Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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Are there other sports rpgs similar to Pyre?

07. Juni 2024 - 19:09

I've recently got around to playing Pyre and the more I play the more interested I am in this style of game, this mixture of RPG and sports but I can't find other options like Pyre. The closest thing to it is Frozen Cortex but I think I got everything I could out of that one as well. Thanks

submitted by /u/PeaEuphoric4264
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Z2AOL Compatibility

07. Juni 2024 - 18:28

Anyone aware of any effort to port this to Linux? It does not work out of the box.

kenel version: 6.9.2-arch1-1

wine version: 9.10

From wine:



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shd_pal_swapper

memory:40:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c1'.

memory:42:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c2'.

memory:43:15: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c3'.

memory:44:14: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c4'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c5'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c6'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c7'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c8'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c9'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c10'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c11'.

memory:45:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c12'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c13'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c14'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c15'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c16'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c17'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c18'.

memory:46:16: E5016: Overlapping register() reservations on 'c19'.

at gml_Script_pal_swap_set



stack frame is

gml_Script_pal_swap_set (line -1)




submitted by /u/Outrageous-Machine-5
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Thinking about migrating to Linux

07. Juni 2024 - 17:52

Good day everyone,

As time goes by and new windows updates are pushing more bloat overtime I'm more and more considering the move to one of the more User friendly Linux distros for my Gaming Build and would like some opinions on which Distro would suit someone like me best. My main goal is primary Gaming and and media playeback, some very lite office work. My specs are as follows:

I9 14900K 48Gb DDR5 ram Asus Maximus Z790 Apex Encore RTX 4090 3 x NVMe SSDs

Now the very confusing part: the more I read the more I realize Linux is not managing applications installations the same way windows does and ultimately that is my biggest challege.

The way my system is setup is the very first SSD (4TB) Is my main Windows drive with basic windows applications installed

The 2nd SSD (8TB) is my Game drive whrere I install Steam, Ubisoft Connect, EA app, etc.. along with anything games related as I like to keep those seperate from my C drive.

The 3rd SSD (8TB) Is my DATA Drive where I keep my backups, data and such.

If Im to migrate to Linux am I able to keep the same format of interacting with my setup? I would like to keep the games seperate from the OS drive and the data/backups seperate as well.

So to recap:

  1. Best distro for Gaming on a RTX 4090 and 14900K

  2. Being able to keep Steam and games on a secondary SSD like I can on Windows

submitted by /u/I-Siamak-I
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Game suddenly goes from 130-150 fps to 30 fps for extended periods of time, not sure what's wrong :o

07. Juni 2024 - 17:38

Hey all,

I'm on Pop!_OS and have an nvidia rtx 3080ti on the 550 driver and I game on a 3440x1440 oled. When I play Diablo 4 after some time of playing the game will randomly drop to 30 fps for a long while before going back up to its usual 130 - 150 fps (exiting the game and reopening also fixes it but it will happen again eventually)

The game gets really choppy and laggy (actually feels worse than actual 30fps) almost as if it were a network connectivity issue but I've already ruled that out.

I did run mangohud in game to make sure everything was running normally and I was lucky enough (or unlucky?) to be able to replicate the problem during my gaming session.

Temperature-wise, everything was looking good, GPU was not going past 80C and CPU (5900x) was in the mid 60s - 70s and both components were holding their boost frequencies quite well. The only thing I did notice was that the GPU's 12GB of VRAM was being completely maxed out which I don't remember ever happening under Windows and I'm using the default settings which is a mix of high and ultra. I did try bumping down the graphics a bit but that didn't seem to help. Not sure if maybe the gpu just isn't managing vram properly and at some point performance just degrades or what gives.

Currently on X11 if that helps, I've encountered weird graphical bugs with Wayland here and there so for the moment I'm still on X11. I did try testing on Wayland but the in game cursor didn't even render so I couldn't play the game

submitted by /u/_ElFroggo
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God of war in Linux Nobara has 1/3 the performance of windows

07. Juni 2024 - 16:19

I just reinstalled Linux (Nobara with NVIDIA drivers) yesterday and installed the game I'm playing now, which is God of War. Originally my fps were around 10fps, I eventually turned "split_lock_detect=off", and my fps went up to 60. But on Windows 11 my fps are locked at 120, or unlocked at over 200fps.

I haven't touched anything yet in Linux Nobara and I was wondering if I'm missing anything in the settings. I have the latest NVIDIA drivers.


4080 super

64gig of ram

60FPS is perfectly fine if nothing can fix the issues. I also didn't try other game due to lack of time.

submitted by /u/chretienhandshake
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No Man's Sky - System Freeze after game loaded

07. Juni 2024 - 16:13


when I start No Man's Sky I am able to get into the main menu and start the game, but as soon as the game loaded (sometimes after a few seconds into actually playing the game or even up to one minute or so) the whole system freezes and I have to hard reset the PC. Does anyone has an idea why this could happen? It's the first game in Linux which crashes my whole system and not just itself.

I'm running No Man's Sky on Linux Manjaro, AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT, Open Source drivers. I'm using Heroic Games launcher, with Wine-GE Custom 8.26 (but also tried native Wine). DXVK and VD3D are installed in the Wine prefix. Neither the graphics card usage nor the graphics RAM is high when the system freeze occurs. The only game I saw something comparable was Everspace 2 since the UE5 update, where the whole system is stuttering and almost unusable as soon as it launches, but at least I'm stil able to kill it's process and don't have to reset the PC.

submitted by /u/soostenuto
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[RUST] Non EAC Server for Linux players

07. Juni 2024 - 14:17
There is a new Non EAC Server

This is for linux players, or anyone else who wants to join. Do not worry about EAC being disabled as we have multiple anti-cheat plugins, including active admins.

