Hollow Knight: kostenloses Inhalts-Update "The Grimm Troupe" und Patch jetzt für Linux erhältlich

Zu dem zauberhaften Metroidvania-Titel Hollow Knight steht nun rechtzeitig zu Halloween das zweite von drei kostenlos erhältlichen Inhalts-Updates "The Grimm Troupe" mit dem aktuellen Patch auf Steam für Linux bereit!
Hollow Knight (The Grimm Troupe) out for Windows, Mac and Linux!
Hi everyone,
Hollow Knight version (The Grimm Troupe) is now available for all users!
- The Grimm Troupe quest is now available. Seek out the Nightmare Lantern.
- New charms available
- Added Brazilian Portuguese (Beta)
- Added Russian (Beta)
- Added bindable mouse buttons1.2.1.4 Patch Notes:
- Fixed Nightmare King not appearing
- Fixed issue where Nightmare King didn’t take damage correctly during stunned phase
- Fixed reactivity issue on Monomon’s tank
- Removed duplicate charm notch
- Updated credits
- Fixed issue where Grimmkin could be fought twice
- Enemy placement adjustment in City of Tears1.2.1.3 Patch Notes:
- Fixed issue where Collector’s jars did not spawn enemies
- Fixed potential soft-lock in late-game hidden area
- Fixed issue where backtracking in a late-game hidden area could warp you to a completely different location
- Fixed Russian display issue s
- Fixed missing button icon
- In certain scenes, charm effects will not display (eg. Glowing Womb, Defender’s Crest)
- Watcher Knights can now be damaged by spells while rolled up (seems fairer, right?)
- Fixed issues with Grimmchild targeting things incorrectly
- Fixed issue where Glimmback could get stuck in place
- Fixed a potential issue where players could be permanently locked out of Ancestral Mound after Crossroads become infected
- Additional effects during Grimmkin battles
- Fixed Flame Pin display issue on map
- Sped up process for opening inventory
- Effects changes1.2.1.0 Patch Notes:
- Fixed issue where, after dying and having a glass charm break, you could incorrectly remain overcharmed
- Fixed issue where you could incorrectly remain overcharmed after picking up or buying a new charm notch
- Fixed issue where using Dreamgate while standing in hot spring would cause some particle effects to follow player into next scene
- Language menu fix. Now only switchable via the main menu.
- Various optimisations
- Various small scene updates
- Animation fixes