Update für Tabletop Simulator fügt MP3-Player hinzu
Das aktuelle Update 5.7 des Tabletop Simulators bringt nicht nur viele Verbesserungen im Detail, sondern fügt auch einen MP3-Player hinzu.
Nun ist es auch möglich, während des Spielens mit Freunden, seine eigenen Lieder zu hören.
Just like the realistic Tablet, we’ve now added a realistic Mp3 Player! You can now listen to different songs while playing games as background noise, or you can use the mix of songs for ambient themes in your custom RPG’s. The difference with the Tablet and the Mp3 Player is that you can listen to all the songs simultaneously. If someone joins your game later, they will hear exactly what you hear at the time.
We also improved a lot of things overall, like with the Vector Tool, Jigsaw Puzzles, Stacking and so much more. The option to remove the image on the board for puzzles will still be coming! We hope you enjoy the recent changes and as always, there’s a lot more to come!
Die vollständige Liste aller Änderungen findet sich hier.