Tropico 6: Update (v.23) "Eternamente Verde" und DLC "Return to Nature" veröffentlicht

Zu Tropico 6 wurde das Update 23 namens "Eternamente Verde" für Linux auf Steam veröffentlicht.
Zusätzlich wurde der neue (Bezahl-)DLC "Return to Nature" veröffentlicht.
Beschreibung DLC:
“Penultimo, where are you? – I can’t find my registration for that ‘Forest Bathing for Beginners’ course!” Something seems a bit off with El Presidente today… and you might be right if you suspect Sunny Flowers has got something to do with this!
El Prez is branching out: In Tropico 6 – Return to Nature you will reap the benefits of nature with the help of a mysterious new world wonder – the Biggdrasil – as well as blooming new buildings. Well, there we are – sounds much more like El Prez, right? From Forest Schools to Tree Houses and the Beekeeper you’ll cultivate the green side of dictatorship like never before!
Treehugger’s Paradise: In Tropico 6 – Return to Nature you build your way to a greener Tropico with 15 new buildings, including Forest Schools, Tree Houses and the iconic Biggdrasil – the island’s first homegrown world wonder and the first one you can customize.
‘El Árbol De Maravilla’: Play through a new scenario, designed to help you find your way to get the most out of nature’s abundance. The scenario map is also available for you to tinker around in sandbox mode.
Make Tropico Green Again: Flex your power with 3 new edicts like ‘Reforestation’, ‘Natural Reaction’ and ‘Tropical Paradise’ edicts – because you care.
No Greens, No Glory: Introducing the new ‘Nature’ value, a fresh, not to say organic, metric that works similar to the ‘Beauty’ value. Keep it high and revel in the ‘harvest’ from your new buildings.
Impress Sunny Flowers: Spruce up your style with your new Nature Suit and adorn your palace garden with one of 4 scenic Biggdrasil statues.
Changelog Update 23:
Tropico 6 – Update 23 - Eternamente Verde
Fellow Tropicans,
We have just released Update 23 – Eternamente Verde for Steam, PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 | 5!
With Update 23 – Eternamente Verde, we're bringing some brand new community-requested features to the great nation of Tropico. Eternamente Verde adds new customization options, including a Custom Park Building and the ability to place individual trees and decorations. We’ve also improved building management with a search tab in the construction menu and new work area assignment options for Logging Camps and Coconut Harvesters.
Furthermore, we have various other fixes and balancing changes in Update 23.
Check out the full changelog below for all the details!
Viva Tropico!
New features introduced with Update 23 – Eternamente Verde based on community feedback:
Custom Park Building: Added a new Custom Park building, available through the Entertainment tab of the construction menu.
Players can freely select a size for their Custom Park building and can define areas within the park as planter boxes. Within these boxes you can place decorations, statues and trees.
Decoration Options: Players can now purchase and place individual trees, batches of trees and other decoration objects via the Decoration tab of the construction menu. Beautify the island the way you want.
Working Areas: Added a button to the building UI of Logging Camps and Coconut Harvesters to specify the working area for each building.
Building Search: Added a new search tab for buildings to the Construction Menu. Players can now text search buildings or use predefined categories.
Embassy Flags: Embassies now show the flag of the resident Superpower.Balancing:
Courthouse now correctly scales the income in "Criminal Law" work mode based on its efficiency.
Reworked the side-effects of the Fusion Reactor and added a “days since last accident” statistic for the “Sacrifices Must Be Made” work mode.Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the Watch Tower’s “Modernize” upgrade was available before the Modern Times era in Creative Mode with “All blueprints unlocked”.
Fixed an issue where the “Invest Knowledge” work mode of the Research Lab did not increase efficiency for offices when certain other buildings are built.
Fixed an issue where the movement speed of visitors was incorrect when entering or leaving the Fourth Dungeon Entrance.
Fixed an issue where paused buildings still consumed electricity after being relocated.
Fixed incorrect Healthcare Quality overlay values for residential buildings.
Fixed an issue where the “Pollination Parcel” upgrade for Pineapple Plantations incorrectly highlighted Hydroponic Pineapple Plantations as being affected.
