it is and can point it out.

Thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/OverlyOptimisticNerd
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Xbox controller set up on Ubuntu 24.04

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 4:19am

This guide works flawless with Ubuntu 24.04.


submitted by /u/pedrojmartm
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I found a fix for VRR inconsistency in games (AMD/Wayland)

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 4:09am

Since the very first day I switched from Windows to Linux I noticed that games never felt as smooth on Linux as they did on Windows. I always thought it was something related to Plasma 5 since Wayland wasn't as stable as it is now with Plasma 6.

I didn't really care since I wasn't playing games where FPS was below my monitor refresh rate (170hz), until I recently decided to start a new file in Elden Ring to be ready for the DLC. My monitor has an overlay that let me see the refresh rate change in real time, and I realized that the HZ of my monitor was jumping between 60hz-90hz-170hz every second while playing.

This doesn't only happens with games which frame rate is locked at 60, but with every single game. VRR is not accurate at all, even though my monitor says VRR is "working".

So after a bit of research I found out that all I had to do was: 1. Installing CoreCtrl 2. Set 'Performance mode' to 'Fixed' and set it to 'HIGH' 3. Click 'Apply' and then 'Save'

After that, not only the HZ of my monitor stays at 60 in Elden Ring, but all games in general feel as smooth as they used to on Windows.

I have a RX 6950 XT GPU and the only post that I found that experienced this very same problem also have the same GPU.

I hope it helps someone else experiencing this

submitted by /u/BenZ_osu
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league of legends need reset

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 3:47am

hello, i have a linux mint but need play league of legends please helpme this game need reset a pc but i cant please helpme thanks

submitted by /u/neo_y_smith
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Controller not working for non steam games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 3:39am

So I’m playing Assassin’s Creed mirage thought Lutris on my legion go and when i play through desktop mode it detects my controller but when i play through game mode (i added it as a non steam game) it doesn’t detect it. Anyway to fix? (Steam input doesn’t work because for some reason my inputs are rly delayed when i use it)

submitted by /u/Wise_Cry3263
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Fallout 3 on any distro with Intel HD graphics

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 3:03am

I want to play Fallout 3 on linux and I have Intel HD graphics any suggestions on what method to use to install and which distro(I have the gog version). Thanks

submitted by /u/PartyKale4055
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Assertion failed! vkCreateGraphicsPipelines Error in Games

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 2:50am

I have been running Arch for a couple of months now, and it's been great! Although, recently had a problem and I'm not sure where to go for solving it. Everything was working fine one day, come back the next (no updates mind you) and started getting this error in a few games. Tried deleting/remaking WINE presets, re-installing WINE, disabling/re-installing MangoHUD, re-installing Radeon drivers, none of it has worked. Now it seems all games get this error of "vkCreateGraphcsPipelines". I searched for it, and found a thread that asked for the results of vulkaninfo, this is what I get.

$ vulkaninfo | grep version VK_LAYER_MANGOAPP_overlay (Mangoapp Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.0, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_MANGOAPP_overlay (Mangoapp Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.0, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86 (Vulkan Hud Overlay) Vulkan version 1.3.0, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_MANGOHUD_overlay_x86_64 (Vulkan Hud Overlay) Vulkan version 1.3.0, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_32 (Steam Pipeline Caching Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.207, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_64 (Steam Pipeline Caching Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.207, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_32 (Steam Overlay Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.207, layer version 1: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_64 (Steam Overlay Layer) Vulkan version 1.3.207, layer version 1: VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion : extension revision 14 VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures: samplerYcbcrConversion = true samplerYcbcrConversion = true

Street Fighter 6 seems to do it almost immediately. Tekken 8 does it after playing 2 or 3 games. Sker Ritual, however, never crashed before this, but now crashes when ~30-45 min into the game. I imagine it's the same thing affecting each one though, as I played all of them prior with zero issues.

submitted by /u/WintertimeTrash
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How to Fix NVIDIA Flickering in Minecraft

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 2:26am

Minecraft flickers a lot when using Wayland on NVIDIA, making the game unplayable. I found some mods that force Wayland and remove the flicker, WayGL and VulkanMod, but they only worked for newer versions of Minecraft. As a result, I couldn't load some modpacks like RLCraft because of endless flickering while stuck on version 1.12.2. However, I have found a solution that seems to work on any version so far. By using the Mesa Zink Gallium driver I can now play the game, you can set the following environment variables to launch the game: __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=mesa GALLIUM_DRIVER=zink MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink. If you are using PrismLauncher, select the instance, then click on Edit, Settings, Environment Variables, and add them there. You can check if its working by using F3 menu and looking at top right corner, it should say zink Vulkan.

