Reddit Linux_Gaming

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A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).newest submissions : linux_gaming
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learning about gaming on linux

22. Juni 2024 - 14:44

I want to learn more about linux and dump windows finally I cannot decide which distro install so I'm still investigating.

I'm about to try Debian and I have a couple of questions regarding gaming, I would like to know which of these options will work the best with my hardware and will give more fps and less input lag.

  • I have a Ryzen 5 5600g with no dgpu, it would work fine?

  • Should I go with Wayland or X11?

  • Should I go with KDE or GNOME?

  • Is Debian sid good for this purpose?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/karpovcitto
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22. Juni 2024 - 14:25

Hi. I don't know if this question was already answered, but I was about to install one of Ubisoft's games and I remembered the UPlay launcher. Does anyone know a way to avoid this installation to play? Or how can I install it (if necessary)?

submitted by /u/Nickinton
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Current state of wayland support w/ Nvidia?

22. Juni 2024 - 13:50

Currently running a legacy GTX 980. Last I tried, back when Fedora 40 released in March, Wayland support was only half-functional. Abhorrent flickering (especially in games; noticed in F:NV, TF2, ULTRAKILL, and likely others) and screen tearing under Wayland, had to manually reinstall Xorg support. Recently switched to i3 under Arch and, while much smoother, I *am* thinking about switching to Hyprland, but I also want to be able to game without switching WMs every time. Current official Arch package is still 550.90, so I'm assuming it won't be until 560 that these issues are resolved? Any workarounds that would allow a no-compromises Wayland setup, or will that have to wait until 560?

submitted by /u/Venothyl
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Heroic Games Launcher: unable to launch Elite Dangerous

22. Juni 2024 - 12:25

I've been trying to get E:D Odyssey working on Arch Linux (Hyprland) so I installed HGL and imported Elite which was installed on another SSD from Windows. At first, nothing worked, then I installed some frameworks with the following commands from another reddit post:

winetricks -q dotnet48 winetricks -q dxvk155 wine reg ADD 'HKCU\Software\Wine\DllOverrides' '/f' '/v' 'd3d9' '/t' 'REG_SZ' '/d' 'native'

I also selected the Proton GE version.
Then I was greeted with the minimal Elite launcher (just skips the graphical launcher for the game and saves some time). Additionally, a black window popped up which should've been Elite Dangerous Odyssey. After a few seconds (12:09:53), it disappeared and the min-ED-launcher shows this:

So, are there any more fixes I can apply to make it work?

Edit: Log file

submitted by /u/paradoxx_42
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Multi-channel audio over HDMI

22. Juni 2024 - 10:15

Hi linux_gaming,
Hoping for some help or ideas with my issue. I've built a linux gaming pc for the living room tv currently running BazziteOS (SteamOS clone escentially). It's on a B650E ryzen 7th gen platform with a RX7900XTX.

Just to pre-face, i have installed windows on this hardware and had 7.1 surround work with minimal issues. I run 4k 120hz. It seems to be a general issue with Linux as i've tried multiple distributions so far.

I have a Denon AVR-X1700H and a Samsung TV.

First thing i tried was e-arc, by using HDMI 2.1 from the GPU to the samsung TV, with the TV connected to the reciever over e-arc. However e-arc barely seems to work in best case scenarios so i quickly gave up (i would only get 2 channel stereo, the machine never recognized any multi-channel audio over e-arc).

I've tried using hdmi through the denon reciever as well, but i would never get 4k 120hz working.

I found that trying to get multi-channel hdmi audio over the RX7900XTX is hopeless, it's apparently a fundemental problem with AMD GPUs, i could not get it working on Windows either.

What i currently do is using hdmi from the GPU to the samsung TV, then a second hdmi connecting the motherboard to the denon reciever. Escentially audio runs over the motherboard and video over the GPU. This works, kinda, as I get constant audio stutter and cut-outs, it's very distracting. If i mess around with pipewire i have manage to get the stuttering to stop, but after a couple days it's back.

I'm left wondering if multi-channel audio over hdmi is possible on linux? I've seen people recommend sound cards, but as far as i know, there are no soundcards that outputs to HDMI.

submitted by /u/spykezap
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Logitech G Pro X Superlight - Any compatibility issues?

22. Juni 2024 - 09:57


I wanted to get me my first proper gaming mouse and plan on getting a Logitech G Pro X Superlight. I would especially like to know if Lightspeed works without issues since I want to use it wirelessly with minimal latency and if there are any issues with setting its DPI (to my understanding, it should work as it seems to be supported by libratbag/piper and Solaar?), but also interested in learning about any other potential compatibility issues as opposed to Windows.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/DontDoMethButMath
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Ghost of Tsushima Texture Popin

22. Juni 2024 - 09:32

Hello, How to fix texture popin. Tried Proton GE, Experimental

GPU- rx 570 8gb
CPU- R5 3600


submitted by /u/sifu442
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How to install Counter Strike 1.5 mod for Half Life? I cannot get it to launch no matter what

22. Juni 2024 - 09:24

Within Steam I added the .exe file as a non-Steam game, ran the .exe using the latest version of Proton, went into launch options and typed '-game cstrike' (this worked with the Afraid of Monsters - Director's Cut mod) but then when I hit play on Half Life it doesn't launch at all, I thought it was a compatibility issue with Linux so I tried the Windows version and it didn't work, I even tried the beta version of Half Life (still no luck).

