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Want to switch to Linux but there's no way to make it work

11. Juni 2024 - 21:14

I own a Lenovo Legion laptop with Nvidia, the internal display is a 2560x1600p that requires fractional scaling. I usually use this display when I'm in class and connect it to an external monitor that doesn't require fractional scaling and use a dual monitor set up at home.

Windows does this perfectly, never had any issues and it's just as easy as plug and play.

With Linux, I have spent hours trying to make this setup works but it seems impossible at least for now.

I have found that any DE that uses X11 just won't be able to support this due to the fractional scaling and mixed refresh rates, so for Wayland I only have GNOME and KDE.

KDE: Fractional scaling works the best. Overall love the experience, but I've tried KDE Neon and Manjaro and both won't output to an external monitor, they won't detect any external monitor at all. EndeavourOS didn't boot and Fedora did work, but the interface was very laggy on the external monitor and I've done some research and this seems like a bug with reverse prime that's unfixed yet. I love KDE so I'm keeping an eye to see if they fix this bug

GNOME: The bug I mentioned on KDE was here, but they fixed it not too long ago. It works fine but the issue is with the scaling of XWayland apps. I must use some XWayland apps for school and the scaling is blurry under wayland. Also games won't detect my full screen resolution which tanks performance and visuals. Hopefully this will be fixed in Gnome 47 when they allow Xwayland apps to scale independently.

It feels like a so far yet so close kind of situation. I want to move to Linux as it's what I'm used to and honestly it feels good to use it, but I wonder if someone has dealt with the same issues as me and if they found any workaround to make Linux work.

submitted by /u/Limp_Celebration6751
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OBS on XWayland has stopped working?

11. Juni 2024 - 21:12

Display Capture only captures black and the cursor and after a while OBS crashes. Any solution? Can we expect Docks on Wayland maybe?

submitted by /u/CosmicEmotion
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Trouble getting OBS Studio and AMD GPU hardware encoding to work

11. Juni 2024 - 21:01

I have searched everywhere and tried everything, but no matter what I do I can not get OBS Studio to recognize and show AMD AMF hardware encoder in the video settings.

I am using Manjaro (latest updates are installed!).

My GPU is AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT.

I have installed the latest master branch of

It has successfully installed the PRO drivers. The packages are the following:

amdgpu-pro-oglp 23.40_1741713-1 amf-amdgpu-pro 23.40_1741713-1 lib32-amdgpu-pro-oglp 23.40_1741713-1 lib32-vulkan-amdgpu-pro 23.40_1741713-1 vulkan-amdgpu-pro 23.40_1741713-1

I have disabled the AMD layer driver switching in the /etc/environment



DISABLE_LAYER_AMD_SWITCHABLE_GRAPHICS_1=1 VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json ```

When I check what driver is running by default, I can see that it uses the open source driver:

$ vulkaninfo --summary [...] deviceType = PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU deviceName = AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (RADV NAVI21) driverID = DRIVER_ID_MESA_RADV driverName = radv driverInfo = Mesa 24.0.9-manjaro1.1

When I either set the VK_ICD_FILENAMES to the PRO drivers or use the vk_pro command, I get the PRO drivers:

$ VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_pro_icd64.json vulkaninfo --summary OR THIS (BOTH WORK!): $ vk_pro vulkaninfo --summary [...] deviceType = PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU deviceName = AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT driverID = DRIVER_ID_AMD_PROPRIETARY driverName = AMD proprietary driver driverInfo = (AMD proprietary shader compiler)

I have tested the encoder via ffmpeg and used the hevc_amf video encoder on a random mp4 video I had locally. It works exactly as expected.

$ vk_pro ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -c:v hevc_amf output.mp4 [...] Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (hevc (native) -> hevc (hevc_amf)) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (aac (native) -> vorbis (libvorbis)) [...] frame= 3098 fps=410 q=-0.0 Lsize= 12682kB time=00:00:51.87 bitrate=2002.8kbits/s speed=6.86x

On a CPU I get ~25 FPS. With hevc_amf I get ~400 FPS. The AMF encoder clearly works as it should.

However, when I try to start OBS and force it to use the AMD GPU PRO drivers, or the open source ones, with the two methods as shown above, I can not get the AMF encoder to show up in the video encoding options. I only have the software encoders available.

The only relevant thing I was able to find in the logs is the following:

error: Encoder ID 'h265_texture_amf' not found error: Encoder ID 'h264_texture_amf' not found

So it looks like that OBS is unable to find the AMF encoder despite it being available and working.