Because of no EAC, server must be joined through console.

Press F1 in game and type [b]connect[/b]

2x Vanilla ++ QuickCraft Optimized Loot Active admin

submitted by /u/BENNYVIKS
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Same steam folder with dual boot

07. Juni 2024 - 13:12

I have NTFS ssd dedicated just for games that I want to use for both windows and linux. I tried adding steam folder on my linux install which went fine, steam installed stuff needed for linux and then I could play. However when I booted to windows I had to redownoload all my installed games to be able to run them. It happend multiple times already, so I just don't open steam on my linux install now to prevent that.

What am I doing wrong? Should I create separate folder on my ssd for linux install steam library?

submitted by /u/DNLST
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GOverlay doesn't work

07. Juni 2024 - 12:53

So i've tried installing GOverlay in order to configure Mangohud and VKBasalt, i've installed it with pacman and when i try to start goverlay it just hangs and closes, when i try to start it from the terminal it says "Runtime error 216 at $00000000004685D2" and i also tried to install directly from the github and it just gives me this error "lazbuild -B goverlay.lpi --bm=Release
Runtime error 203 at $00000000004240E7 $00000000004240E7 $000000000042E1BC make: *** [Makefile:9: goverlay] Error 203" I'm using Arch Linux with kernel 6.9.3 and KDE Plasma 6, on a Ryzen 5 3600 and RX 6600 if that's any relevant, and i've got no ideas what to do next, if anyone's got a clue let me know

submitted by /u/Ecstatic-Rutabaga850
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Game runs good, then it starts running choppy.

07. Juni 2024 - 12:47

I play steam games with proton ge or recommended versions on protondb. I play them with wine enabled instead of dxvk cause my fucking laptop is a decade and 6 years old. They play ok, but then it just slows down or starts running choppy. How do i fix this shit?

submitted by /u/Stock_Hunter5210
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XDefiant dx12 rendering mode

07. Juni 2024 - 12:28

Hello, i managed to get the game to work but I wanted to test if DX12 would be better the DX11, but the option is greyed out and saying I dont have compatible hardware. Is this a Wine bug? Ive tried several launch options to try and force it, I even changed the game config file to run in DX12 but with no success. I can run several other games with DX12 so i think it's a specific problem with XD. Anyone else with the same issue?

submitted by /u/Festfolkk
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Ive been a windows user for my whole life (15) thinking about switching

07. Juni 2024 - 11:28

So ive wanted more privacy and customization in my own computer and im a gamer, there are some games that are not available for linux, only windows. Im going to dual boot on my pc later today, should i be switching? And why (dont give the "normal reasons" like more privacy, more control of the pc and etc.)?

submitted by /u/Lower-Safety-760
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Arclinux game performance settings

07. Juni 2024 - 10:42

I installed steam, amdvlk, mesa and xf86 drivers on archlinux. Linux lags more when playing native games compared to Windows. Is there anything I can do or install that will increase the gaming experience? CPU: i7-3612qm GPU1: IntelHD 400 GPU2: Radeon HD 7600m Ram: 8ddr3 Game: Combat master gnu/linux version

submitted by /u/cavansirabdullayev
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Bazzite (or ChimeraOS) for HTPC with intel+nvidia gpu

07. Juni 2024 - 09:53

Hi, small question for you!

A friend of mine has an old mini-pc with an intel i5 and an old Nvidia laptop class gpu and I would love to help him turn it into an HTPC for small gaming to use with TV and gamepad-only input.

Bazzite (or ChimeraOS) seems perfect for that.
I understand that the Steam Gaming Mode does not work well (or at all) with Nvidia GPU because of Gamescope. Would having an intel igpu save me?

Would it be possible to use the internal gpu to render the DE with gamescope and the Steam Gaming Mode enviroment and just kick the nvidia gpu when a game is started?
How can i do that?

Sorry if the question is naive!

submitted by /u/Kir-01
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Self wake-up on ASUS TUF A15 2023 (FA507XI)

07. Juni 2024 - 09:25


Did anyone had any success in preventing ASUS TUF A15 from 2023 (model FA507XI) from self-waking up after suspend? I am running Fedora 40, and it wakes up sometimes after an hour, sometimes after a few. I've tried many things - kernel quirks, disibaling all the devices that are enabled in /proc/acpi/wakeup, tpm.locality_on_suspend=1. etc., but nothing seems to help. Of course, it uses "modern suspend" :/

submitted by /u/oohwel
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Tlauncher alternatives?

07. Juni 2024 - 08:14

I have used tlaucher for the past 5 years for playing Minecraft Java but after it was found that ut was a spyware, I stopped using it and stopped playing Minecraft altogether as going through MCLeaks and all that bypassing shit was too hectic for me. Moreover, I had lost interest in it, so I didn't think of researching about alternatives. Now that I've lost touch to the latest news, launches, etc. I'm finding it really difficult to choose a launcher.

I'm using Arch with plasma 6 so please tell me some way to play minecraft java.

Info: I do not have an official mojang account/I do not own minecraft java on MS store either.

I will also be using several mods so, mod management, version management, like TL would be appreciated.

If multiplayer on servers is available like TL, it would be awesome.

submitted by /u/ThoughtEconomy8659
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How to Set Crontab at Specific times like 4 AM?

07. Juni 2024 - 07:00

I am running a crontab for my Minecraft server and it requires for it to shut down the server and save everything because I was playing with my friends and at around 5 PM the Minecraft server shutdown and it was the automatic back up system. I want it to only run at 4 AM because if they want to do late night gaming then they can because nobody stays up till 4 AM or wake up at 4 AM do I have to run the crontab at 4 AM once per 24 hours or is there a different way?

submitted by /u/JymbowTheDeg
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