AppGameKit Studio & AppGameKit Classic: V2021.06.14 veröffentlicht

AppGameKit Studio V2021.06.14
AppGameKit Classic V2021.06.14

Die Version 2021.06.14 der (Spiele-)Entwicklungs-Tools AppGameKit Studio und AppGameKit Classic sind ab sofort für Linux auf Steam erhältlich.

AppGameKit Studio 2021.06.14 update released!

The latest version of AppGameKit Studio is now released! In this new version we've updated AppGameKit Studio to comply with Google's latest App Billing Library. With these changes there are some key changes to how InAppPurchases work. We've also updated the advert systems to comply with the new iOS advert consent rules.

Here's a full list of the changes in this version:

Android Updates

Updated Android In App Billing library to version 3 as required by Google
InAppPurchaseSetKeys is no longer required on Android
Fixed Google Play warning about requestLegacyExternalStorage when submitting an app


Added InAppPurchaseResetPurchase to reset a consumable purchase back to a purchasable state
Removed type 1 (consumable) products when using InAppPurchaseAddProductID in favour of explicitly consuming them with InAppPurchaseResetPurchase
Both consumable and non-consumable products must now use type 0 in InAppPurchaseAddProductID with consumables using InAppPurchaseResetPurchase
Added GetInAppPurchaseAvailable2 to provide more detail about the state of a purchase
Deprecated GetInAppPurchaseState as multiple purchases can now be in progress at once, use GetInAppPurchaseAvailable2 to check a payment's progress
InAppPurchaseRestore now functions on Android
Added GetInAppPurchaseToken to return the Google Play purchase token used to verify and distinguish between purchases
Broadcasting multiple times to the AGK player will now reset the IAP product list between broadcasts

Fixes & Tweaks

Fixed SetImageSubImages command not being found
The SaveSharedVariable commands will no longer function on Android 10 or above due to Android changes
Removed Amazon Ads due to the Amazon Mobile Ads network shutting down


Updated Chartboost to version 8.4.1 on iOS
Updated Chartboost to version 8.2.1 on Android
Updated AdMob to version 20.1.0 on Android
Updated AdMob and Chartboost implementations for new consent dialog
Check the Advert example projects for the new recommended consent process
Updated iOS for iOS 14 ad tracking changes