Minigalaxy: Version 1.3.2 veröffentlicht

Minigalaxy, der alternative GOG-Client für Linux, wurde in der Version 1.3.2 veröffentlicht.
Minigalaxy version 1.3.2 Latest
Completely reworked windows wine installation. This should solve a lot of problems with failing game installs. Innoextract (if installed) is only used to detect and configure the installation language. (thanks to GB609)
Variables and arguments in game settings can now contain blanks when quoted shell-style (thanks to GB609)
Minigalaxy will now create working Desktop Shortcuts for wine games (thanks to GB609)
Fix games with binaries in a directory not launching in some cases
Minor UI change in the dialog for third-party logins (thanks to GB609)
Desktop shortcuts created by Minigalaxy will now be updated with environment and launch argument changes from the game's property dialog when OK is clicked (thanks to GB609)
Clean-up and fixes of the code used for grid and list style library views (thanks to GB609)
Desktop shortcuts for windows games can now have icons, if gog provides them in the game info api 'images' section (thanks to GB609)
Fixed a bug in download_manager that prevents correct resume of downloads with 50%+ progress after restart (thanks to GB609)
Make sure all translations are included in releases