Maybe this mod is just too old to work with modern operation systems, but what do you guys think? I'm probably about to go to sleep, tired of messing with it, but please leave comments on how I could get it to run if you know.

submitted by /u/KamboRambo97
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Just a quick queation from a newbie

22. Juni 2024 - 08:46

So, I just switched from Windows to Ubuntu. Got Steam installed, and got the game I often play with friends (deep rock galactic) running. But, the graphics seem to bug out. Is this a problem with my savegame that originated on windows? Or is it a driver problem?

(Pc specs:Ryzen 7 3700x water cooled, Radeon RX580 GPU, ASRock B550 PG Velocita Motherboard)

submitted by /u/That_One_Yota
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22. Juni 2024 - 05:33

Amd ryzen 7 2700x


32gb ram

That being said. I have tried fedora, mint, arch, open use and solus. I can't get anywhere close to windows performance on games from stalker to cs2 or elden ring. I just can't figure it out. Things were damn near perfect a year ago but now just micro stutters, screen tearing (best way to put it) and the only thing I changed was from a Nvidia GPU to an AMD. I thought amd would make things better. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/JCarsinogen
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Linux gaming on the high end is frustrating

22. Juni 2024 - 04:11

A bit of a rant but nothing that's not been said here many times before. I've been PC gaming on computers for over 40 years, Windows PC for over 30 and ran my first Linux setup in 1997. I love PCs and PC gaming.

Built my current main rig originally in January 2023 with a Linux drive in tow (currently Garuda) and have been running a Linux distro since the day I built it at least a couple of times a week with Windows 11 being the main host.

I've been dealing constantly with the "bUt MuH hARDware" problem from the beginning with this rig like I have many times over the years with Linux on various devices. This past Tuesday I added second OLED QHD wing monitor to my main 4k screen, and under Garuda it was a disaster. Enabling HDR on both monitors consistently crashes the ENTIRE OS!

The most ironic thing about all of this is that I can ger PLENTY to games to work under Linux, even VR stuff. And it'll perform amazingly on this hardware. But then so much just flat out doesn't work easily, reliably or at all. Not that everything is perfect under Windows but at least the OLED HDR works?

Of all of the hardware I've used over the years on PCs with both Linux and Windows, I am a bit shocked that something that's not even proprietary like HDR support has been so problematic on Linux for this long. I couldn't care less about anti-cheat working on Linux. But yeah, I'd like the $900 monitor I just bought to not crash the OS.

submitted by /u/heatlesssun
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CPU clocks fluctuation

22. Juni 2024 - 03:11

Anyone have an issue (I’m on bazzite) where cpu clocks seem to fluctuate in games which results in frame drops and stutters? Having bad time in Elden ring where this happens over time where it starts out fine until I move around too much.

submitted by /u/cloud12348
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No such file or directory

22. Juni 2024 - 03:06

I was trying to follow this tutorial, but I got stuck at the part where you put in "ls -ld (name)/" because it doesn't recognise the name (it has spaces so it sees it as 3 directories rather than 1).

how do i solve this?

i am on debian 12

submitted by /u/lesbianpuppyparts
[link] [comments] installation wont move past 45%?

22. Juni 2024 - 02:21

I recently switched from Pop_OS to Tumbleweed, but can't for the life of me get installed.

It seems the fixes are generally use a different program, and/or use Proton Experimental.

I've tried Lutris (which is what I've used in the past), Heroic, Bottles, PortProton, and Steam, but none of them will get the installation past 45% where it stops. I've also tried several different versions of Proton, which haven't helped either.

Is this possibly just an issue with Tumbleweed and I should move back to Pop_OS?

submitted by /u/OligarchyAmbulance
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Gta V don't work anymore with proton

22. Juni 2024 - 02:09

Hi, I have kubuntu and I used to play gta v in arch Linux with Rockstar games launcher in steam with proton, the game used to be very smoothly but recently I don't know if is a kubuntu issue but when I try to play gta at beginning seems to work but very shorty the entire computer freezes and this freezes sometimes takes longer or shorter depends if I'm using wine or lutris but when the computer defreezes gta v is like he crashed, I honestly don't know how i can fix this issue, it's a recently issue or maybe there's exists a wine prefix configuration that can fix the issue? I simply want to play the game and fix this issue.

submitted by /u/greensciuto
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