Revhead: Update 51 "Easy Steering Wheel Setup" veröffentlicht

Das Update 51 "Easy Steering Wheel Setup" zur Renn-Simulation Revhead wurde jetzt für Linux auf Steam veröffentlicht.
Update #51
Easy Steering Wheel SetupDate: 16. Marc. 2025
Version: 1.9.11233Dear Revheads!
We have further tuned our Steering Wheel support to ease the setup.
While previously the "Set Layout" was pretty confusing, and all steering settings were shared between each controllers, now we save these settings per controller. This gives better support playing with multiple controllers or switching between them.
Also we are now automatically set the proper values at first connection, recognizing if the controller is a known steering wheel. (*only for supported wheels)!!! NOTE
Since existing controllers map already been saved, if you have already used a controller, click on "reset to defaults" to get the mapping we have set as defaults. After that, you can try to alter it for your preference.
We also fixed few bugs related to use multiple controllers.add automated Wheel settings for known Steering Wheel types
fix multiple controllers steering issues
save each controller steering setup apart, allowing to use multiple controller without reset
updated our supported controller lib and database (bunch of smaller fixes for some controllers)
add support for Thrustmaster TMX Pro wheel
performance optimization for low end HW