Does any one got any idea what is going on?

submitted by /u/UnknownProcess
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Install steam demo on linux

11. Juni 2024 - 20:55

For small context, I am on linux mint and with the recent game annoucement during Summer Game Fest, there has been a lot of demos of indie games I wanted to try on Steam.
However, when trying to download it on the storepage it returns the following message :

Failure. An error occured while installing Tactical Breach Wizards Demo: \"Invalid platform\"

Since I can't add it to my library, I can't specify to use proton in the compatibility parameters.

I couldn't find posts raising this issue so I am asking here. Does anyone know how to install Steam demo on linux? or is this even possible?

submitted by /u/Niiil
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Genshin 100% CPU usage since today

11. Juni 2024 - 20:34

If someone have this game in Linux - can you confirm - you have same behavior or no?

I played Genshin for last few months - CPU usage always around 30%.

Yesterday also - I did turn off PC and turn on today.
I did change nothing, no updates nothing in system.

Since today - CPU usage always 100% and horrible stuttering performance.

This is summer - it just not comfortable to have CPU at 100% for no reason.

I tried:

  • Using 5 different version of wine with/without staging.
  • Downgrade kernel to 6.7 current 6.9
  • Using Steam and its integrated Proton, different versions of Proton include GE and Experimental.
  • Creating clean wineprefix multiple times, installing different versions of DXVK.
  • Using different GPU and physically disconnecting GPUs AMD/Nvidia both same behavior.
  • Yes - I also thought it "shader compiling" so I keep it running for hour once - nothing changed.
  • I tried different clocksource in kernel (because Unity) clocksource=hpet and clocksource=tsc tsc=reliable
  • I tested other Unity games in Steam - everything else works fine, same as before with low CPU usage.
  • BIOS setting not changed I checked.

I have not tried to change Linux-distro, but it was working for months on this distro so not sure if it will change something.

Wine log is:

esync: up and running. 002c:fixme:winediag:loader_init wine-staging 9.10 is a testing version containing experimental patches. 002c:fixme:winediag:loader_init Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on 0130:fixme:heap:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber semi-stub: 000000000011EE50 0130:fixme:heap:EnumSystemFirmwareTables (0x4649524d, 0000000000000000, 0) 0134:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 000000000137FF50 0130:fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot 0130:fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub 0130:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION 0130:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation SystemCodeIntegrityInformation, size 8, info 0x11af80, stub! 0108:err:service:validate_context_handle Access denied - handle created with access 34, needed 10000 0164:err:module:import_dll Library WDFLDR.SYS (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\HoYoKProtect.sys") not found 0164:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\HoYoProtect": c0000142

Latest versions of Wine 9.1+ - show infinite spam of fixme:sync:NtCreateTransaction , after line above:

0188:fixme:sync:NtCreateTransaction (nil), 0x1aaff40, 0x789f90, {28ec8348-894c-ffc1-d289-c1ff15f39902}, (nil), 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, (nil), (nil) stub. 0188:fixme:sync:NtCreateTransaction (nil), 0x1aaff40, (nil), (null), (nil), 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, (nil), (nil) stub. 0188:fixme:sync:NtCreateTransaction (nil), 0x1aaff40, (nil), (null), (nil), 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, (nil), (nil) stub.

About 2Gb per second of this text spam in log.

Yes I run wine with export WINEDEBUG=-all - it just hide that spam, and CPU still at 100%.

submitted by /u/S48GS
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Minecraft is so much better on linux!

11. Juni 2024 - 19:27

I never believed I would once again see minecraft running on a respectable frame rate but on linux it finally happened! I was getting a steady 160fps compared to choppy 120fps on windows with lag spikes.

submitted by /u/Separate_Culture4908
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proton/wine file explorer not allowing me to view hidden files. (steamdeck)

11. Juni 2024 - 19:19

Title. I'm trying to run the MSC modloader through linux on my steamdeck through a guide I found on github, and everything has gone mostly fine (i even managed to get MSCloader working!) until I had to choose the MSC game directory folder.

My problem is that either proton or wine (not sure which it's from, but considering proton is just gamer wine, presumably one and the same) have the worst possible file explorer. I can't copy-paste the game's installation path anywhere, and manually navigating there is impossible, as hidden folders are not visible, and I can't find out how to unhide them. In the screenshot given, there is a notable lack of the .local folder path, which is where I'd need to go in order to access the MSC game directory.

