Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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Any tips to improve fps on linux native games?

30. Mai 2024 - 08:24

I play only DOTA 2 currently My set up:

Rx 5700xt Ryzen 5 5600g( Already bought Ryzen 7 5700x still coming) 16gb ram

Wayland Arch linux Kde Plasma (All updated)

Any tips to improve my fps? Turned on XMP and the basics maybe some advanced tricks might help

submitted by /u/Mindless-Regular8266
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Can't launch games through steam on Bazzite

30. Mai 2024 - 07:59

Installed Bazzite Linux just a couple days ago where the only games that launch are native to Linux but not much else. I have installed most versions of Proton, except Experimental, Hotfix, and 9.0-1 (Beta) I tried installing these before but would get a "Disk Write Error" manage to install them to the Home folder and that worked successfully, but no luck on the external 3.5 drive where I have all my games installed with the rest of the other versions of Proton. I also searched the sub and came across some other posts similar to my problem and deleted the folders in Steam Library/steamapps/compatdata as well as run the steam command in terminal and everything there was fine. Oh and I also have Custom Proton-GE 9.5 - 7.20 installed as well.

Anything else I forgot to mention just ask, Thank you!

PC Specs:

Zotac zBox Magnus EN1060K-Plus

Core i5 7500T

GTX 1060 6GB


External USBs

3.5-Inch WD My Book 10TB Desktop Drive

2.5-Inch WD Elements 2TB USB Drive

Both formatted as exFAT

submitted by /u/mk1ultragamer
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No good choice GPU

30. Mai 2024 - 07:41

Hi, I'm currently looking to build a new rig and wanted to go AMD (7900xtx) for best compatibility with Linux. I'm running a 4k tri screen setup (only the main is used for gaming).

Then I found out about the monstrous idle consumption bug with multiple monitors (~100watts). That's not acceptable, especially living in a country where electricity is very high).

From what I understand I only have these choices : - playing russian roulette with the 7900xtx and pray that my rig will not be affected - buying Nvidia and cross finger explicit sync merge will be the end of the bugs with Wayland.. - waiting till AMD release a new GPU generation

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/SaltySpi
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Dark Souls - Remastered suddenly freezes

30. Mai 2024 - 05:15

yeah, what says in the title.

I get this in console:

(process:27847): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 22:02:14.621: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed reaping pid: 27847 -- gameoverlayui


pasteluengas@thinkpadowo OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 Host: 20EVA02600 ThinkPad E560 Kernel: 6.7.0-1-rt6-MANJARO Uptime: 1 hour, 58 mins Packages: 2012 (pacman), 18 (flatpak) Shell: zsh 5.9 Resolution: 1920×1080 DE: GNOME 46.1 WM: Mutter WM Theme: Custom-Accent-Colors Theme: Adw-dark [GTK2/3] Icons: Papirus-Dark-Maia [GTK2/3] Terminal: gnome-terminal CPU: Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.100GHZ GPU: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 8670A/8670M/8750M / R7 M3 Memory: 4218MiB / 15880MiB


any ideas? thanks:)

submitted by /u/PasteLuengas
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Heroic's Latest Wine

30. Mai 2024 - 02:50

If I choose to install the Proton-GE >Latest< option instead of a numbered release, will it automatic update when a newer version came out?

submitted by /u/Kevitoz
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Need help with Crashing Issues <3

30. Mai 2024 - 02:42


I recently switched from Windows to Linux (Using Linux Mint 21.3) and it's been a pretty awesome experience/change overall but there's an annoying issue that I'm running into that I can't seem to find a solution to. So far, to my knowledge, this hard-crash does not happen while just using the desktop, only when playing games.


Intel Core i7 14900k

AMD 7900XTX Red Devil


Linux Mint 21.3

Kernel: 6.5.0-27-generic

Mesa version: 24.0.8 from Kisak-mesa PPA

X11 Display Server (Wayland currently unstable/testing for Mint)

For whatever reason I'm running into issues with certain games in which my system 100% completely locks up while playing. I checked logs and I did see wine64 do a core dump around 7:56 PM yesterday which is around the time where Diablo IV completely locked up my system. Here's a snippet of the error:

Process 3421 (wine64) of user 1000 dumped core.

