Beyond a Steel Sky: großer Patch #6 veröffentlicht, Linux-Version jetzt Vulkan-only

Der große Patch #6 für das Adventure Beyond a Steel Sky wurde für Linux auf Steam veröffentlicht.
PATCH #6: Moving to the latest Unreal Engine - 40% OFF for the next 24 hours!
Before we get started on the Patch & Update notes, we wanted to remind you that it's now less than 24h that you get to grab Beyond A Steel Sky for -40% on SteamSORRY THE OLD GAME CAN'T COME TO THE PHONE RIGHT NOW. WHY? OH, CAUSE SHE'S DEAD!
We've moved to a new Unreal Engine version, and oh my god it's been so much work, but we're so happy with the result, and we hope you'll be too...MOVING TO UNREAL ENGINE 4.26
Unreal Engine 4.24? Don't know her. We're all about that 4.26 now!
It comes with everything Epic engineers put into the update, and trust us, you do not wanna see that list. Instead we're highlighting the bangers:IMPROVED PERFORMANCE
Everything is just a bit more responsive, and quicker. You might not notice if you're running on the latest and greatest hardware, but for those of us who aren't that #blessed; you'll really feel the difference!
Some of you with lower spec machines would load into Aspiration Gala only to be met by an entire level of frozen NPCs who wouldn't move, and better yet, block you in. Like some sick game of musical statues but at the end you can't leave.
NPCs travel on something called NavMesh, which is kind of like an invisible track for them. These need to be renewed every time anything gets moved or changed in a level, and last time we updated this level someone forgot to reactivate it. Well no more!APARTMENT BATHROOM UPGRADE
Better toilet experience: The camera clipping issue should now be fixed!ALONSO
Reports of Alonso rolling his eyes into his head in snarky / possessed ways. This took away from his sternness and was addressed with us re-exporting his animations. He's now spooky again.FEAR AND LOADING IN UNION CITY
Snappier loading!!! It's barely noticeable but we're really happy with it and wanted to share!NEW (SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT)
Please only say good things, thank.CLOUDSAVES
Enabled. Nice.LINUX GANG
Do we have an update for you. Don't be mad!!! But due to the new Unreal Engine version not supporting OpenGL anymore, this is a Vulkan only club now, including brand new support for Vulkan ES3.1 which runs way quicker on low spec machines and brings your Linux experience on par with Windows & Mac gamers!UI STUFF
Never underestimate the power of good UI! Which is why we continuously make refinements and additions to the way you experience our gamesCONTROLLERS
Controllers used to have some erratic behaviour. Especially inside the terminals.
Fun Fact:
Using a controller often just means that the mouse cursor isn't gone, but hidden from view. That meant that on certain screens, things would already be highlighted, even if they didn't seem to be highlighted with your controller. This could make the controller feel like it was selecting items arbitrarily, which it wasn't - it was just interacting on what the invisible mouse was selecting. There was a particular occurrence in Reflections where you couldn't select certain chairs for no sensible reason. Using the controller is now much sleeker!ONBOARDING EXPERIENCE
Starting out playing the game is now much easier, smoother, and more intuitive! Time to turn your nan into a fan!TYPOS IN CREDITS
Well guess no more! They come with timestamps now!!! Technology is incredible.AND AS ALWAYS
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Lots of love, your team at Revolution