Lutris 0.5.10 veröffentlicht

Eine weitere Version (0.5.10) von Lutris wurde veröffentlicht:
lutris (0.5.10) impish; urgency=medium
* Add new window to add games to Lutris, with searches from the website,
scanning a folder for previously installed games, installing a Windows
game from a setup file, installing from a YAML script or configuring a
single game manually.
* Move the search for Lutris installers from a tab in the Lutris service
to the window for adding games.
* Add option to add a Lutris game to Steam
* Add a coverart format
* Add integration with EA Origin
* Add integration with Ubisoft Connect
* Download missing media on startup
* Remove Winesteam runner (install Steam for Windows in Lutris instead)
* PC (Linux and Windows) games have their own dedicated Nvidia shader cache
* Add dgvoodoo2 option
* Add option to enable BattleEye anti-cheat support
* Default to Retroarch cores in ~/.config/retroarch/cores if available
* Add support for downloading patches and DLC for GOG games
* Add --export and --import command line flags to export a game a lutris
game and re-import it (requires --dest for the destination path, feature still experimental)
* Add command line flags to manage runners: --install-runner, --uninstall-runners,
--list-runners, --list-wine-versions
* Change behavior of the "Stop" button, remove "Kill all Wine processes" action
* Gamescope option is now disabled on Nvidia GPUs
* Enable F-Sync by default-- Mathieu Comandon Fri, 04 Feb 2022 19:14:41 -0800