Removed the redundant “Set budget for all buildings” checkbox in building UI when using a gamepad.
Fixed an issue where workers of Coconut Harvesters would move to an empty position when the trees were destroyed.
Fixed an issue where the “Select El Presidente” button was in active state by default, requiring players to click the button twice to select El Presidente.Fixed an issue which led to plantations resetting budget, worker slots and work mode when changing the resource.
Fixed an issue where the boats of the Fishermen’s Wharf did not move along with the building when relocated.
Fixed an issue where the Dance School was not listed under Entertainment buildings in the Almanac.
Fixed an issue where the Souvenir Shop did not correctly calculate distances to nearby World Wonders.
Fixed an issue where the Bank’s “State Loans” upgrade did not properly increase the debt limit when signing import trade routes.
Fixed an issue where no more tourists would arrive via the Tourist Port and Airport.
Fixed an issue where foliage from 3x3-Parks was not removed when demolishing them.
Fixed an issue where teamsters and drones could not transport consumer-goods to Groceries or Shopping Malls during emergency jobs.
Fixed an issue where a grey box was displayed in the preview of the Trading Post while placing it.
Fixed inconsistencies with the restrictions for placing cables of the Teleferic Station. Removed an unnecessary blue radius when placing the Fast Food Joint.
Removed a debug Newsfeed Entry that appeared when activating or disabling multiple edicts.
Fixed an issue where the Courthouse did not report its income from prisoners in the Almanac.
Fixed the Courthouse "Business Law" work mode to not also add the effect of “Criminal Law” work mode.
Fixed an issue where citizens walked in zig-zag patterns when moving on sidewalks of 45° rotated roads.
Fixed an issue where sometimes the placement of roads around 45° rotated palaces was not working.
Several localization fixes and improvements
Several crashes have been fixed.DLC Bug Fixes:
Caribbean SkiesUpdated the Cargo Airport description to correctly exclude tourists.
Fixed an issue where drones could not deliver goods to Trading Posts.
Fixed an issue where El Presidente could not visit shacks during a quest in Penultimo’s Secret Mission.
Fixed issues with setting up drone routes for DLC specific resources like Pearls or Masks.
Please Note: If existing routes still do not work in your savegame, please delete them and set them up again.Festival
Fixed an issue where Dance School workers would dance while outside the building.
New Frontiers
Fixed an issue where people could walk through the corners of the Spaceport Complex when it was rotated.
Going Viral
Fixed a savegame issue where the effects of Fresh Water Wells and Fresh Water Towers were removed after loading the related save file.
Fixed an issue where the in-stock of the Snake Oil Salesman was set to 0 after reloading a save file.Tropican Shores
Fixed an issue where decorations remained behind when the Yachtlantis left the Yacht Shipyard.
Fixed an issue where relocating the Floating Neighborhood removed solar panels on other buildings.
Fixed an issue where a Floating Neighborhood with the Solar Panels Upgrade was not affected by TV Stations.
Fixed an issue where buildings could not be placed in Coral Reef slots if they were located in the center of the map.
Fixed the work mode descriptions for the Floating Neighborhood and the Shark Therapy to correctly display the +10 bonus.
Fixed an issue where Submarine Tours would end their tour when reloading a save file, with passengers leaving the building in boats.Multiplayer:
Fixed some disconnectissues when playing on larger maps or with three or four players.
Fixed an issue where the Emergency Job icon was not displayed above clients’ Teamster’s Office.
Fixed “Keeping Promises” tasks not disappearing from task list for clients after being fulfilled.
Fixed value calculation for overlays on client’s side in multiplayer.
Fixed movement of Aircraft Carrier and Tourist Ship for clients after loading a save file.
Fixed an issue where fighter planes were not landing properly on Aircraft Carrier.
Fixed an issue where the Aircraft Carrier attacked your own units if multiple attacks were happening.
Fixed disconnect issues caused by multiple Submarine Tours running at the same time.
Fixed an issue where clients displayed “None” as arrival time of freighters.