Environment Variables

Zink Vulkan on top right corner

submitted by /u/Frosty_Guarantee1503
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DX11 could not switch resolution problem

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 16 May 2024 - 12:09am

Hey there yall, recently i cannot play any wine game on steam whatsoever, no matter how hard i try...

Yesterday all i did was install Risk of Rain 2, not really any other changes besides that, played it for a couple hours, went to sleep, and now today i can no longer play any other game in my steam library that isnt native.

how? why? i dont know, thats what im trying to find out.

trying to open RoR2 gives me this error:

Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1920x1080 fs=1 hz=0)

after some online searching i was suggested using this (PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%)
using that argument the game now opens, however cannot run whatsoever, it is either frozen or running at less than 1 fps.
(this applies to all games that require proton)

trying to use Lutris to play a game gives me this:

Missing Vulkan Libraries Lutris was unable to detect Vulkan support for the i386 architecture. This will prevent many games and programs from working. To install it, please use the following guide:(https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/InstallingDrivers.md)

alright then, off i go trying to install vulkan, first thing i see on the linked page?
NOTE: Mint is not supported and these instructions WILL NOT work in Mint without manual intervention that is outside the scope of this guide. Following them WILL leave your packages in a broken state!!

oh lovely

what am i supposed to do????????

System Info:

Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon version 5.6.8 Kernel 5.15.0-107-generic CPU AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor × 6 GPU Radeon RX 6700 XT submitted by /u/Ncarauj012
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Explicit Sync: Will it make any difference on AMD?

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 15 May 2024 - 11:48pm

We all know why explicit sync is important for nVidia users, but will it make any difference for AMD?

The article I linked above says:

Do keep in mind though that these performance improvements are minor. While there may be some special cases where implicit sync between app and compositor was the bottleneck before, you’re unlikely to notice the individual difference between implicit and explicit sync at all.

While it is very well written and very clarifying, it doesn't comment much about such improvements. Are they so minor that is unlikely we could notice?

I know this sound stupid to ask while having the above text answering it, but I wanted to hear about the effects on AMD side, since I hear very little about it.

I tried to find benchmarks or even users that already have tested it, but couldn't find, which is why I decided to ask here (for the first time btw!).

Thank you very much!

submitted by /u/mightyrfc
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Today I deleted Linux and installed Windows

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 15 May 2024 - 11:18pm

Just kidding. I'm on Linux. Fu*k Bill Gates

submitted by /u/hide_in_books
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Fed up of Wayland

Reddit Linux_Gaming - 15 May 2024 - 10:50pm

Recently I had my perfect setup with Arch and Hyprland (hyprdots) for dev and everything else except gaming. But then I got really tired of dual booting and gave qemu a try but with only one GPU it was similar to dual booting, so left that. Later thought let's give wine a try, it had been a long time for me. I had so many issue with flickering and tearing with Nvidia and Wayland but I did not want to give up hyprland (it's beautiful and functional). I tried to setup gamescope but it also broke a lot. Then I decided to give KDE a try. It felt much smoother and a lot of games directly ran without tweaking but the performance was just not great and later a lot of the games failed even with gamescope like overwatch 2.

So, I have finally settled with my old i3 dots and using that, everything just works now. But I really want to use Wayland, should I buy an AMD GPU or just wait for Wayland to mature?

submitted by /u/Artist_Banda
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Check out Motordoom, a freestyle sports survivor-like horde shooter

Gaming on Linux - 15 May 2024 - 10:43pm
So what do we have here then? Tony Hawk's Survivors? Motorbike Survivors? This horde-shooter bullet heaven genre mixture is never-ending (and I love it). Motordoom looks like pure insanity.

Blending dungeon-crawling with horde-shooters Gauntlet Of Power launches in June

Gaming on Linux - 15 May 2024 - 10:25pm
Solo developer Orangepixel is celebrating 20 years as a full-time game dev, with an announcement that Heroes Of Loot: Gauntlet Of Power is set to launch in June mixing together dungeon-crawling and horde-shooters together.