Found module ~/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/wine-ge-8-26-x86_64/bin/wine64 with build-id: b06896eced74105a2ee515c66a1e7d9346ad33fb

Found module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ with build-id: 246ac0d8deba5a40c63e9a1a87d4d779d8eb589f

Found module with build-id: 24544dfc4a0fd9fa84a623515c92f78febfb440b

Stack trace of thread 3421:

0 0x00006ffffe8cca8b __brk (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x25a8b) 1 0x00006ffffe8c67ee frob_brk (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x1f7ee) 2 0x00006ffffe8c8598 _dl_start_final (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x21598) 3 0x00006ffffe8c7298 _start (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x20298)

Games that have currently crashed/have crashed:
Diablo IV - Only recently started hard-locking my system

XDefiant (this one i'm not that worried about cause it literally came out so understandable)

Borderlands 3 Steam (System package Steam, not flatpack Steam) So far no crashes on lowest settings but disappointing because I can run this game no problem with max settings except for the annoying lock-ups.

Changes I've done to /etc/sysctl.conf:

vm.max_map_count = 2147483642

kernel.split_lock_mitigate=0 (I tried re-enabling this to see if it's causing the crashing but issue persists whether it's on or off)

Troubleshooting steps i've taken:

Roll-back from Kernel 6.5.0-35 to 6.5.0-27 (I noticed this crashing way more when I updated kernel versions so I rolled back, but I'm still locking up)

Try different proton version (GE, lutris default ones, default steam ones for steam games,etc...)

I noticed that lutris likes to default enable DXVK-NPAPI/DLSS which is not needed since i'm on AMD so I disable it.

Applications I typically have open while gaming (may help identify an issue):

Discord Flatpack version

Firefox Flatpack version

Steam and/or lutris depending on which app I use to run the game

Any help and/or questions regarding additional information for diagnosing is welcomed. Thank you so much!

PS: "Just install x distro" is not something I'm willing to do. To me that would be an absolute last ditch effort and I'm honestly liking Linux Mint a lot.

submitted by /u/Megacack211
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Help trying to run this game

30. Mai 2024 - 02:41

Hello everyone! I'm trying to run a game that seems to get detected that is being ran on Wine. Game is called S4League (Now Xero, S4 used to work) so when you try to open the launcher xero.exe it says "contact the developer", since ik there are some techie people here, maybe anyone can find a workaround for this?

submitted by /u/Nekkles4
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Has anybody had LVM crash their systems while gaming?

30. Mai 2024 - 01:20

Between recent driver updates and firmware all of my hardware seems to be working properly together on Linux so I decided to pull the trigger and wipe windows to move over to Linux on desktop since I've already done that on my laptop. While I was installing OpenSUSE I decided to use LVM so I could just increase my storage pool by adding drives as I move my Windows data over rather than having them appear separately and managing mount points. All appeared fine until I booted up Helldivers 2 and tried to drop in. The game crashed and the disk was reporting read-write errors and wasn't letting me run any commands successfully. No big deal, probably just something corrupt when I transferred over my configs, so I did a fresh install and tried Helldivers again before transferring everything over with the same result. I decided to try an install on a spare drive with everything identical except traditional partitions instead of LVM and everything worked fine. Never seen anything like that happen before, and I figured LVM is mature enough that problems like that would have been worked out already.

submitted by /u/Meechgalhuquot
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Budget Linux pc?

30. Mai 2024 - 00:34

I was looking at maybe making a budget gaming Linux PC, when a couple of mini PC options popped up, and for value they seem pretty awesome.

Contemplating perhaps the Beelink Ser5?

Here's what I would like to be able to do for around the $300-500 price range: -potentially dual boot (windows+Kubuntu?) I like to play League of Legends hence the windows. - On Linux I'd like to play relatively simple or old games - nothing too recent. - I'd like to be able to use waydroid to play some Google play games. Seems Wayland plays well with KDE? Hence Kubuntu. Am I getting that right? - Just have a relatively decent work horse that I may use for video editing/ office work etc.

A lot of the mini PCs I'm looking at are pure AMD (CPU Ryzens with built in AMD GPUs). Any driver or kernel issues I should know about?

Anyone using any mini PC brands they recommend for a Linux - gaming -PC?

submitted by /u/Frostix86
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Keyboard and Mouse recommendations

30. Mai 2024 - 00:29

Hey! It's that time of year where I try my hand at Linux again! This time I'm gonna give Kubuntu or Bazzite a try, but one of the things that always trips me up is getting my keyboard and mouse working properly. I play games quite a bit and I've been using a Logitech G915 tlk and a Logitech Pro X Superlight on a powerplay mat. If these are known to work now, then I've got no questions, just here to say you guys rock. Otherwise:

At this point I'm comfortable changing to something different, but with the following caveats:
keyboard: Low profile, tactile feel (Thinking browns, or milky yellows), wired is fine, no preference there.
Mouse: Ultra-light, wireless.

