HITMAN - Game of the Year Edition: jetzt für Linux auf Steam erhältlich

Die Game of the Year Edition von Hitman ist ab sofort auf Steam für Linux erhältlich!
Dieses 4 GB große, für alle Besitzer des Hauptspiels kostenlose Update enthält unter anderem eine neue Kampagne (Patient Zero), neue Waffen, neue Anzüge, eine neue Beleuchtung und vieles mehr!
UPDATE: Wie es aussieht, wird das GOTY-Update wohl doch mit $20 veranschlagt. :-(
If you already own The Complete First Season, either digitally or on disc, the ‘GOTY Upgrade’ includes all of the new GOTY content and will be available digitally for $20.
We are super excited to announce HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition!
This awesome package includes The Complete First Season, the brand new 'Patient Zero' campaign, new Escalation Contracts, new weapons, new suits, new challenges, improvements to existing features and new lighting enhancements to all locations that make the game look better than ever - plus we have a few more surprises!
HITMAN - Game of the Year Edition includes the new Patient Zero campaign, new challenges, suits and weapons on top of everything from Season One of HITMAN.
HITMAN - Game of the Year Edition will be released digitally on November 7th 2017 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Here's a full rundown of what's included:
HITMAN The Complete First Season
New: 'Patient Zero' Campaign
New: Clown Suit and themed weapon
New: Raven Suit and themed weapon
New: Cowboy Suit and themed weapon
New: 3 themed Escalation ContractsThe full details on all of this content can be found on our detailed blog post right here:
Quelle: Ankündigung auf Steam