I've tried to find workarounds for this; multiple places on the internet mention something about "show dot folders" through winecfg, but I do not know how to run winecfg, nor where it is. I've also tried renaming .local to local to unhide it, but that went horribly and nobody else should ever do that. What can I do here?

the evil file explorer in question, with a lack of .local and all the other dot prefix folders, and lack of anything to allow me to access them

submitted by /u/GreenBuggo
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Playing Roblox on LM 21.3

11. Juni 2024 - 19:18

Is there any possible way to play roblox in linux roblox wiki says:roblox is not supported by linux.I tryed few method but none of them working. You guys can help? (Sory for bad english)

submitted by /u/No-Stock-7887
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OSU on arch

11. Juni 2024 - 19:05

Ok so I have been meaning to play osu for a week and I am on arch linux, so naturally I look up aur. There are 3 versions on aur, namely.

osu-lazer osu-lazer-bin osu-lazer-extracted-bin osu-lazer-git

which one of the following is the latest? Because I have tried osu-lazer and osu-lazer-git and they both show that please use a newer version to record score and all. Although the -git is a experimental build. Any help as to which package is the most updated and if there is any other better way to play osu on arch. Thank you for the help!

submitted by /u/cdkw2
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Helldivers 2 crackling audio. No other game does this. Has anyone figured out a fix?

11. Juni 2024 - 19:00

Hey all. Running PopOS with fully updated Nvidia GPU drivers (RTX2080). It's always run pretty smoothly as long as I don't open in fullscreen, but since launch I've had a crackling audio issue.

I think this is common for Helldivers 2 on Linux, but I'm wondering if anyone found a fix. ProtonDB only has a few users complaining of the issue and I couldn't see a fix.

Running vanilla settings (no options). Running GE-Proton 9-4.

submitted by /u/TPMJB2
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OBS Streaming on XFCE (X11)

11. Juni 2024 - 18:54

I would like to stream just my game, and Spotify (just showing what is playing). I don't want people being able to see anything more on my desktop (like my browser or Discord).

The issue is in my setup I have my game on Desktop 1. Desktop 2 has Spotify and Discord, Desktop 3 has OBS and my browser. When I try to use the Window Capture feature I get a black screen.

Is this possible on XFCE?

submitted by /u/pm_me_more_memes
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Lutris(Flatpak) Will not Lauch Games If Game-scope enabled

11. Juni 2024 - 18:38

If i try to enable Game-scope games will fail to launch the same games when game-scope enabled will function properly, the gnome problem reporting states gamescope-brokey crashed

the Gnome Logs app gives the following NVIDIA Error

[drm:__nv_drm_gem_nvkms_memory_prime_get_sg_table [nvidia_drm]] ERROR [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Cannot create sg_table for NvKmsKapiMemory 0x00000000b84950fb

Along with

Process 50044 (gamescope-brokey) crashed in ??()

Process 50044 (gamescope-wl) of user 1000 dumped core.

Stack trace of thread 84:

0 0x00007fa973c7ee14 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x90e14) 1 0x00007fa973c2cdce n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x3edce) 2 0x00007fa973c1483f n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x2683f) 3 0x000056366abba9b7 n/a (/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/gamescope/bin/gamescope-brokey + 0xd69b7) 4 0x00007fa973ef14e4 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0xf14e4) 5 0x00007fa973c7ce39 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x8ee39) 6 0x00007fa973d049c4 n/a (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ + 0x1169c4)

ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64

My current config is Fedora 40 Running Gnome Wayland, Nvidia 4060 Max Q on the Asus Zephyrus G14.

Lutris was running under flatpak, games will work properly if game-scope is disabled

and i have installed the flatpak version of game-scope from the flatpak tty

Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/izerotwo
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does lutris flatpak have sandboxing?

11. Juni 2024 - 18:11

what i mean is i want the games to be inside lutris, i dont want desktop apps, no saves in home documents etc. If i uninstall lutris from the pop shop, everything related must also be gone. is this achievable?

submitted by /u/daNtonB1ack
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Cachy-OS Kernel is really good

11. Juni 2024 - 17:56

I have had a few issues regarding the performance of the desktop and while gaming. While gaming, the gpu utilization was sometimes only aroung 80% while not having any bottleneck so the experience was not that smooth. Also animations on the desktop were really laggy on Wayland. All of this has been fixed now after installing the Cachy-OS Kernel on my Fedora machine.

To do this just enable these Coprs and install the packages described here:

Before doing this make sure that your machine supports this kernel.