I was hoping to come here and see what people recommend. Budget is no issue (I mean, nothing above 4 digits for the pair, let's be reasonable).

Thanks for your replies!

submitted by /u/Lit3Run
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Stattering in Songs of Conquest

30. Mai 2024 - 00:03

I love this game, but after I installed Linux Mint I suffer from stattering (but my fps is about 40-60 on high). Does anyone know how to beat this problem? I use protonGE 9-5, xanmod kernel and mesa from kisak.

submitted by /u/LeadershipSorry6681
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Linux still lagging behind Windows on the gaming side?

29. Mai 2024 - 23:35

Hi guys! Recently have been thinking about switching from windows to Linux but need to find out of I will lose out on game performance. Most of the stuff I do on my pc is gaming related so is Linux still lagging behind Windows and, if so, is the gap closing? Linux would be perfect for everything else I use and this is the final "piece of the puzzle" for me.

submitted by /u/J0wt_
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I am running a MC server from my raspi how would I be able to add mods to it.

29. Mai 2024 - 23:29

the compose yml file contents are

version: "3"
image: itzg/minecraft-server
- minecraftdata:/data
- /home/Minecraft/plugins:/plugins
- 25565:25565
OPS: "SwissCheeseFan"
tty: true
stdin_open: true
restart: unless-stopped
external: true

would I just add another directory made for mods like

- /home/Minecraft/mods:mods or change the "TYPE:" to auto curse forge or just keep bukkit for plugins and put the mods somewhere else or can I add another "TYPE:" for mods?

submitted by /u/JymbowTheDeg
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PSA: CS2 now supports Reflex on Linux!

29. Mai 2024 - 23:14

Valve appreciation post. Thank you valvo.

And Mods, I can assure you this post does not contain "Memes, image macros, rage comics, trolling, shitposting, or baiting", but if you want to continue the tradition of removing my posts for no reason I wouldn't put it past you.

submitted by /u/PacketAuditor
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My AMD Radeon 7900 GRE seems to show no image when booting up the computer.

29. Mai 2024 - 22:37

Greetings Folks!

Well, I decided to finally take the plunge and go for AMD graphics, due to their better compatibility in general with Linux, and their good price-performance ratio.

So I jumped from an RTX 3080 from Nvidia to this new Radeon 7900 GRE that I bought from Amazon at a good price catch.

So, I got it today and started to mount it on my desktop computer with care, when my surprise is that on the two DP monitors, no image or signal is shown, when I put the normal HDMI cable to the motherboard's integrated graphics, it shows image and I can enter the BIOS.

I've read some stuff on the Internet, especially from people who change graphics from Nvidia to AMD, I don't know if you have to do some kind of Flash in the BIOS, to put it in AMGVGPU and something like that.

My motherboard is a Gigabyte Aorus Master Z390 LGA 1151 with an Intel i9 9900K processor.

I think it's not too old yet and it can take it, but let's know.... Hopefully it will be compatible with this graphics card yet.

I also tried to change it from Slot PCiE 1 to Slot PCiE 2, but it was still the same.

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/ErizerX41
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Multi monitor games in Wayland help?

29. Mai 2024 - 22:19

I'm specifically trying to play Euro Truck Simulator 2 with dual monitors but can't for the life of my figure out how. I read somewhere that using Gamescope to set the resolution to 3840x1080 would work but it just gave me a very wide window that wouldn't fullscreen across the two monitors. Is there a specific method I should be using?

submitted by /u/Carter0108
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Gnome dev threatening community to block important Wayland protocol

29. Mai 2024 - 22:15

Without this protocol you won't have application icons in Wine applications, SDL games, Gamescope, Chrome PWA and other applications which can't have .desktop entry. This is very important for DE which use application icons a lot like KDE.

submitted by /u/Plenty-Light755
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Steam families beta sometimes freezes

29. Mai 2024 - 20:51

Hi, sorry I'm a bit newbie and well I have been using Opensuse Tumbleweed Kde on Wayland with Steam Families Beta and sometimes the friends chat freezes for no reason, is there a way to fix this?

Thank you all <3

submitted by /u/TacticalRacoonStar
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