AppGameKit Version 2017.09.25 für Linux veröffentlicht
Die neue Version 2017.09.25 von AppGameKit (auch bekannt als AGK2) bringt erneut neue Features und Verbesserungen mit sich.
Als neues Feature erwähnenswert ist diesmal die Verarbeitung des JSON-Formats innerhalb der Engine.
Das Changelog zur aktuellen Version:
AppGameKit 2017.09.25
Today we've added support for JSON files and the ability to load and save arrays to AppGameKit!Note: This version contains breaking changes, bytecode compiled with older version will not work with this version, and bytecode compiled with this version will not work with previous versions.
This new version of AppGameKit includes these new features and maintenance fixes:
JSON and Load/Save Arrays
Added type.toJSON() and type.fromJSON(string) to convert types to and from JSON strings
Added array.toJSON() and array.fromJSON(string) to convert arrays to and from JSON strings
Added and array.load(filename) to load and save arrays as JSON files
Added JSON load/save example to the General examples folder
Fixed normal mapping producing artifacts on mobile devices when the normal Y value was very close but not equal to 1.0
Fixed SetGerenateMipmaps(1) causing a shader error if subsequent image loads were not a power of two in size and applied to texture stage 1 of a 3D object
Fixed the spelling mistake in the Set3DPhysicsRadollBonesVisible, Set3DPhysicsTwistJointMaxMotorImpluse, and Set3DPhysicsHingeJointMaxMotorImpluse commands, any apps that use them will need to make the same corrections
Increased Android screen recording quality from 0.5Mbit/s to 2Mbits/s
Fixed crash on Android if vibrate command called without vibrate permission
Fixed Dutch keyboards not being able to enter single and double quotes in the IDE
Fixed a crash when setting a breakpoint on the first line of a function whilst a function local type or array was in the debug variables list
Fixed iOS apps not working on iOS 7 or 8
Windows 7 and below will now use the old DirectShow method of playing videos instead of the new Media Foundation. Windows 8 and above will still use the new method
Raspberry Pi
Removed MP3 support in the Raspberry Pi version to support a wider range of OS versions. Only OGG is supported on Raspberry Pi nowEnjoy the new version!
AGK2 ist eine Multi-Plattform 2D/3D Spiele-Engine und Entwicklungsumgebung für Linux, MacOS und Windows.
Programme und Spiele können in einem BASIC-ähnlichem Dialekt oder in C++ entwickelt werden und laufen danach unter Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS und HTML5.
Weitere Informationen zu AGK2:
Homepage von AGK2
AGK2 auf Steam
Tutorial Playlist auf YouTube