After instaling this kernel the desktop felt much smoother and the GPU Utilization while gaming was much higher so I got a smoother experience. Also the animations were not laggy anymore. I am running Fedora 40, Gnome 46, Nvidia 550 drivers.

submitted by /u/Top-Will5945
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Games under proton stuck at 60hz?

11. Juni 2024 - 17:54

Hi there fellow linux gamers, having freshly installed Fedora 40's KDE spin today and I succsefully run some games via proton on steam, but these game feel really choppy compared to windows (that i have now removed). My main display is 240hz and I gotten really used to the feel it has, and I can tell when it's set to improper refresh rate. Double checking in settings confirms that the refresh rate is set to 240 as it should be, movement along that display clearly feels smoother than the secondary display so that double-confirms the 240hz being properly used. I also have a second display that can only support 60hz. I played a bit of DRG and it felt very choppy, as if it was at 60hz. Changing the ingame FPS limiter to 240, doesnt fix it, and enabling v-sync in it's settings caps the frames at 60, as if the game hadn't realized I can do 240. I do have nvidia drivers installed and running. Is this a known problem? How to make it v-sync to 240 if it fails to recognize my monitor's refreshing rate? Is this even a proton thing or just DRG? (im using this game as an example since in that game i can most easily tell when its not as smooth as it used to)

Operating System: Fedora Linux 40

KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5

KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0

Qt Version: 6.7.1

Kernel Version: 6.8.11-300.fc40.x86_64 (64-bit)

Graphics Platform: X11

Processors: 16 × 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-12600KF

Memory: 31.2 GiB of RAM

Graphics Processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.

Product Name: MS-7D25

System Version: 1.0

submitted by /u/JeffIsInTheName
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Steam in-game overlay won't open in Bazzite

11. Juni 2024 - 17:47

So today I installed Bazzite for the first time on my computer. I continued with the pre-installed steam package (which was surprisingly not flatpak).

I'm using an Intel cpu and an AMD RX6600. Games are working fine but I'm not able to use the in-game steam overlay. Some games like Apex legends rely on it to complete a sign in process. Apex is saying that I don't have in-game overlays enabled, when I clearly have it enabled (for the game and within the gernal steam settings) . I tried changing the keys from the default 'Shift+Tab' but still no luck.

Does anyone have a solution for this ? Or should I install flatpak steam on Bazzite ?

Edit : It seems that I'm also not able to add steam libraries from other drives, not working with ntfs partitions and btrfs partitions.

submitted by /u/splitheaddawg
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Gamepad Recs

11. Juni 2024 - 17:44

Hi, I'm looking for a new gamepad to use on my laptop. Currently I'm using a switch pro controller which is mostly good but has two fatal flaws. 1. No analog triggers, which isn't that big of a deal but I do a lot of emulation and there's some techniques in older games (Looking at you crazy taxi and mario sunshine) that basically require analog triggers. 2. The switch controller likes to do this little thing where it randomly disconnects from my laptop. Doesn't matter if I update, restart my computer, forget the controller pair it again, etc. Sometimes it will randomlu re connect, but those instances are rare and even when it does disconnect I've already had to throw whatever game I was playing, which completely ruins Risk of Rain 2 and some racing games.

I've used an Xbox controller on my laptop recently and it worked pretty great, but I'm scared to shell out the money for one because it could do the same thing. I also know that the Dualshock 4 works out of the box on linux with sony maintining drivers, but the battery life on those things is terrible, I had a ps4 at launch and even then I remember the battery life being bad. I could also get a dualsense but those seem really expensive.

Finally there's this controller I found on amazon, and instead of Bluetooth it's 2.4ghz, which is fine by me, I've just never used a 2.4ghz controller and don't know If they have really bad input delay or anything.

Here's the amazon controller:

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/twalk126
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How do I make a custom nvidia fan curve?

11. Juni 2024 - 17:43

Since I switched to the latest nvidia-beta packages, GWE, a program I was using for a custom fan curve appears to have trouble recognizing my gpu.
I thank you for any helpful advice in advance.

submitted by /u/Myew25
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Any survivors of linux banwave of Overwatch? I have some questions.

11. Juni 2024 - 17:31

I am curious how the anti cheat section works in linux cause i am a mac gamer(I know i know don't bully me please) Bear with me a bit.

I read a bit about linux banwave in overwatch (read cause i got banned out of nowhere while using crossover to emulate the game[i know wine is not a emulator])

i am curious how the situation worked in your guys case. like how you guys solved it or how to reach out to support and etc(i did appeal, got an automated answer). Cheers will be waiting for your stories.

submitted by /u/Fulminare1137
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